#179346874Wednesday, December 09, 2015 3:39 AM GMT

I'm currently an 8th grader in middle school, and have some tips: 1)Personally, I haven't dated anyway, because it's stupid in my opinion. I'd suggest not dating until 15, as Cubby stated. 2)Who cares? I don't have a girlfriend. I don't care if I have a girlfriend. However, being "fat" doesn't matter. I'm not the most athletic person in my school, probably one of the least. But, if you want to get "popular" then get athletic. 9/10 times you'll be "popular" "But nathan, why are you using "s?" Because popularity isn't popularity in middle school. I believe your definition of popular is "having tons of friends." The reason why they have so many friends, is because they meet a bunch of athletic people, who like the same athletic things. They're bound to be friends. If you want to be popular, in the proper way, just talk to everybody. Strike up conversations. You'll be known quite a bit if you do. But, there's another alternative: Humor. Everybody likes a humorous guy. Everyone. 3)Same with me. i can't tell who likes me or not. Also, don't just have a girlfriend just because of social status, as Perambulation said. Even if the two of you like each other, wait for high school. That's when personalities are cemented, and a better place for relationships. Now to ponder why I was nice for a change..
#179347074Wednesday, December 09, 2015 3:42 AM GMT

middle-school is nothing don't worry about middle-school middle-school is basically just recruiting friends to help you fend off the natives when you go to high-school just letting you know when you get to high-school you will more likely than not have to KILL someone. I have. I've taken a human life before High school is a brutal place
#179347262Wednesday, December 09, 2015 3:45 AM GMT

When I was in Middle School hardly anyone was in a relationship.
#179347915Wednesday, December 09, 2015 3:57 AM GMT

Im as well in 6 grade Is my school a saint then? None of this happends i swear
#179353254Wednesday, December 09, 2015 6:41 AM GMT

"1. The girl i like is now Dating my friend, though i haven't admitted i like her to her face all my friends know, even the boy who's dating her so they are cracking one to many jokes about that. What do i do." I have three suggestions. The first can be summed up with a song from the Lonely Island: The second idea is that you kill your friend. The third idea is that you stop giving a damn. "2. Everyone in 6th grade has a girlfriend or boyfriend," What the hell kind of 6th grade are you in? I'm studying for my O-level examinations and I've never been in a romantic relationship, nor do I care to enter into one anytime soon at such a pivotal moment in my education. "I believe i am the fat one in my group of altletic people" I recommend not drinking soda nor eating potato chips. Sure, I guess you can have a soda if it's a really important thing, but try to limit yourself to one can every two to three months. "(Who are the most popular kids at school." Wait, there's actually "popular kids" in schools? That's not something that the media and hollywood made up to make highschool seem like hell? And it exists in middle schools as well? I pity you. "But i'm not weak or anything." Being fat does not make you weak. In fact, gaining more wait can actually be of assistance in throwing stronger punches, and if you learn Zui Quan you'll be able to kick people's asses without them being able to guess you'd be able to in advance. "What should i do, Get a girlfriend and Get more athletic?" Feel free to become more athletic if you want to, but if you want to maintain healthy relationships with all your friends (instead of forming love triangles), have healthy amounts of sleep and manage to do all your homework, I recommend holding off on getting a girlfriend for about a decade. Casual sx could be of assistance in your studying, though, due to the release of dopamine, adrenaline and several other chemicals that will help keep you up and maintain your focus on the task at hand, but until you reach the age of consent where you live, I'd shelf this idea as being too risky. "3. I suck at sensing whether or not girls like me," Here's a trick that's bound to work - get them to like you as just friends so that you can share information relating to classwork without all the useless bullcrap that comes along with romantic relationships. "i know two people like me for sure," There you go, you have two people that you can friendzone! You're doing well already! "but all my friends , well it seems like once they dump one girlfriend they have another one to take the place the next day," No offense, but your friends are all insane. My money's on borderline personality disorder, although antisocial personality disorder is also a likely possibility. My advice is that you should pack your bags and move to somewhere not populated by sociopathic ten-year-olds. "For example one of my really close friends dated one girl for 3 days and then they broke up and he dated another the next and the girl was dating someone new to?" Are you sure that that was a romantic relationship and not just a on.e st.and? It's very likely that, based on the behaviour that you've specified, your friends are just having sx as opposed to being emotionally involved with their partners. That's bad for two reasons. The first reason is that you're about to enter 6th grade and as such your friends are way too young to be having sx. The second reason is that at such a young age if they just have sx without actually caring about their partner it will cause behavioural and socio-emotional patterns that will be a hinderance once they're older. In summary, my advice is to leave. Pack your bags, bring your parents and never speak with those psychopaths again. Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
#179355151Wednesday, December 09, 2015 9:55 AM GMT

