#182408356Monday, January 25, 2016 11:34 PM GMT

(the sites are done, altho Dima's supposed to be out of the invasion, he can still be in it if he's ordered to)
#182411976Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:16 AM GMT

(Where can my squad join up right now? I haven't been on for awhile)
#182413896Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:43 AM GMT

(I had a 1000+ word post typed up, and I just lost it. T_T Post'll be redone soon...probably.)
#182416861Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:25 AM GMT

(1000+ words? holy cow!)
#182419672Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:02 AM GMT

(Yeah, it's pretty detailed. I'm gonna have to post it tomorrow, though, if that's alright. Had some work.)
#182419685Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:02 AM GMT

(I'm pretty much done attacking considering Dima being on the dropshio the only thing I have to finish up is my lone wolf encounter in which case I must wait for his response)
#182423193Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:55 AM GMT

Colonel Marcus "Right sir. All attack squadrons, Alpha through Foxtrot, launch! Dropship squadrons, Golf through Kilo, launch! Fighters, as per the plan, provide space superiority and escort for the dropships. They're going in hot." Zach I pulled my flight gloves on with glee as I looked forward to flying again. It's been almost two months since my last combat deployment, and I can't wait to lay waste to the defenseless Union world. Of course, we've been advised to only target military installations considering that the public is on our side. That doesn't mean that I can't have any fun. As Alpha Squadron's flight lead, I'm in charge of one of the most prestigious fighter squadrons the Free Silentians have. I know the skies and space of New Krona well, since I've been formerly been part of the Union's air force. "Alright, Alpha-02 through Alpha-06, report in." "Alpha-02 standing by." "Alpha-03 standing by." "Alpha-04 standing by." "This is Alpha-05, standing by." "Alpha-06 standing by." Everyone's fired up to bust some Union dirt, and I don't want to keep them in any longer. With the launch orders given, I led Alpha Squadron out the hangars of the FSS Cicero. With no enemy defenses online, establishing space superiority was a piece of cake. Suddenly, my scanners began to blare with unfriendly signatures. Taking a look towards the direction the scanners are pointing, I saw several Union warships heading our way. It's the New Kronan Defense Fleet, but I wouldn't worry too much about reinforcements. The Union's spread too far in order to try to catch the Free Silentians, and the disabling of the Planetary Defenses meant that no distress signal's going out. "This is Alpha Squadron, we're intercepting the incoming Union fighters!"
#182433018Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:55 AM GMT

(Thomas can't do anything now, since he's on the dropship and wounded, if possible i might create a new character in the FS attacking fleet, a pilot or something like that)
#182437327Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:48 AM GMT

