Top 25 Poster
#23642875Sunday, April 04, 2010 8:00 PM GMT

Dave remembered his last name. Strider. STRIDER. STRIIIDDEEER!
#23643634Sunday, April 04, 2010 8:08 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#23643738Sunday, April 04, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
Top 25 Poster
#23655680Sunday, April 04, 2010 10:30 PM GMT

(Made a homestuck choice game.)
Top 25 Poster
#23660632Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

#23667734Monday, April 05, 2010 12:40 AM GMT

(I finnaly found this i was in the other one well im here) Destroyer finnaly found Mach and them. Hey guys whats going on here. Sorry it took so long to find u guys.
#23669111Monday, April 05, 2010 12:55 AM GMT

(now tannerator gone...)
#23673810Monday, April 05, 2010 1:42 AM GMT

(Now he's back!YAY!)
#23675501Monday, April 05, 2010 2:00 AM GMT

(now he gone again)
#23679383Monday, April 05, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

(See everyone friday afternoon)
Top 25 Poster
#23693690Monday, April 05, 2010 11:15 AM GMT

#23712536Monday, April 05, 2010 5:07 PM GMT

(Well... everyone seems to be offline? Huh) Scizo had returned with a fusion bomb. "Am I too late?" She asked. ... Dante was completely focused on something else now... and whatever it was, it was going to change his life.
#23712830Monday, April 05, 2010 5:11 PM GMT

(Sorry, I was at the dentist, having my teeth violated by those hook thingies. Painful) Somewhere else, far from Mobius, something was happening... Something that intended on taking over all life...
#23713030Monday, April 05, 2010 5:15 PM GMT

(Oh lourde, tell me about it :S) Dante was going through an almost corridor-like area inside the mecha panther, nuclear chambers to the left and proton accelerators above him. A ghastly sight was on the right, and he didn't bother to look. It was another animal - a live panther (or half-alive now) with wiring and electronics almost completely covering it. "Darn..." Dante mumbled. He was looking for the chamber he was imprisoned in.
#23713283Monday, April 05, 2010 5:19 PM GMT

(Well, first, they put this large plastic thing in my mouth, and told me to chew on it while they took an x-ray picture of my mouth. Obviously, they had to do it for both sides, so again, same thing. But closing your mouth on that thing can really hurt, and therefore my mouth began to bleed) The ground rumbled a bit
#23714423Monday, April 05, 2010 5:39 PM GMT

(And remember - Dante's a LONG way away) Scizo felt the rumble. "...Uh..." She looked around her feet, wondering. ... Dante was close to reaching his old chamber... there, he would be able to find invaluable information.
#23714576Monday, April 05, 2010 5:41 PM GMT

The rumbling grew fiercer, as a ball of energy began to grow larger... (I've just finished began to read about Tesla energy, and I am quite fascinated about it, so it inspires me)
#23714778Monday, April 05, 2010 5:44 PM GMT

Scizo noticed the ball of energy emerge. "Oh... my... God..." She gasped. ... Dante emerged in a chamber... there was a very futuristic computer to the left, a data screen on the right, and in the middle, there it was... the most memorable yet hated sight Dante was to ever see... the chamber that he was imprisoned in for such a long time.
#23715065Monday, April 05, 2010 5:47 PM GMT

The ball of energy began to open up, as if something was pushing from within it.
#23715294Monday, April 05, 2010 5:51 PM GMT

Scizo pulled out her Desert Eagle, aiming it at the opening. She was growling a bit. ... Dante walked up to the computer and turned it on. -------------------------------------------- [INITIATE POWER] //-PLE!!* )21SE4" (4AAFAS£ TH£"21-\\ -------------------------------------------- For a moment, those exact words and letters popped up on the screen. He had no idea what to do.
#23715490Monday, April 05, 2010 5:54 PM GMT

The ball of energy had finished expanding to it's full size. Then, the c.ockpit of a large vehicle is seen from within the portal, as it was slowly pushed out.
#23715859Monday, April 05, 2010 5:59 PM GMT

(It said you posted, but I don't see your post?)
#23715860Monday, April 05, 2010 5:59 PM GMT

Scizo waited for the whole thing to emerge... she didn't like the look of it. ... --------------------------------------------- WELCOME: KRATER CODE ENTRY SERIAL: ***** \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ --------------------------------------------- Dante waited for the computer to boot up properly... --------------------------------------------- ACCESSING... DATA TRANSFER COMPLETE. LOADING... ---------------------------------------------
#23716086Monday, April 05, 2010 6:02 PM GMT

(Ah, nvm. Meh internet is slow a teh moment, thats why :P) In a few moments, the Vehicle was fully emerged from it. Shocks of electricity lashed at the vehicle as the portal dissapated. The vehicle was quite large and ominous looking. The words 'X32' were written on the sides, in large, bold letters
#23716331Monday, April 05, 2010 6:06 PM GMT

(Actually, it was FREAKING FLOODCHECK. GRUAAAAAAAAGH) Scizo stood there, not scared or worried about the vehicle, yet she didn't know what it was. ... --------------------------------------------- DATABASE > COMMANDS > TARGETS > #LOOP BARREL# > ELIMINATE --------------------------------------------- Dante was in deep thought and question about the 'loop barrel' part.