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#180133355Wednesday, December 23, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

I KNOW it's been suggested before, but I have reasons. Models When your game has free models, it's seen as a sign of laziness. Also, people make models for other people, yet they are stolen by other people for free. If users could sell models, this would solve the problems. Hats and Faces There's a lot of retextures out there, and I know creators beg for support so it can become an actual hat/face. But if creators could sell them, the problems would be solved! However, users could not make it limited. Moderation Yes, yes, I know, it would be EVEN MORE work for the ROBLOX mods. But I have a solution. User mods! Okay, okay, I know this has been suggested before too. Users would have to be at least 3 years old, with no moderation history for 1 1/2 years. If you need help in the raw eggs and chicken aisle, just ask Sam n' Ella.
#180134156Wednesday, December 23, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

1. Free Models are awesome, and when you make a free model for someone specific, it's still free, people can take it if they want, it doesn't matter 2. This would need a LOT of moderation for inappropriate content and hats/faces copied from actual hats/faces 3. This was a thing a long time ago, volunteer moderators, the thing is back in 2008 or so it was a smaller and MAYBE better community (I wouldn't know about better I didn't know what the forums were then). The thing is, with a smaller community, it was a bit easier to trust people. They have over millions of players now and tons of people who would abuse powers would try and become moderators, which is why it's no longer a thing. You could always become an intern at ROBLOX, like Clockwork.
#180136711Wednesday, December 23, 2015 3:35 AM GMT

i cant become a volunteer mod anymore i have a total of 25 bans and 50+ warnings from just this year
#180137678Wednesday, December 23, 2015 3:49 AM GMT

Models They are called "Free models" for a reason you make a model you have it open to the public Hats and faces Prepare for all the rule breakers User mods NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
#180141445Wednesday, December 23, 2015 4:44 AM GMT

Idk... I don't think mods will do it..
#180145891Wednesday, December 23, 2015 6:05 AM GMT

1) You've not really thought this out. What prevents user reselling an item? What prevents the monopolisation of new features? What prevents users selling items which aren't what they appear? How do you reasonably sell scripts - For all you know it could say "LOLOLOLOL" as a comment. 2) ROBLOX staff already, at times, pick out the best retextures and publish them. Allowing users free-reign on the system is a non-starter for me, however I believe ROBLOX has a completely different opinion - Their aim being to have everything being user creatable, I do believe (if memory serves). 3) This has been brought up a number of times. The solid consensus from ROBLOX is "no" - User moderators wouldn't be trained and would likely show some form of bias. ROBLOX would prefer to hire actual adults to do this job as they can train them as much as they want and they'll actually listen.

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