(you can just get a temporary character for that, boss. No need to create one entirely. Just name, race, gender, and done.) The dropship exited warp, and everyone was shaken up. Not Dima, though. He had his mind elsewhere far away, so far that he didn't even feel the intense rumbling of the ship's hull as it tried to cope with the abrupt speed shift. The dropship soon landed in the hangar of some ship, FSS Cicero, apparently, based on the marking outside. Everyone reported back to their bunks, some to the mess hall, all for a celebration, but Dima silently walked away in the opposite direction. Almost no one saw him walk away, towards a small ship prepared by Lt. Jorgensen. Almost. A stern, cheerful voice called Dima's name from behind him. Dima turned around, and saw a figure waving at him. After a second or two, he finally saw the figure's face. It was Thomas. "Where ya goin', Dima?" the boy asked with enthusiasm. There was a slight pause, as Dima thought up of an answer. "...Got more personal business, nothing wrong. You have fun!" He replied, with his thick Russian accent distinct in his intonation, feet moving him to the ship. There was a young pilot, a novice, standing near that small 2-man spacecraft, most likely a civilian ship. The civilian ship looked so out of place in this sprawling military hangar. Too... kind, and too flashy, like a declawed kitten. And that only hastened Dima's steps, as it would be an insult to military conduct if it stayed there any longer. A small exchange with the pilot, mainly about whether he was Dima or not. After nodding wildly, Dima was taken into the craft, and the thing roared to life. The pilot asked where to. Dima answered shortly. "Thorix." The craft buzzed out the hangar, and into the vast black void that is space. Dima could practically feel the deathly cold from inside the cockpit just by looking out. The pilot pressed some buttons, as calculations for warp were made. He had prepared for a jump, and Dima closed his eyes, expecting a relaxing cruise to Thorix. The result, however, was entirely different. Dima awkwardly opened his eyes again, to see the pilot, also awkwardly looking around. "What is problem?" Dima asked, with annoyance hinted in his speech. The pilot turned around, and stuttered. "S...S...Sir... There's an un-kn-own ship cruising i-in our warp path. It looks like a U-Union ship, but the report sa-says it's not running. I'll have to ta-take an alternate route around it." Dima intervened immediately. "No. We go there, to the Union ship. Investigate." The pilot awkwardly nodded, nervousness in the way he acknowledged the order. The ship then warped for about 10 seconds, before coming out of the beautiful blue tunnel, and back out to space. It was no different, except that there was this big troop transport ship in front of them, Union by origin. But it's not manned, otherwise they'd have been torn to shreds by the unmanned defense turrets. The pilot slowly closed in, as Dima geared up for boarding. A loud creaking noise echoed throughout the small cockpit chamber of the civilian ship, as it docked with the Union troop transport. Dima immediately boarded it, while ordering the pilot to stay and guard the ship. Dima immediately headed cautiously towards the transport's cockpit. A few minutes of walking through drop pods, with machete in hand, yields nothing. But when he arrived at the cockpit, he saw something different. A girl, with a Holosniper, unconscious, with her face slumped onto the control surfaces. Dima moved towards the woman, and took a good look at her face. Yana. He immediately called back to the pilot, and relieved him of his duty. The pilot nodded, and the civilian ship dedocked away, with creaking noises heard from the cockpit. Dima unstrapped the unconscious girl, and brought her back to the rear of the ship, where there was a row of seats. He laid her down, and fastened her seatbelt. He then took command of the vessel, and the autopilot rerouted his warp path straight to Thorix.
#182441494Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:17 PM GMT

Yana Yana awakes with a jolt on seats she hadn't been in before. She looked around and observed Dima in the pilot seat. Yana also checks her wound, it is fine but she needs the crutches by Dima to walk. She sighs and throws a rock she had in her pocket at Dima hitting him in the back of his head, Dima turns towards her to see Yana with a massive grin "I need my crutches Dima" Yana says. She points to the crutches idle to the chair.
#182442004Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:34 PM GMT

As the ship silently flew through hyperspace, Dima relaxed. He gazed into the mystical boundaries of warp space, when suddenly, a small pebble, by the looks and feel of it, hit Dima in the back of his head. He immediately turned around, hands on the MG, slightly alarmed, but he found no attackers. Instead, it was just Yana, with a grin on her face. She needs her crutches. The man grumbled a bit, due to the rock that hit his head. "Fine." He said, as he grabbed the crutches and set them on the seat, next to Yana, and sat in the pilot seat again.
#182451705Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7:16 PM GMT

General Crux I've called for the Union Defense Fleet as fast as I could, but the Free Silentian Fleet already had the damage done. Tons of Free Silentian dropships have already bypassed the Union's non-responsive orbital defense emplacements. I've ordered the fighters to prioritize on the dropships for the time being to slow down the Free Silentian offensive. Meanwhile, the USS Pride of Sigma is now leading the naval battle against the FS Fleet. "Sir, we've got incoming missles!" "Activate the point-defense guns! Don't let any missiles hit!" "Too late!" Several dozen missiles impacted against the titanium armor of the Pride, shaking the very foundations of the ship. Knocked down to the ground, I gripped onto the bridge controls and lifted myself back up. In retaliation, I ordered the Fleet's railguns to fire back, instantly followed with several missile barrages.
#182452365Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7:33 PM GMT

