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#179045255Thursday, December 03, 2015 6:06 AM GMT

Yes? or No? Also for PS4, screw XBOX.
#179045295Thursday, December 03, 2015 6:07 AM GMT

PC MASTER RACE! No support
#179045460Thursday, December 03, 2015 6:12 AM GMT

Minecraft is basically on every system, except on a Nintendo system. Soon, Minecradt will be on the Wii U. So, why doesn't ROBLOX be on some consoles? We already got XBOX ONE.
#179045612Thursday, December 03, 2015 6:18 AM GMT

Just think about the Wii U Game-pad as you're Inventory.
#179045988Thursday, December 03, 2015 6:33 AM GMT

#179046220Thursday, December 03, 2015 6:42 AM GMT

Not powerful enough, the architecture used in the WiiU is meant for very specifically designed and optimized games, it couldnt handle the way roblox works. The only reason it works on tablets is because theyre using similar processors to things like netbooks and chromebooks and such. Which can work well with roblox since they have similar function to desktop processors. The WiiU however uses whats called a "coffee card", and Espresso CPU and "Latte" GPU, which are both absolutely awful for anything not made specifically to run on those kinds of processors. You're talking about a 1.2ghz processor with similar architecture to old PowerPC processors trying to play a game that struggles on minimum graphics when using a 2.6ghz celeron. the ony and only
#179047900Thursday, December 03, 2015 9:00 AM GMT

in ROBLOX Lua, Enum.Platform.WiiU exists.
#179048096Thursday, December 03, 2015 9:33 AM GMT

Ha no, Xbox One is powerful enough, Wii U isn't, deal with it. PCMASTERRACE [2] #code print "ugm builderman teld me 2 get robliks"
#179055445Thursday, December 03, 2015 5:44 PM GMT

Of that list of platforms there are lists for ChromeCast, BeOS, Ouya and DOS and even NX and WebOS. Those are mainly smartTV platforms, and no smart TV has anywhere near the specs required to play roblox. BeOS is an operating system from 1991, DOS is obvious, and NX is NX-OS which is an operating system meant for micro computers which control Ethernet switches in large networking stations. And the infamous Ouya console, which is underpowered and long dead. most of that list was put there to throw us off, just because it exists on that list doesnt mean it will happen. Simply put, the WiiU is not powerful enough to run roblox, they can try and port it over all they want but its going to look awful, run awful, and be heavily limited as to what it can do. the ony and only
#179055470Thursday, December 03, 2015 5:45 PM GMT

PC MASTER RACE! No support [3]

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