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#180540823Monday, December 28, 2015 9:10 PM GMT

THIS APPLICATION IS TO BE FILLED AND SENT TO THE VICE PRESIDENT OF OSYNGO- -VICE PRESIDENT OF OSYNGO HAS ALL RIGHTS TO DENY YOUR APPLICATION FOR ANY REASON- Notice: Applications won't normally be used for Congress - they are just being used now to fill positions quickly. This violation of the constitution has been approved by the Founder under Article IV. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is your username? How long have you been on ROBLOX? What are your jobs within Osyngo, if any? (you can not join congress if part of any branches of the Osynese Government) Have you had any previous jobs? Do you have any previous experience in law making and government? If so, say. What are the current nations or groups you are in? Have you ever committed crime in Osyngo? Have you ever committed crime in any other nation? Will you take the responsibilities in law making? Will you abuse your power? Will you agree to use grammar and proper attitude? True/False Test -REQUIRED TO ANSWER- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Put true or false by each statement. If you are unsure, you can read our laws here: www.roblox.com/My/Sets.aspx?id=1481991 1. Police are forbidden to join the military. 2. Murder is illegal in Osyngo. 3. The maximum prison sentence for any crime is 6 months. 4. The Founder(TheBreadInspector)has the right to dictate any decisions of the government. 5. Civilians can carry around guns. 6. Civilians can carry around explosives. 7. Reckless driving carries a prison sentence of 10 weeks. 8. Magistrates can grant an AoS to citizens without a trial. 9. HC Judges can grant an AoS to citizens without a trial. 10. Citizens have the right to fair trial. [END] [Please wait 2-3 days for your application to be reviewed.] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [APPLICATION ONLY OPEN IF THE VICE PRESIDENT OPENS IT OR CONGRESS IS LOW ON MEMBERS] [RELEASING YOUR APPLICATION TO ANYONE IS AUTOMATIC IMPEACHMENT FROM CONGRESS]
#187824504Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:18 PM GMT

There is no VP...

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