(I'll post ARC instructions for this final invasion arc soon. Just a little busy for now. HASARAS, still working on that 1000+ word post?)
#182456423Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:55 PM GMT

Yana Yana looks to Dima, "what is the plan? I have no way to fight if it comes to it" she told, she mainly had a troubled time with the pain, and what if the Union was tracking her at this exact moment, they don't take kindly to losing resources. "The Union could be coming for me right now, I don't want you hurt" she said to him looking around the cabin.
#182467047Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:35 PM GMT

(HASARAS? You there?)
#182472706Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:54 AM GMT

(Yeah, had to fix my computer screen, because apparently the universe is against me posting. It shouldn't be too long now.)
#182476413Wednesday, January 27, 2016 1:46 AM GMT

(right. I'm planning to release the final arc's instructions after your post. It should just be a continuation of the New Kronan invasion arc. Don't worry RPers, I've got a sequel in planning. Of course, after the invasion arc, we could continue RPing, albeit with prequel arcs.)
#182485468Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:53 AM GMT

ARC 6: End Game NPC Leaders Union/Zeta Corps: General Crux, President Anderson Free Silentians: General Rasmus, Colonel Marcus Lone Wolves are to report to their employers. Situation: With the New Kronan defense network down, the Free Silentians are able to launch a surprise attack on the Union capital world with ease. The Union, desperate to defend their capital, sends out the New Kronan Defense Fleet led by General Crux. Meanwhile, the Free Silentians are now landing on New Krona through their dropships and are capturing important military bases through military offensives. Several Free Silentian Infantry Squads and Lone Wolves are now tasked with leading the Free Silentian troops to the Union's central administration, aiming to overthrow the current government. The Union, not willing to give up control now, have sent out the best Union/Zeta Corps troops in the Sigma Sector to defend the President and the Central Government. Starting points: Free Silentians and their Lone Wolvesare on dropships down to the center of New Krona's military district. The Zeta Corps is deployed to stop the incoming Free Silentians from entering the Central Government building, where the President is being held.
#182485470Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:53 AM GMT

