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#179764719Wednesday, December 16, 2015 10:14 PM GMT

I myself work hard to create great designs, but often I find that people copy my templates, upload them to an updating group, and make more than I did. I am not quite sure how this would be solved or how it can be enforced, but it needs to be. (Obviously most systems are beatable, but it would make less people copy clothes because it would take much more work to copy a template.) I know this probably will not happen and that I have not presented the best format of idea here, (I kind of invited other people to do the work to make a solution), but I wish something would be done!
#179766297Wednesday, December 16, 2015 10:42 PM GMT

As a consumer, I encounter problems with this as well. I rarely make my own clothing, but when I want to buy it the first few pages are covered in the same clothes over and over again made through the use of the NBC clothing creators group. My idea to at least lighten the consumer's stress is to make a way to filter what groups/users you see the clothing of. Say I search a shirt and find it, but the majority are copies by one group or person. Then I would enter the creator's name into an entry similar to the box where you narrow the item to a single creator, except it stops you from seeing content from the creator you enter, and also, it would work for multiple creators at a time. And while we're on the topic of that kind of thing, maybe another filter could be added, to limit where your search term is found, like you could choose description, title, or creator's name. It'd be useful because many copied items put tons of popular terms in their descriptions as "tags" just to get it to show up in tons of searches. Basically what my idea is that through these steps copied clothing will not be seen and bought as much, and will stress less on the person buying the clothes as well as the
#179766394Wednesday, December 16, 2015 10:44 PM GMT

Well you can search a creators name. That does not stop the problem. People search "Yellow Camo Adidas Tee" and see where people copied my clothes and my original version is not even on the front page.
#179766402Wednesday, December 16, 2015 10:44 PM GMT

(Sorry, my last post got cut off) As a consumer, I encounter problems with this as well. I rarely make my own clothing, but when I want to buy it the first few pages are covered in the same clothes over and over again made through the use of the NBC clothing creators group. My idea to at least lighten the consumer's stress is to make a way to filter what groups/users you see the clothing of. Say I search a shirt and find it, but the majority are copies by one group or person. Then I would enter the creator's name into an entry similar to the box where you narrow the item to a single creator, except it stops you from seeing content from the creator you enter, and also, it would work for multiple creators at a time. And while we're on the topic of that kind of thing, maybe another filter could be added, to limit where your search term is found, like you could choose description, title, or creator's name. It'd be useful because many copied items put tons of popular terms in their descriptions as "tags" just to get it to show up in tons of searches. Basically what my idea is that through these steps copied clothing will not be seen and bought as much, and will stress less on the person buying the clothes, they get the original content by the original maker, as well as the maker as the original maker because they get more deserved sales on their items.

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