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#179848375Friday, December 18, 2015 5:20 PM GMT

[OOC/INFO] Sign-up thread: http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=179708919 Your character: ___[BASICS] Name: Stuart Julo Gender: M Age: 29 Appearance: Stuart stands at 5'5, weighing in about 135. Some would say he's quite scrawny. He has dark brownish, ruffled up hair. If you first saw him, you would think that he just woke up, out of bed, but he looks likes it all the time. He has bags under my eyes, with thick glasses. He wears a t-shirt with cheese on it, with some black slacks. He slouches a bit, with slightly bad posture. Personality: He has an enormous amount of negativity in him. Stuart can quite the introvert, but with his friends, he can as loud as fireworks. He is the "Analyze First, Do Later" kind of guy. He absolutely hates most of the people he knows, but no one knows that he hates anyone. The people he doesn't hate, he acts like a really great person around. Most people would say he's a really quiet person, but his friends know otherwise. ___[PERSONAL] Biography: Stuart was born into the middle class in Michigan. Average kid in an average family. He lived a normal-ish life, some issues at home, school issues, let's just say there were many issues in his life. He cared about my academics quite a bit back then, but he was never quite the athlete. Stuart got into a university and left with a Ph.D and masters. Since then, Stuart got a nice job at a large company. The company he worked at was owned by one of his childhood heroes. One day, Stuart was able to go and meet him. Ever since then, Stuart has realized one thing, you can never reach the top. Now, he resides over in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with his new friends and all. Relationships: I will let you control this. Alignment: True Neutral Fears: Stuart fears of the fact that anything could happen at any time that could have an enormously negative impact in his life. ____[SITUATION] Foretold Disaster (this can be anything that doesn't require a supernatural trigger): A gigantic meteor large enough to completely obliterate a large chunk of Canada and several northern states of the USA. Location (this should be around where your character lives): The entire state of Michigan. ___[SKILLS] [[ Your character has an array of skills that will aid them in their story. You have a total of 20 skill points to use to define your character's abilities. You do not have to use all 20 points, but if you go over the limit you will be denied. As a default, you may not use more than 6 points for any individual skill. ]] Strength (how much physical power your character has): 1 Stamina (how long they can cope with physical exertion): 3 Speed (does this really need to be explained): 2 Sensory acuteness (how well your character sees, hears and smells - you can add a note in this one if you want): 4 Psychological strength (how well your character handles their fears): 1 Mental capability (how well your character copes with solving problems that require logic): 5 ______________________________ [IC/INFO] When you awaken, you are standing in the meeting room at your workplace, in front of a group of people. Your co-workers are all staring at you as though you were in the middle of some speech. Judging by the PowerPoint on the board behind you, this was the meeting that you'd already had the week before. [IC/START PROMPT] You open your eyes. There's a bright light in front of you. Some muffled sounds. A voice. It's all coming back to you: the emotions, the senses, the feeling of... awake. It seems surreal; you can still feel the heaviness of the sleep unlike anything you've ever known tugging at your limbs, trying to drag you back down into the endlessly deep abyss that, despite its darkness, seems so warm, welcoming and full of promise. You don't want to give in to the weight. Not because it's dark, and not because it's scary - the reason that you don't want to sink back into it because you know, with every ounce of certainty that your mind can muster, that a moment ago you were dead.
#179850586Friday, December 18, 2015 6:26 PM GMT

I look around. What the heck is going on? The meteor... Am I in... Heaven? Heaven is real? At the most, I thought I going down to, you know where. How is this possible? I look over to one of co-workers and ask what's going on. "What just happened? The meteor! What happened to it!?"
#179854060Friday, December 18, 2015 8:02 PM GMT

I look over to one of my coworkers and asks what's going on.*
#179856675Friday, December 18, 2015 8:55 PM GMT

Everyone in the room looks a little dazed, and blinks a couple of times. Someone in the front is frowning at you. "Are you all right there, Julo?" he asks, pointing a finger aimlessly upwards. "You seem a bit confused. Have a moment to find your train of thought." The others in the meeting tut and roll their eyes or grumble frustratedly. They clearly want this to end as soon as possible, and your stopping in the middle of a speech isn't making anything go any faster.
#179857579Friday, December 18, 2015 9:14 PM GMT