(This turned out a..."small bit" longer than I expected. Hope none of the changes are too radical for the story.) UDD Building Approximately ten minutes before Free Silentian Assault "...and then he grabs the guy, who's a three star general, mind you, and just starts punching him in the throat, the whole time yelling 'YAH PLAHN IS GERBERGE! YAH PLAHN IS GERBERGE!' over and over and over!" Laughter spread among the four men crammed inside the small guard station as the Master Sergeant finished his story. Posters, playing cards, and other various items were strewn across the place, giving the cramped space a homely and welcoming vibe in sharp contrast to the rest of the compound. Sure, a strict and vigilant superior officer would give many reprimands, but when their section's Lieutenant was in on the fun, there wasn't much you couldn't get away with. Not like there was much else to do out at the front checkpoint, either. "Excuse me?" The laughter ceased as the soldiers swung to face the direction of the noise. Standing about twenty meters away was a young woman gazing intently at them. She was of a small build and height, no older than twenty-five, with a smile emblazoned across her striking face, obscured partially by a messy head of brown hair. Her otherwise cute appearance was offset by her attire, a dark jacket and heavy clothing more suited to a dealer than a woman wandering the streets. She stood under a streetlight just across the road, the glittering New Kronan skyline silhouetting the dark scene. As they stared each other down, the woman tilted her head. "I was wondering if this was the place where the Secretary of Defense resides?" The Master Sergeant put on a friendly demeanor and smiled, walking to the front of the station. Signaling behind his back, however, what they all knew; LIKELY AMBUSH. PROCEED WITH CAUTION, MOVE TO ALERT LEVEL 2. The Lieutenant sent a visible signal, multiple flashes of light, to the other guard posts and units. Within seconds well over a dozen rifles were trained on the possible threat, as well as an APC rolling towards the third wall for fire support. As she began to slowly walk towards the guard post, the soldiers readied their weapons out of sight. Better to keep up the illusion of "That it is, ma'am. Any way we can help you today? Hate to say it, but this area's restricted, so if you're looking for an interview or a picture, I'm afraid that's not allowed." "No no no, it's fine. Just here to send a message." As she finished she ripped the jacket open, revealing a wide aray of explosives underneath. A particuarly large one was displayed prominently on her chest, repeatedly blinking. One of the Zeta guards instinctively put up a forcefield and the soldiers dove for cover. "The people will be free, you sons of-" Her words were cut short as multiple holobolts tore through her, leaving little of her torso or head behind. The lifeless corpse fell to the ground, and for a moment the tension was beginning to fade. Then the dead man's trigger went off, and everything went to hell. Emil The serene night atmosphere was immediately obliterated, replaced by an intense noise seemingly louder than God himself. The fireball illuminated the area for hundreds of meters around, leaving the darkness well in the past. At the same moment Phantasm detonated the breaching charge he'd set on the rear wall, the disintegration's comparatively mewling noise nothing against the roar of the explosion. He and Meridian immediately charged through, knowing there would be very little outward resistance to the rear. This fact was solidified by the barrage pf holoMGs erupting across the compound as the coordinated assault began, with rounds and grenades flying into the area. It didn't take long for the Union personnel to return the favor, and in seconds a full-scale firefight had erupted, with what had only recently been relative peace and quiet blown into total chaos. At least, the illusion of it. In fact, what appeared from the outside to be a ragtag freedom fighter group launching a half-assed, barely planned assault was calculated from the start. The blast radius of the explosion was made large enough to mask the both the firing of the EMP to knock out their systems and the disintegration charge, but small enough so no serious danger of death faced the Union elites. Their employer had specifically stated to go completely nonlethal to preserve the skill and equipment of the men; that is, with one exception. "Watch it, Meridian. Sounds like you're getting awfully close to some of them." Phantasm commented as he thrusted into cover against a large supply container. Meridian made a pouty face at him from behind a parked APC, now disabled. "Relax, old bones. Trust my aim, aight?" As she finished, Phantasm held up his fist, the motion for silence. Seconds later a six-man group sprinted past, weapons raising as they turned towards the breach. The pointman motioned, splitting three fingers. The group broke into two-man elements, two circling around two supply containers towards the breach while the pointman and another moved directly down them. "...can't be a coincidence. Try the radio again." The pointman whispered. He was fairly concealed to the left of the furthermost squad, and Meridian...where the hell was she? A motion caught his eye. God damnit, she wasn't actually going to- "HI-YA!" The six men swiveled to see Meridian, holding a mobile shield, swinging around a baton and making various martial-arts themed