#179720477Wednesday, December 16, 2015 12:33 AM GMT

Xenalk Instantly, I could smell and hear a human. In response, out of nowhere, a large rugged axe swings right into the side of the corner. Followed with that, was a roar, and constant heavy growling.
#179720611Wednesday, December 16, 2015 12:35 AM GMT

Then, Roy saw It. He held his breath in as he dropped the rifle and his groceries. He picked up a piece of broken glass. As the Giant was right below him, he jumped, and landed on it. He attempted to cut its throat.
#179721722Wednesday, December 16, 2015 12:50 AM GMT

He peeped his head back up, searching around for any movement (if there is someone out there, then void this) He slung his .308, before unholstering an USP. He made his way down slowly, making sure to be silent as possible. As he made his way towards the body, he realized something. She didn't fire at him. She didn't even look at him with hatred. His body relaxed. Maybe he could trust her, have a friend that didn't kill people for a living. Maybe. He finally made it to her body. She seemed to have a sweet face, and that cemented the deal: he was going to try to have a new friend, not realizing the serious flaws in his plan (mayb). He looted her for cash, and weapons, before dragging her back to the farmhouse. Once there, he poorly bandaged her wounds (without having the medical equipment to fix the nerves or the fractured bone). He then tore off some of her shirt to use as binding to restrain her,which he did. He then reloaded his .308, silent to hear anything that might of heard those shots..
#179723022Wednesday, December 16, 2015 1:09 AM GMT

She woke up, silently. She tried moving her arms, but soon figured out what had happened. She glanced up, silently looking at him. Some hatred, some confusion, some curiosity, there was no real way to describe her current expression.
#179723304Wednesday, December 16, 2015 1:13 AM GMT

Xenalk As soon as the knife touched me, it snapped in halves by my head. I let out a chuckle, then I grab him, flinging him off of me.
#179724153Wednesday, December 16, 2015 1:26 AM GMT

Is it OK if my mutant is a mutant that looks a bit like a human aside from disfigurations and can release a parasite that attempts to take over part of the brain? (not all of it) Learn your privileges, sir.
#179724405Wednesday, December 16, 2015 1:29 AM GMT

(It's fine, as long as if it's not a widespread catastrophe.)
#179724631Wednesday, December 16, 2015 1:33 AM GMT

(The parasite only has 1 in 10,000 chances to enter the brain, so it's pretty rare.) Learn your privileges, sir.
#179724711Wednesday, December 16, 2015 1:34 AM GMT

(Alright, I'm fine with that.)
#179726433Wednesday, December 16, 2015 1:58 AM GMT

Before he tried to fling him, Roy repeatedly stabbed the Giant's hand and fingers.
#179726892Wednesday, December 16, 2015 2:04 AM GMT

He was silent, listening for anyone or anything that could be coming closer. He waited for a few minutes.
#179727234Wednesday, December 16, 2015 2:09 AM GMT

Xenalk My large burly hands were bleeding, and to response, I slam the gunner right into the wall.
#179727301Wednesday, December 16, 2015 2:10 AM GMT

"Nothing would have heard that unless they were flying overhead..." She said simply.
#179731731Wednesday, December 16, 2015 3:10 AM GMT

He looked over "You'd be surprised how loud this gun is. Anyway, you feeling okay apart from that gunshot wound? Sorry that I shot you, ya looked like one of those looters or whatever." He sat down against the wall across from her, looking straight at her.
#179732042Wednesday, December 16, 2015 3:15 AM GMT

She stared into his eyes with her own, single eye. The eyepatch seemed especially dark in the lack of light. "Give me back my knife..." Earlier he had looted a survival knife when he was looting the unconscious body.
#179766383Wednesday, December 16, 2015 10:43 PM GMT

Toy was thrown towards the wall, breaking some of his ribs. He kept holding in a scream as he was rendered immobile.
#179776611Thursday, December 17, 2015 1:29 AM GMT

"I rather not get my throat slit, thanks."
#179779825Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:13 AM GMT

(Sorry for the absence.) Xenalk I walk towards him, looking down at the broken man. Crouching down, I mutter out my demonic voice. "You fought well, you bring honor and pleasure to the might of your lord." Then I lift my axe backwards, preparing for a strike, to end him once and for all. "Do this simple task and die."
#179779943Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:15 AM GMT

"I... I don't work for anyone..." He drifted in and out of consciousness as he tried to vainly crawl away, leaving a trail of blood.
#179780266Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:20 AM GMT

Xenalk I laugh. Ge.he.he.he.he.he. Clop. Clop. Clop. Then I step on this back, putting pressure from my immense heft. "It'll take a hero to save you."
#179780736Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

"P...Please. I'll... I'll become one of you! Please, don't kill me!" Roy coughs blood up as he lays motionless on his back.
#179781258Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:35 AM GMT

Gargies He enters the place he calls home, the nice little cozy place. The building that has the most meaning to him... Gargies thought of the humans. The filthy humans who had always tortured him before the outbreak... Humer Humer walked around the abandoned building in search of supplies and such. He found a few bottles of water, but that's it. He continued out of the building and heard a large commotion. Being curious, he climbed up a building to see what was going on.
#179782063Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:47 AM GMT

Xenalk "What? Become, one of us?" I was surprised, but yet, amused. While he went unconscious, I've lifted the human up. Soon after I throw him over my shoulder, walking off to a far away place. This requires me for exiting Manhattan, and into the woods, which also requires to go through some of the countryside. This will be a burden to bear, but I'm sure my success will be a boon. Now entering the countryside, I can already see the fields of wheat and various mutated plants. It's so open, I feel out of place here due being alone. A nine foot tall mutant walking into a field is not the best way to travel.
#179782159Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:49 AM GMT

Roy drifted in and out of being awake, barely having any energy to scream, to even blink the eyes.
#179785943Thursday, December 17, 2015 3:57 AM GMT

Xenalk Now reach the epicenter of the fields, I become weary of snipers. They'll see me as one of the easiest targets. To be weary, I approach an old barn, half collapsed sadly. It'll work for the night. Besides.... You don't want to be outside when nighttime comes around. I place the injured man in a room that seems safe enough for night, as I enter some form of cellar with a working door. Ironically, it was full of bandits, and seeing an incredibly large mutant like me was not a welcome they were expecting. They shot as I charge them. Their bullets creates ricochet throughout the cellar, hitting one of them in the neck. He dies of asphyxiation. I charge into one, digging my large axes into its belly, splaying his guts across the floor. One bandit starts to freak out and scream, as I approach him. I throw my large jaws at him, completely ripping his entire nose and the entirety of his face. His eyes were covered in crimson as I dig my jaws into them. Now satisfied, I start to skin one of the humans, making a morbid blanket for the night ahead. I'm sure the man will be safe, or so I think. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nights: Nocturnal behemoths and creatures come out at night. They are EXTREMELY deadly, as most people have no chance of survival if they wander about. Manhattan is typical tame at night, but the countryside is by far the worse place to be. The woods is the 2nd place you don't want to be around at night. The suburbs (or whatever I've called them) are fine, since most of the houses are protected by cellars. It is evening, but it's getting quite dark now.