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#180554820Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:09 AM GMT

I know we all have an enemy that's life. I may have hated a few people but I'm sorry for that. But here's what I want to talk about, do you think people can change? Now the people I'm talking about are the people that make you really, really mad. For example, Jaredvaldez and Julius Cole probably the most notable people. Both of them made misleading games and copied many games as well. Jared even skipped a few days of school just to copy loads and loads of games even daxter 33's popular game, Paintball. Now on to Julius Cole, Julius is mainly known for his copying and misleading titles. He even copied the original Town Of Robloxia. This leaded to him getting over 11million place visits. Also, he made very rude comments about the ROBLOX administrators and said rude things about the Co-Founder of ROBLOX Erik Casell. Want even more? He even said in a YouTube video "I hope ROBLOX gets bombed by nuclear bombs." This resulted in Julius getting his account banned from ROBLOX due to his rude comments to the ROBLOX admins. Jaredvaldez is permanently banned on ROBLOX and has officially quit ROBLOX but Julius well, he's still around a bit. His account is banned but his place still gets a lot of views (for what ever reason don't know how though). For those of you who don't know Julius Cole there are many videos of him on YouTube. Currently when I checked his game, which is a free modelled version of the Town Of Robloxia, his game has over 200 people online. Julius even sells VIP! But it doesn't work... (I wouldn't recommend buying it if I were you it doesn't even work). Like I said Jaredvaldez has quit ROBLOX. Many people still hate him to this very day for what he did on ROBLOX. I can see why though. He copied many of the popular games and said that people were cyber bullying him when clearly they weren't. Jared is now in college and many of his fans say he can't be asked to play ROBLOX. Do you forgive Jared or not? Rumours has it that he may even return to ROBLOX but I don't see why and I don't think so. If Julius quit ROBLOX would you forgive him? I knows it's a game but what he said were very mean. If I asked CodesterProductions aka sgtbender2000 I'm guessing he would prefer Jaredvaldez over Julius Cole. But, that's just a matter of an opinion. When Julius actually quits ROBLOX which I hope is soon wil you forgive him for what he did? Or do you think he messed it up big time? I am in no way a fan of Jaredvaldez or Julius Cole I don't want hate. I'm not bias to one. They are both very bad people in my opinion and I don't see the point why would they copy numerous games just to get virtual money which you can't really go anything with it.
#180555009Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:12 AM GMT

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#180555121Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:13 AM GMT

Perhaps, people can change, but when they say that they'll change, chances are they are lying bastards, continuing to do what they have done the same, but there is a 10% chance that they'll change, forever, knowing that the things they have done, was wrong, but that, also if Jared or Julius ever comes back to roblox, saying they've change, and actually make a game from scratch, I'll most likely forgive them.
#180555176Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:14 AM GMT

tldr but yus
#180555201Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:14 AM GMT

I know we all have an enemy that's life. I may have hated a few people but I'm sorry for that. But here's what I want to talk about, do you think people can change? Now the people I'm talking about are the people that make you really, really mad. For example, Jaredvaldez and Julius Cole probably the most notable people. Both of them made misleading games and copied many games as well. Jared even skipped a few days of school just to copy loads and loads of games even daxter 33's popular game, Paintball. Now on to Julius Cole, Julius is mainly known for his copying and misleading titles. He even copied the original Town Of Robloxia. This leaded to him getting over 11million place visits. Also, he made very rude comments about the ROBLOX administrators and said rude things about the Co-Founder of ROBLOX Erik Casell. Want even more? He even said in a YouTube video "I hope ROBLOX gets bombed by nuclear bombs." This resulted in Julius getting his account banned from ROBLOX due to his rude comments to the ROBLOX admins. Jaredvaldez is permanently banned on ROBLOX and has officially quit ROBLOX but Julius well, he's still around a bit. His account is banned but his place still gets a lot of views (for what ever reason don't know how though). For those of you who don't know Julius Cole there are many videos of him on YouTube. Currently when I checked his game, which is a free modelled version of the Town Of Robloxia, his game has over 200 people online. Julius even sells VIP! But it doesn't work... (I wouldn't recommend buying it if I were you it doesn't even work). Like I said Jaredvaldez has quit ROBLOX. Many people still hate him to this very day for what he did on ROBLOX. I can see why though. He copied many of the popular games and said that people were cyber bullying him when clearly they weren't. Jared is now in college and many of his fans say he can't be asked to play ROBLOX. Do you forgive Jared or not? Rumours has it that he may even return to ROBLOX but I don't see why and I don't think so. If Julius quit ROBLOX would you forgive him? I knows it's a game but what he said were very mean. If I asked CodesterProductions aka sgtbender2000 I'm guessing he would prefer Jaredvaldez over Julius Cole. But, that's just a matter of an opinion. When Julius actually quits ROBLOX which I hope is soon wil you forgive him for what he did? Or do you think he messed it up big time? I am in no way a fan of Jaredvaldez or Julius Cole I don't want hate. I'm not bias to one. They are both very bad people in my opinion and I don't see the point why would they copy numerous games just to get virtual money which you can't really go anything with it.
#180555238Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:15 AM GMT

trust me people change
#180555284Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:16 AM GMT

tldr intensifies
#180555495Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:18 AM GMT

Thank you for your comment, I'm not against your opinion but good answer!

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