noises. "Whoacha! Ayayayaya, kra-ta! Hooooo-" A shotgun blast interrupted her tirade, throwing the shield out of her hands and sending her spiraling. At that same moment, Meridian attacked. "Nobody shoots me!" She-they, shouted, as two separate Meridians emerged from cover. Their silenced holoMGs spat rounds as the Union soldiers scrambled into cover from the onslaught. Fully-automatic fire wasn't particuarly accurate, but it didn't matter. Packing custom-made stun rounds from another of their employer's Lone Wolf teams, "Science!", only a glancing blow was needed. Once they made contact with any Union armor, the entire suit was used against them, conducting and amplifying the stun straight into the soldier inside. Two went down before the rest scrambled into cover, and then Phantasm took his turn. He leapt on top of the crate, rolling down straight on top of the only remaining two-man team. He used his thruster to push one into the ground at a speed where he would be knocked out, but not receive permanent damage. Gripping the other in a half bear-hug from behind, he used the man's shoulder as a mount to take down the remaining man to the right with his holorifle. He used the jolt of the recoil to throw his victim off balance, giving him a perfect shot to deliver a direct headshot on the remaining man, sending his sprinting form into the window of a jeep. That had to sting. "Ack, who the hell?!" His victim managed to gasp before a stun baton crashed into his headpiece, sending him hard enough into the supply container to make a dent. Phantasm stepped back, and surveyed the scene. Two wisps of light flew from behind one of the containers as they returned to Meridian. She was off the ground, shield on her back as she touted her MG. "Took ya long enough, slowpoke." She teased. He sighed and ran up to her. "We don't have much time. Your clones won't last much longer in that fight." He turned and faced the main building. An intimidating three story-structure, with an insitutionalized and blocky design. The Secretary's office was on the third floor, the only way in being the main entrance and elevator, or the roof. Eyeing the reinforced window, made to withstand a tank shell, he used his power. Their original plan wasn't going to work in time, so he had a different idea. "Meridian, I need a boost." He grabbed the folded railgun off of his side, snapping it into its full length and turning on the power. "What do you-Ooooooooh. Think it'll work?" She asked, moving to the bottom of the building . "Let's find out." Firing his thrusters at max, he flew across the yard. As he reached Meridian she sent out a clone, hands outstretched. He fired his thrusters again, charring the clone as he sailed to the wall. His momentum kept him moving up until the window, where he spun off, stretching his legs out from the building as he brought the railgun to bear. He pulled the trigger, the round charging as he lost his momentum and began to fall. The recoil sent his arms crashing towards his chest as the round fired, the spinning projectile easily penetrating the window and shattering the integrity. He negated his upper body movement with his wrist-mounted propulsion, at the same time firing his lower body systems to send him careening through the penetrated wreckage of the window. Several guards stood in temporary shock, only a tiny hallway between him and the entrance to the conference room. He used his power, and determined the best course of action for a nonlethal takedown of the security force. Rather than waste time drawing his weapons, he dropped the railgun and vaulted as he hit the ground, his momentum taking him almost directly to the troops. His perception allowed him visual of the three rounds fired so far, arcing his back so they flew over him. And then he was upon them, lashing out with his stun baton, thrusting a man into a wall, slapping a shotgun so it blew through the thin roof. The baton ricocheted off one man's armor and into the next, a dangerous dance as Phantasm spun and struck with precision and grace. The seconds seemed to collapse into a blur, and then he was standing over a pile of men, on the floor, out cold. Drawing his nano-knife, Phantasm slit open the door locks and pulled the pin on a flash grenade, waiting 4 seconds before he dropped it in. The burst of sound echoed as it went off, leaving him free to stroll in. Around him stood cringing and writhing Union soldiers, from Zetas to high command. Those not already out of commission were swiftly put down by several stun rounds from his weapon, leaving only one man in good condition. The Secretary of Defense sat at the head of the table, an ornate chair holding his presence, quivering hand weakly holding an autopistol towards Phantasm. The pudgy man was almost hyperventilating, shifty eyes looking around for any chance of assistance, any sign of escape. He had made sure there were none. "D-d-don't do this, Phantasm. You're a good agent, there's no need-" The secretary attempted to fire the weapon midsentence, his finger not even reaching the trigger before a stun round slapped it out of his hand. He screeched, recoiling as Phantasm stood on the table, slowly approaching. "Amateur tactic. Then again, coming from you, I'm not surprised." Emil stopped in front of the man, weakly shaking his head. "Tell me. How does a quivering," He leaned in. "Disgusting," He brought the holorifle to the man's chin. "Utterly pathetic child like yourself get such an important position?" The secretary opened