"Huh? Err..." I look over at the PowerPoint to check what this meeting is about. This meeting felt familiar, like it last week. There's just so much confusion going on in my head. How did I even get here? The PowerPoint seems like it was made by me, but I don't remember making one last week. "Right, so, umm..." (I apologize for grammatical mistakes. I'm a little tired right now.)
#179857927Friday, December 18, 2015 9:21 PM GMT

( No problem. ) Someone sighs in the back and then the same person as before gets you started. "And you were trying to relate this prototype of the advert to the NRS. Carry on, Julo." The PowerPoint shows an image of a sketch that you drew for the meeting last week. The art isn't on point, but the ideas are there and the presentation shows in-depth annotations. One of these annotations is labelled with 'National Readership Survey'.
#179858975Friday, December 18, 2015 9:42 PM GMT

"Ok, so, with this advert we can expand the company. The NRS can track people's habits of reading newspapers and such, so with our advert we will be able to track our customers habits and adapt to them. Which will increase our profits exponentially." With that, I ended the presentation.
#179861298Friday, December 18, 2015 10:23 PM GMT

The people watching you grunt and nod. They don't seem particularly thrilled with your blagging, but it will do for now. You appear to be the last person to be presenting today - everyone is standing up ready to leave. Some handshakes are made and then everyone exits the room. A friend and co-worker of yours, Andre, claps you on the back on his way to the door. "Hey, are you okay? You were on a roll there but then lost it. That ain't like you."
#179862525Friday, December 18, 2015 10:44 PM GMT

I continue down over to the exit. I begin to realize that none of it happened. Was it just a dream? Did I really just have a daydream in the middle of work? It all seemed so real. "Yeah, yeah. It's just that I lost my train of thought for a bit. I'm gonna get some fresh air." I head outside.
#179863744Friday, December 18, 2015 11:04 PM GMT

The view outside is nice; the workplace building overlooks the lake and you can see the life of the state buzzing all around. It's so different to what you knew before; all the insane destruction that you witnessed in that 'dream', seeing people destroying everything in front of them to get as far away from the impending doom as they could before the seven days were up... You are allowed a few minutes to yourself before Andre ahows up behind you again. "Hey Stu, you still out here? Gina's wondering where you are. Says you've got a new client - nothing too big, a loner with a new business, I think. Come in with his own idea for an ad and it's god-awful; he doesn't even have the funding for what he wants. I wish you luck." Gina's the manager of your sector. The company you work for is large, but all based in one area and the main building's split off into several sectors, each with its own job running its own work. You know Gina to be stern, deadly and definitely not lenient on any matter.
#179864755Friday, December 18, 2015 11:21 PM GMT

This all seems so familiar, like Déjà vu. This all happened before, didn't it? That dream... Was it really a dream? I can't tell at this point. Anyway, it's Gina. I start heading back into the building with Andre. I think about how I died in that "dream." I shudder for a moment.
#179865071Friday, December 18, 2015 11:27 PM GMT

Gina's waiting for you inside. "We've got a Mr Ford waiting for you at you the desk downstairs and he ain't got long. Hop to it, Julo, I want this client dealt with." You remember Mr Ford from your dream. He came to you with the notion that he should advertise his new product, a lampshade, by putting light bulbs on a billboard and having lampshades pop out to cover them up. An utterly lost cause - in the end, you remember, he walked away angry with a promise to bad-mouth the company. Now you have to go and confront him again.
#179878830Saturday, December 19, 2015 3:11 AM GMT

With that, I head down over to the desk with Mr. Ford. I look over his plans of the advertisement. It looks exactly like I remembered, or "dreamed" anyway. Just, how is this possible, a random daydream predicting the whole week? Does it mean the meteor is coming? But, back to Mr. Ford, the advert seemed absolutely horrendous. "Well... Um... Sir, this advert just doesn't seem to fit in quite right. You see, you just can't simply put lamp shades and light bulbs on a billboard and call it an ad."
#179894002Saturday, December 19, 2015 10:20 AM GMT

