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#180381628Saturday, December 26, 2015 4:47 PM GMT

(This is a game show.) WELCOME TO Trivia Smack! (Inspired by the mobile app Trivia Crack) We will have 4 contestants. To sign up just say "I" There is a spinner with 8 spots, representing either categories or a special. There are 7 categories: Geography, Food (I know this falls under Art or Entertainment but oh well), Science, History, Art, Sports, and Entertainment. The special space will be discussed later. RULES: When it is your turn, you will spin the "spinner". If you land on a category, I will give you a multiple choice question. If you get it correct, you get it to your Meter (discussed later) and you will be able to spin again. If incorrect, your turn is over. IF YOU LAND ON A SPECIAL SPACE, OR YOUR METER IS FULL: You will still be given a multiple choice question. If you get it right, though, you get an Icon for that category. The first person to get all 7 icons wins. You need to have 3 correct questions to completely fill up your meter.

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