his mouth, attempting to speak, but only whimpering noise came out. "Pathetic. Was it favoritism? I heard you and the leadership have been pretty tight for a while. Bribery? Maybe you're a good speaker. Maybe your anti-silentian attitude and complete disregard for your people's lives? I don't know what it is, but you sure as hell are NOTHING!" He slammed his hand into the man's jaw, knocking him from the chair. "NOTHING WORTHY OF SUCH A TITLE, YOU WEAK, DECREPIT, PILE OF GARBAGE!" Phantasm pounced on the man, slapping aside a quailing hand as he gripped the Secretary's neck, beginning to squeeze. "You are a disgrace, and...and I think I'll enjoy this more than I should." Silence prevailed then, only broken by the occasional gasp from the man on the ground as his windpipe began to collapse. "Burn in hell." The Secretary gave one final buck, one final push against the force holding him down, one last honest effort, maybe even the first he'd ever made. It was useless, and he flopped down, the light slowly draining from his eyes. A smile appeared inside Emil's mask, standing up and patting his gloves together. Good riddance. "Don't move!" Emil snapped his head to the side. Soldiers stood, facing him, weapons raised. At least six, with some others beginning to recover from the flash. He stood, arms outstretched as a strange since of apathy overcame him. His combat urge was over, a longtime goal of his finally complete, and now he just felt tired. Almost ready for what would come, if not now then inevitably later and was there really any poi- "SOLDIERS OF THE UNION." A metallic voice boomed from outside of the compound, aircraft engines thrumming. The men lowered their weapons and turned their attention to the conference room window, a large hole from what was presumably a disintegration grenade. Emil looked with them, and remembered the plan. Right, the plan, what the hell had he been thinking. Focus. Just focus. "YOU HAVE BEEN BETRAYED. LIED TO. MISTREATED. UNJUSTLY HARMED." The voice rang out as a flight of three dropships, marked with colors neither Union nor rebel, came into view, landing in the courtyard. Out came multiple figures, all but one in some sort of power armor. The one in the middle held his arms out, speaking into what must have been an ear mic. "FOR YEARS, THE CORRUPT UNION HAS KILLED MILLIONS OF THOSE WHO OPPOSED THEM, SENDING MEN LIKE YOU, YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR FAMILES, TO DIE FOR THEIR OWN GREED, WANTS, AND DESIRES. THEY RESERVED THE BEST OF YOU FOR PROTECTING THEMSELVES, WHILE THROWING THE INTERESTS AND SAFETY OF THE PE0PLE TO THE WIND! THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU, OR ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES! TO THEM, YOU ARE NOTHING!" The assembled soldiers, both inside and out, murmured. There were no shouts of disagreement, no boos or negation. They knew it was true. "THE VAST MAJORITY OF YOU KNOW THE WRONGS OF THIS INEFFICIENT, CORRUPT, USELESS GOVERNING BODY. IT SICKENS YOU TO THINK OF SPENDING THE REST OF YOUR LIVES SERVING THESE BUREAUCRATS AND POLITICIANS WHO USE THE MILITARY AS NOTHING MORE THAN A TOOL FOR SERVING THEIR OWN NEEDS. LOOK INSIDE, THINK SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. IT IS NOT A TRUTH WE WANT TO FACE-SO FEW REAL TRUTHS ARE. BUT IT IS A TRUTH WE HAVE TO. FOR DECADES WE HAVE SIMPLY BEEN SURVIVING, WITH HUMANITY ALWAYS A COUPLE WARS AWAY FROM EXTINCTION. I ASK YOU NOW, WARRIORS, HUMANS, SILENTIANS, EVERYONE, TO CAST ASIDE YOUR PREVIOUS ALLEGIANCES. LET HUMANITY BE RID OF THIS ENDLESS CYCLE OF DEATH, OF LOSS, OF DEFEAT NOT OF THE ENEMY, BUT OF OURSELVES. INSTEAD, LET THE PLANETS OF OUR SPECIES UNITE UNDER A BODY THAT REPRESENTS ALL OF US! NOT JUST THE POLITICIANS, NOT JUST THE SOLDIERS, BUT EVERYONE IN OUR GLORIOUS RACE! THE DAY OF SURVIVAL AND SCRAPING BY ON THE MEANS OF EVIL MEN IS OVER! IT IS TIME FOR HUMANITY TO LIVE, TO THRIVE, TO BECOME THE LORDS OF THE STARS! SO CAST OUT THE UNION, AND JOIN THE LEGION OF THE MACHINIST!" Silence fell over the onlookers. Seconds passed, each one feeling like an eternity. Then a man stepped out under the dropships. Casting aside his Union banner that marked him as a Captain, he raised his weapon. "I will join!" Another followed. Then more, and more. "I will join!" "Count me in!" "Damn the Union, it's time for change!" Soon victorious shouts and whoops filled the air. Emil looked towards the men in the room. Every one of them had heard, and some had already cast aside their colors and began to run out to the courtyard. Meridian walked past some of the men streaming out, moving over to his side. "I don't believe it. Machinist actually pulled it off." "Speech wasn't bad. Think most of 'em were planning on bugging out anyways, and this just gave them an excuse." "Maybe so. Any reason we're still here, instead of down there?" Emil shrugged, and exited the room. _______________________________________________________________________________________ The soldiers of the Union were now separated, loading into multiple arriving stealth dropships. With any luck the entire incident would go unnoticed with the oncoming Free Silentian assault, and Machinist could move in to pick up the pieces. He had no doubt who would win the upcoming fight; he'd figured it would happen sooner or later long before this day. It was simply a matter of what to do afterwards. One that he had already prepared for.
#182486037Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:01 AM GMT