Ford slams his fists onto the desk. "No! Of course it will work! We don't have to keep defining advertising as a big piece of paper, right? Other companies are doing it. Fanta has an orange-flavoured edible print ad, you know!" He passes you several sheets of paper and starts pointing to diagrams and annotations and other bits of writing. The conversation lasts a very long time, and Ford's face is getting redder by the minute.
#179900085Saturday, December 19, 2015 2:43 PM GMT

I stay calm, this guy's getting a bit annoying. "Yes, I know, but even if we were to do this, you don't even have the proper funding. Now let's just calm down a bit and find a different approach." I check how much funding that he does have, "how about a billboard with large lampshade with a few lightbulb here and there? Maybe, just a guy that's holding a lampshade and a lightbulb at the same time?" These ideas were horrible, but I'm just trying to ease him into a smaller scale ad. Now that I think about it, I have a very boring job.
#179912670Saturday, December 19, 2015 6:58 PM GMT

It takes far too long for Ford to stop insisting that his idea is brilliant. When he does finish speaking, he slams his fists down against the desk. "Damn you and your uncreative... /arrogance!/ Others will hear of this! Piss..." He leaves you sitting alone at the desk with scraps of torn paper littered everywhere. Just like you remember.
#179914549Saturday, December 19, 2015 7:28 PM GMT

As he walks out, I sigh. What is happening? Why is this happening? How is this happening? How is this even possible? Thinking about all of this, I go back up to Gina. Once I got back up there, "He just walked out on me, nothing I could do."
#179914933Saturday, December 19, 2015 7:34 PM GMT

Gina does not look impressed; when you deliver the news, she crosses her arm and her spectacles slide about an inch down her nose. "Great job, Julo, there goes one percent of our reputation. You can leave now, it's 6pm. You'd better be on top form when I see you again Tuesday."
#179915512Saturday, December 19, 2015 7:44 PM GMT

"Yeah, yeah." I sigh once more and start heading down to my car. I go on and start the engine and I begin to pull out of the driveway. I'm just so tired, so tired... That dream, what the heck happened? I look up toward the sky to see if a meteor is coming or not.
#179916047Saturday, December 19, 2015 7:53 PM GMT

There's nothing in sight at the moment - just the sky, dotted with wispy little clouds. The sun is descending quickly, and you could do with an early night. Going back to Grand Rapids seems like a good idea; go home, go to bed, and maybe things will make more sense tomorrow. Or not. You could stay up and think.
#179916356Saturday, December 19, 2015 7:59 PM GMT

I head home, still thinking about the dream. Once I got home, I felt to tense to just relax, so I grabbed my laptop and went to the coffee shop.
#179917602Saturday, December 19, 2015 8:23 PM GMT

Starbuck's is busy when you arrive. It has a quiet aura about it, even though almost every seat in the house is occupied by someone - more often than not, a young student-looking kid. You're still in your 20s, but you're about five years older than most of the customers here. It doesn't matter. Coffee will wake you up a little and get your thoughts swimming again. Working out what happened to you earlier is important.
#179922200Saturday, December 19, 2015 9:50 PM GMT

Seeing the people in the shop reminds me of the time when I was in college, it was an ok time, I guess. I don't really remember this happening in the dream, so I must've broken the system. So, I turn on my laptop and connect to the free WiFi. I went onto the best search engine ever, (insert search engine), and searched up, "Worst Known Case of Deja Vu."
#179963513Sunday, December 20, 2015 3:45 PM GMT

Seeing the people in the shop reminds me of the time when I was in college, it was an ok time, I guess. I don't really remember this happening in the dream, so I must've broken the system. So, I turn on my laptop and connect to the free WiFi. I went onto the best search engine ever, (insert search engine), and searched up, "Worst Known Case of Deja Vu."
#179963555Sunday, December 20, 2015 3:45 PM GMT

Oops, sorry.

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