6th and 7th graders and most 8th graders (not all, but definetly most when it comes to 8th grade) dating is just walking around the halls hugging each other and maybe a kiss once or so, to me their "love" looks so artificial(unless your part of that one percent who has an actual relationship.) The last man on earth sat alone in a room... There was a knock at the door...
#179355171Wednesday, December 09, 2015 9:59 AM GMT

Wait, there's actually "popular kids" in schools? That's not something that the media and hollywood made up to make highschool seem like hell? And it exists in middle schools as well? I pity you. I honestly don't know if this is sarcasm or not. The last man on earth sat alone in a room... There was a knock at the door...
#179355368Wednesday, December 09, 2015 10:25 AM GMT

"I honestly don't know if this is sarcasm or not." I've been in special education since I was ten. Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
#179355493Wednesday, December 09, 2015 10:46 AM GMT

Oh, well, yeah they exist. In my school, there is three main groups: 1. The popular kids - The rich sporty kids that make up most of the school. 2. Special education - The people who mentally need special education, they aren't like you (because you said your problems are more social, right?), but these kids have slower learning and a good portion of them actually have autism. 3. Other - Basically a bunch of nerds and emos who all hangout, the more intelligent people in the school are in this group usually,with the exception of Spanish class(my Spanish class is filled with popular people, and I have only two almost friends in there.) :So yeah, middle school has groups. The last man on earth sat alone in a room... There was a knock at the door...
#179356269Wednesday, December 09, 2015 11:57 AM GMT

"Oh, well, yeah they exist. In my school, there is three main groups:" I understand that social cliques exist due to the fact that different people like different stuff and want to interact with people who have common interests. That much is obvious. What I thought and still think hollywood made up was "popular kids" who everyone practically worshipped. "1. The popular kids - The rich sporty kids that make up most of the school." The majority can not, by definition, be popular unless everyone knows everyone, in which case the term "popular" loses it's meaning. "2. Special education - The people who mentally need special education," I also have mental issues. Social interactions and occasionally communication errors as opposed to academic problems are what I face, but regardless, it all happens in my brain. "they aren't like you (because you said your problems are more social, right?)," Yep. "but these kids have slower learning and a good portion of them actually have autism." I have autism as well. Also, if a third of your school are special needs individuals then I pity them due to the "regular" uneducated kids in your school who likely pick on them as a group. "3. Other - Basically a bunch of nerds and emos who all hangout," Upon doing my research into the definition of "emo", I can definitively say that they should not be categorized the same as nerds. "the more intelligent people in the school are in this group usually,with the exception of Spanish class" If you have one group for snobs who don't need to work to get anything, one group for people with learning disabilities and one miscellaneous group, you would undoubtedly factor those who favour academia in the miscellaneous group, alongside the drug addicts, sports players, musicians, nerds, emos and whatever other social cliques exist nowadays. The point is, your miscellaneous group is too broad for you to make any generalizations about. "(my Spanish class is filled with popular people, and I have only two almost friends in there.)" That's two more friends than I have. ":So yeah, middle school has groups." I never denied the existence of social circles and cliques, as stated earlier. What I do deny the existence of are "popular/cool kids" who everyone envies for some inexplicable reason. Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
#179356737Wednesday, December 09, 2015 12:27 PM GMT

as a junior (kill me pls) middle school really isnt that important. relationships isnt that important, you shouldnt really focus on getting a girlfriend in middle school since chances are it probably wont last. if they like you then they'll tell you "For example one of my really close friends dated one girl for 3 days and then they broke up and he dated another the next and the girl was dating someone new to?" should be proof that middle school relationships mean little. maybe highschool relationships (where you're older) might be different, but idk ive never ever had a gf and i dont plan to, and even if i did it probably will never happen, so i probably shouldn't be giving advice on this. whatever
#179357857Wednesday, December 09, 2015 1:43 PM GMT

Aye dude since your friends don't seem to give two craps about who they date, just tell her you like her if she doesn't like you back move on my friend. Get more athletic, girls like a guy who can take care of himself as well being healthy and in good condition is way more important then having a girlfriend Last but not least dating before high school is pretty dumb, I have only seen one person who dated in high school and are still dating today, chances are you going to realize you don't really want to date anyone and break up within a month. Enjoy your life and dating isn't that important
#179383401Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:19 AM GMT

"Last but not least dating before high school is pretty dumb" Dating in highschool is also rather dumb as your academic performance in highschool is even more important than that of middle school. Dating in college is actually somewhat acceptable if your schedule allows it, but it really shouldn't be your main priority. After college I'd recommend spending all of your effort on paying off any and all debts (college debts, mortgages, etc.), but dating and especially marriage can be a weapon used to your advantage if you attempt to move yourself into a lower tax bracket so that you have more money to pay off your debts. After you pay off your debts (i.e. your late-20s), then you can feel free to date with little to no reason not to. Guys, the message we should be telling this kid isn't "wait three years to date", it's more akin to "wait a decade or so to date". Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
#179383898Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:28 AM GMT