(yeah, it fits the lore well. the public had already been protesting in increasing numbers as the Free Silentians continued to leak more Union atrocities. Oh yeah, the Free Silentian assault takes place almost noon, considering that the initial defense site break-ins were during the early morning. Legion of the Machinist, not so sure about that. I'll let them in the sequel as some sort of party, but the basic plan is revolution, so it'll fit. nice work HASARAS!)
#182486172Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:03 AM GMT

(Phew. Thank you. I was pretty iffy on it, but I thought adding in a third party with its own agenda could add to the lore pretty nicely. Glad to see it wasn't too story-stopping to cause a problem. Can't wait for this last arc!)
#182487364Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:24 AM GMT

Aaron After hiding on the building roofs for an hour, we received orders from the higher ups. Of course, the Free Silentian fleet arrived and is now engaging with the New Kronan Defense Fleet. Meanwhile, the FS Fleet already launched dozens of dropships down near the New Kronan military district, intending to take over the whole facility. Naturally, Squad Archer is tasked with leading the incoming FS troops into battle. "I'm sorry sir, what did you say?" "Captain Roan, you're now in command of 11th Infantry Brigade. Squad Archer is also to lead the initial charge into New Krona's military district. Is there a problem?" "No sir. Just that... well, I've never led a thousand troops before. I'm not sure where to even begin." "You'll figure it out soon enough. Colonel Marcus, out." I ordered the dropship pilot to set us down near the incoming FS dropships. The pilot was drooling in his sleep by the time I reached the cockpit to relay the orders, so I had to give him a good slap. Jolting back up, the pilot immediately began the launch procedures and took off. Within minutes, we could already see the a multitude of dropships landing near the military district's streets. Several Union soldiers desperately tried to fend off the incoming invasion force, but eventually dropped their guns and ran away. Troop morale seems to be awfully low for the Union. "That's the LZ. Set us down." "Got you Captain!" The landing ramps slid down and soon enough, Squad Archer was on the ground once more. I led my men to what seemed to be the leaders of the incoming 11th Infantry Brigade. Once the officer saw me walking towards him, he snapped a salute. Saluting him back, I introduced myself. "I'm Captain Aaron Roan of Squad Archer, now appointed the commander of the 11th Infantry Brigade. Name and rank, officer?" "Lieutenant Joseph Merrick, reporting in for duty. Awaiting your orders, Captain." "Alright, how are your men divided?" "We've got several Squads reporting under the 11th Infantry Brigade, ranging from Alpha to Juliet Squads." "Have Squads Alpha through Delta lead the charge with Squad Archer into the military district. We'll take care of the remaining soldiers, while the rest of the Squads take control of the checkpoints scattered about. We'll improvise on the way." "Understood sir!"
#182488870Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:52 AM GMT

(i still can't decide where I could join in, still: bump)
#182497919Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:06 PM GMT

(you could just end up joining the main invasion force, boss)
#182504795Wednesday, January 27, 2016 4:44 PM GMT
