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#180006448Monday, December 21, 2015 3:55 AM GMT

(This is going off by cliches btw) Here is 3 of questions to detirmine if you'd live or not in a horror movie! 1. You arrive at girlfriend/boyfriend house and no one is home. You hear a glass smash, the a muffled yell. What would you do? 1. Get outta there! 2. Call out name, to see if anyone is there, then with no reply you go sprinting to where (s)he might be in the house. 3. Slowly and quietly creep into the house. 2. You are at your own house, studying with a group of pals upstairs. You all hear a car pull up to the front of the house. Then 10minutes later, a door creaks open downstairs. At first you assume it is your parents. But then you here voices that aren't your parents. What so you do? 1. Go downstairs yourself. 2. Send one of your mates down. 3. All of you stay up stairs. 3. You are on a hiking "adventure." You are alone when you find a cabin. Weeds are growing out of the collapsed porch, with a distinct smell in the air. The roof has a giant hole in it. The front window is broken. That front window lights up like someone turned on a lamp inside. A shadow appears in the shape of a person. 1. Haul OUTTA there. 2. Go towards the cabin, and right to the front door. (Answer 1 2 or 3 for n1 or n2and answer 1 or 2 for n3 and I will determine if you would survive or not
#180011218Monday, December 21, 2015 5:35 AM GMT

Number 1: 2 Number 2: 2 Number 3: 1
#180012986Monday, December 21, 2015 6:19 AM GMT

№ 1 1 № 2 3 № 3 1
#180042829Monday, December 21, 2015 8:41 PM GMT

@xbike You wouldn't survive, sad to say. You're the one that always helps out people, and in a leader kind of role. Someone would get to greedy, and when you're there to help... Dead. M'sorry. @pruz You would survive the first movie. Y'know the horror cliches like the back of your hand. You'd always be one step ahead of the killer. The sequel however...
#180042937Monday, December 21, 2015 8:43 PM GMT

I'm still happy with my results.
#180043010Monday, December 21, 2015 8:44 PM GMT

I will be such a sentimental character as the first show ends. They will all mourn for me by 2.
#180043597Monday, December 21, 2015 8:51 PM GMT

This goes by what I would normally do under normal circumstances. If there ain't an answer I'd pick, I would go with the next most logical one. A. 2. B. 3. C. 1. To all; nothing is finite, space is unlimited for all we know, and my ammunition regenerates itself.
#180044496Monday, December 21, 2015 9:01 PM GMT

#1: 1 (All aboard the nope train!) #2: 2 (Okay, you go down there, and if you get murdered, we'll know they're not my parents.) #3: 1 (No thank you!)
#180047766Monday, December 21, 2015 9:40 PM GMT

A 1 B 2 C 1
#180048821Monday, December 21, 2015 9:53 PM GMT

Question 1: I would have to go with 1. Duh. Question 2: Basically this question is asking are you willing to be heroic, selfish, or ignorant. My complaint about this question is why can't I and my mates go downstairs ALTOGETHER? That way we all can witness whatever happens. But for this case, I would have to pick being selfish and send one of my mates down. Question 3: Pretty much the same thing as Question 2, only except it's asking if you're will to be selfish or heroic. I would have to choose being heroic and head towards the cabin. The question said nothing about screaming or yelling, thus, there must not be danger. But then again, it is a possibility that its murderer, but I'm still sticking to the choice of heading towards the cabin. Ignorance at its finest.
#180053823Monday, December 21, 2015 11:01 PM GMT

(@above its going by horror cliches)
#180054662Monday, December 21, 2015 11:14 PM GMT

Well, Number 1. 1 Number 2 2 Number 3 1

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