1. The girl i like is now Dating my friend, though i haven't admitted i like her to her face all my friends know, even the boy who's dating her so they are cracking one to many jokes about that. What do i do. 2. Everyone in 6th grade has a girlfriend or boyfriend, I believe i am the fat one in my group of altletic people (Who are the most popular kids at school. But i'm not weak or anything. What should i do, Get a girlfriend and Get more athletic? 3. I suck at sensing whether or not girls like me, i know two people like me for sure, but all my friends , well it seems like once they dump one girlfriend they have another one to take the place the next day, For example one of my really close friends dated one girl for 3 days and then they broke up and he dated another the next and the girl was dating someone new to? 1. Tell them to stop making jokes and wait until high school to date. 2. Okay, don't worry about that. It's not the outside but the inside that matters. Also, if you want to be healthy, consider eating less junk food. Also, 99% of the relationships at the middle school I was at was artificial, just hugging, and out of all the people in my school, I only saw one couple kiss, so yeah. 3. Don't date until high school, 9th to 10th grade, that's where you should get a relationship.
#179384332Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:35 AM GMT

Eh my parents got married at 19, in my high school you can get solid grades pretty easily. I feel if that you wish to date in high school go for it but don't let it dominate your life; I have seen to many guys get to caught up in the fact they have a girlfriend and forget that they had a life before that. Balance is key and dating is fine, it lets you get to know another person on a different level might as well start young before you look like aweirdo later in life. I'm only really annoyed by people having x in high school, because your risking preg.nancy at one of the worst times to do so. My grandma accidently had a child at 36, it was no big deal becusse she was 36 and had the tools to took care of another child with no worries but getting preg.nant at 16? You probably aren't going to be able to graduate high school over, half of teen dads don't take care of their kids so your screwed and now you have to make sure your kid doesn't eve up in the same sitution as you.
#179384392Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:36 AM GMT

That's why we have protection nowadays, vammy-grammy
#179384551Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:38 AM GMT

Vam, regardless of whether or not your school has easy-to-pass grades, there's still three words that you must take note of: Standardized international examinations. Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
#179384857Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:43 AM GMT

I don't know about Singapore, but the test over here are hard to fail even the people with mental problems can do them, u less your talking about the SAT or ACT in that case yo better study for month and stop trying to finger every girl in your school
#179384861Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:43 AM GMT

>i am the fat one >I suck at sensing whether or not girls like me None of them like you, because you are fat. There are two rules to getting a girl to like you. Any girl who says these rules don't actually matter to them are either: a. Blind b. Lying c. My little sister or my girlfriend, who are perfect in every way and love me unconditionally. These two rules are: 1. Be attractive. 2. Don't be unattractive. These rules are actually different. Be attractive means you're born attractive because God loves you very much, or something. You have no power over whether or not you're able to be attractive Not being unattractive means making an effort to not be disgusting. So, dress well, and lose weight. Calories in, calories out. Never forget. Oh, also, relationships in middle school don't matter at all. Childhood obesity does. I don't know if you're what would be considered technically obese though. You should lose weight regardless if you consider yourself fat. Unless you're anorexic with delusions about your own weight.
#179384988Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:45 AM GMT

Vam, you are aware of what international means, right? I will be competing with over a billion students for a good grade, and it's graded on a curve so that a certain portion have to fail anyway. Thank you Cambridge for making my life so much more difficult. Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
#179385089Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:47 AM GMT

Luckily Americans don't have to take those Tim, sucks to suck
#179385193Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:48 AM GMT

If Americans could take the examinations I wouldn't have to worry about failing. Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk
#179385400Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

what kind of schools have you weirdos gone through are you telling me that tribal combat and a hierarchy of violence is not a thing in your schools
#179385428Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

I would be salty, but yeah your telling the truth out of developed nations USA is one of the lowest ranked in education both in test scores and spending. They give more money to the state of Florida to buy APC( pretty much tanks without guns ) for their police force then they do education and our test scores are generally terrible, we would be destroyed by the curve if we had to compete with the world.
#179385810Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:58 AM GMT

"middle-school is basically just recruiting friends to help you fend off the natives when you go to high-school" NOT ME HAHA KNOW WHY BECAUSE MY DAD IS IN THE MILITARY SO THE LONGEST I'VE EVER KNOWN A FRIEND IS 2 YEARS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH .... well that's my daily rant done insert funny quote here, insert laughter, insert fame