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#180244580Thursday, December 24, 2015 4:14 PM GMT

STARTS ON NEW YEARS DAY. THE FIRST DAY OF THE 2016 YEAR. This contract states that EmphisBlade, the worker, shall work for DevCritic under a 4 month time period. For each game DevCritic creates he shall make 1 thumbnail, 1 icon, and 2 ads for the price of 325. DevCritic shall see the graphics done first, censored. If the terms aren't agreed by EmphisBlade won't be paid, and DevCritic won't receive his graphics. This ends in a matter of 4 months from today. As a plus to this contract any holiday upcoming, logos will be done for free into the festive type for that holiday by EmphisBlade. -Signed, EmphisBlade -Signed, DevCritic

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