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#180752482Thursday, December 31, 2015 5:20 PM GMT

You are a monstrosity. A despicable beast. And you're trapped in a dark, dripping dungeon. No one comes to feed you. No one comes to check on you. You are alone. A. Examine cell B. Shout C. Cry D. Look in the hallway.
#180752569Thursday, December 31, 2015 5:21 PM GMT

A. Do I get to choose my appearance?
#180753778Thursday, December 31, 2015 5:33 PM GMT

(Sure, why not. I'll just approve it or not.) You look around in your cell. The cieling looks bumpy, like stucco. Water drips down the ridges from an unknown source. The walls are crudely-cut stone, not one uniform shape or type, and it's really just one big wall that curves around to connect to the cieling. The ground is far down below you, lost somewhere in the darkness below. You're standing on an iron grate. Bars of metal make a stereotypical pattern to form your last wall, and of course it has a lock. You're probably in a cave. A. Further examine _____ B. Look at yourself (Optional: Describe yourself) C. Shout D. Look in the hallway
#180755299Thursday, December 31, 2015 5:48 PM GMT

B. I notice that I am a girl and that I wear a black ahort sleeved T-shirt with a white sleevless button-up shirt that has red lines on it that follow my figure, over the top of the T-shirt. I notce that my hands are black and made of metal with the my knuckles being red panels, with wires going from my hands into my arms. My legs are and feet are adorned with a black denim skirt with the same red lines on it and a pair of white leather boots. I also notice my height is 6'2" and my hair is a light blue and spiky and cut to my shoulders.
#180757372Thursday, December 31, 2015 6:13 PM GMT

#180827248Friday, January 01, 2016 2:01 PM GMT

#180876599Saturday, January 02, 2016 2:16 AM GMT

Lol, " I also notice my height is 6'2" " and after that is a bit sketchy because how do you see that?
#180879251Saturday, January 02, 2016 2:52 AM GMT

(the titles so true) http://www.roblox.com/aaaaaaaaaaaaa-item?id=298902944 [who do you think ya are bub]
#180879487Saturday, January 02, 2016 2:55 AM GMT

When I saw the title, I thought it was a troll. Then I saw the OP. Mind: Purring+Title= GOTTA GET THE POPCORN!!
#180879587Saturday, January 02, 2016 2:57 AM GMT

#180879644Saturday, January 02, 2016 2:57 AM GMT

purring make me one im lazy and cant go to the signup thing) http://www.roblox.com/aaaaaaaaaaaaa-item?id=298902944 [who do you think ya are bub]
#180879908Saturday, January 02, 2016 3:01 AM GMT

I made one for each of you. Now get out of this thread, or so help me!
#180900499Saturday, January 02, 2016 9:02 AM GMT

Would you like me to re-do the appearance or at least change some parts of it?
#180902933Saturday, January 02, 2016 10:34 AM GMT

Title is accurate "DUPLO!? I'LL 'DUPLO' YOU IN THE NUTBAG!"
#180910445Saturday, January 02, 2016 3:10 PM GMT

If you can say how you can tell, you can keep them. Otherwise, delete them.
#180923262Saturday, January 02, 2016 6:55 PM GMT

Re-done appearance: I look down at my body and I notice that I am a girl and that I wear a black short sleeved T-shirt with a white sleevless button-up shirt that has red lines on it that follow my figure, over the top of the T-shirt. I then lift my hands up to in front of my face and I notice that they are black and made of metal with my knuckles being red panels, with wires going from my hands into my arms. I then look back down at my body to cehck if I missed anything and notice that my legs and feet are adorned with a black denim skirt with the same red lines on it and a pair of white leather boots. I pull a clump of my hair into my line of sight and I see that it is a light blue. I then run my hands through my hair and follow the strands down, until I don't feel anymore hair, which is at my shoulders.
#180923565Saturday, January 02, 2016 6:59 PM GMT

That's more acceptable, thank you. A. Look in the hallway B. Shout
#180923790Saturday, January 02, 2016 7:02 PM GMT

A,then B.
#180924122Saturday, January 02, 2016 7:07 PM GMT

You look in the hallway. Per usual, no one is outside. There are other cells lining the walls sporadically, but no one's ever been in them, you recall. If you lean over far enough, you can see an iron door to the far left end of the hallway. Sometimes a hooded warden would walk through that door and bring you unidentifiable food, but he hasn't been here for a few days... You shout. It shout echoes into the dark corridors beyond your cell, yet it's only answered by its own ghost as the sound repeats, softer and softer as it travels far away to disappear. A. Think about why the guard left B. Stop thinking about crud, I said look in the hallway. C. Examine cell
#180924393Saturday, January 02, 2016 7:11 PM GMT

#180924946Saturday, January 02, 2016 7:19 PM GMT

Wait, you already looked at your cell. Look anyways?
#180924981Saturday, January 02, 2016 7:20 PM GMT

#180925393Saturday, January 02, 2016 7:26 PM GMT

You look around at your cell again. It's exactly the same as before. You look in the corner and see an old plate of "food" you had forgotten about. A. Figure out where the food came from B. Examine food C. Do something else
#180925437Saturday, January 02, 2016 7:27 PM GMT

B, then A.
#180926909Saturday, January 02, 2016 7:46 PM GMT

You examine the plate of "food." It's disgusting-looking and you can't even tell what color it is. The only thing that stands out is a small change in color near the middle. You remember where it came from. [ The guard walked to your cell to give you your slop, just like always. He stooped down to slip it underneath the metal frame. You weren't hungry. You didn't take it. He pushed it further into your cell. His face was shadowed by his cloak, but you could imagine how evil it must look. Anyone bad enough to share that slop must be a sinister fellow. "Take it," a dark, but ragged, voice came from under the hood. You didn't. "Please..." No. "If you're not hungry, you can save it for late-" You roared and clawed at the figure from between the bars. You tried to rip through the cloak and tear into his skull. But he moved away. He didn't come back.] A. Investigate change of color in "food" B. Eat "food"

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