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#180800004Friday, January 01, 2016 3:39 AM GMT

#180800175Friday, January 01, 2016 3:41 AM GMT

ROBLOX needs a sub-forum where people think they actually read their ideas and suggestions, since they don't want to have to work more by deleting these type of threads in other sub-forums. æ- late/early morning forumer
#180800856Friday, January 01, 2016 3:50 AM GMT

this sub-forum is so predictable and so useless what you can find here is any one or more of the following on a thread: - thread where it's obvious bait but people take it seriously - thread that's serious but people respond as if it's bait - bad ideas (bait or not) that get bumped by people who take the bait - useful ideas that get ignored - that guy who posts "wnts" on all threads - suggestions with hundreds or even thousands of suggestions that are unnoticed - people who suggest stupid things for fun - people who suggest stupid things un-ironically - people who take s&i too seriously - people who post much disliked ideas and argue non-supporters as if their bad idea is going to happen - people who believe that this really is a place that the community can have a voice and potentially get something added to roblox maybe the response about people needing a place to think that people are listening to prevent suggestion threads in other forums would make sense maybe we do need a landfill for those threads
#180800968Friday, January 01, 2016 3:51 AM GMT

noticed an error on my post "thousands of suggestions that are unnoticed" should say "thousands of replies" or "thousands of supporters" and for clarity, "unnoticed" refers to by actual staff of course
#180813141Friday, January 01, 2016 6:22 AM GMT

■▬▬ Not Going To Happen, So Don’t Post It ▬▬■ • CANCEL THE WHOLE THING. (IE, undo a massive update, remove huge features, etc.) [Insert siggy here]
#180813222Friday, January 01, 2016 6:23 AM GMT

Goes from "please" to this huge amount of points.. | | 𝗜 ғıɢнт αʟσпε. | |
#180820371Friday, January 01, 2016 8:45 AM GMT

@theaddict hey look i was right "- that guy who posts "wnts" on all threads" @forever it's not a real suggestion but the thread is only semi-serious obviously they won't delete s&i but really this sub-forum isn't exactly necessary
#180820429Friday, January 01, 2016 8:47 AM GMT

The whole point of this forum is to make ROBLOX as a business feel good about itself. "Hey, we're listening to the community!" and all of that. Maybe a administrator comes over here every once and a while to see the forum, but with the state of most suggestions and ideas on this forum I personally doubt anything will come to fruition from any of their little visits.
#180821034Friday, January 01, 2016 9:10 AM GMT

yeah honestly s&i seems to serve more purpose than to paint an illusion of power to the people, that maybe simply having a suggestions sub-forum alone will suffice for everyone this thread is more of a criticism than an actual suggestion suggesting something relating to suggestions would be pointless but a lot of my problem with s&i isn't just the lack of community participation by staff but more of a problem with the existing community that actively uses the sub-forum, though that would probably change if there's more staff actively responding to threads and doing something about excessive flame-bait as fun as it is to waste time criticizing s&i there probably would be potential with it had it at least been better managed
#180821172Friday, January 01, 2016 9:15 AM GMT

i missed a word in that last reply that might have made one of the sentences confusing i meant to put that this thread "serves no more purpose" but i forgot the word "no" which would have changed the meaning of the sentence in a way that it didn't agree with the rest of my post just going to clear that up
#180823134Friday, January 01, 2016 10:58 AM GMT

Roblox does infact listen. But thing is, you have to speak louder than just s&i. You have to go out of your way to say "hey! ___ is terrible and i suggest you do it this way!" Obviously s&i is never enough. If you want something done you have to go the extra mile to do so. Most big buisnesses dont even care about suggestions, as the companys so big they become blind to what their supporters/customers need. Now, im not going to say roblox is one big money hungry game giant, but in ways i feel it is. There are many people who have played roblox in their childhood and became mods. Because they love the game. And are passionate with it. So, back to s&i, obviously roblox wont hear your small squeak. What your doing is mummbling compared to what people did when the pricefloor came. Because we cared about something so enough so much to go out of our way and say we dont like this. Now op, if your passonate about this suggestion you should go out of your way to make it happen instead of complaining.
#180846455Friday, January 01, 2016 7:51 PM GMT

"if your passonate about this suggestion" aside from your horrid grammar and repeated misuse of your/you're throughout that reply, even aside from the fact that you also misspelled passionate, i've stated many times this is not a real suggestion if anything i'm criticizing the system for being utterly useless i've even stated how i made the thread not just acknowledging the fact that suggestions will never be added but BECAUSE suggestions will never be added
#180847489Friday, January 01, 2016 8:07 PM GMT

Despite what you said about WNTS, this IS WNTS. The reason people say that is because this ACTUALLY is a WNTS post, you're trying to get an entire feature removed.
#180848069Friday, January 01, 2016 8:15 PM GMT

"Despite what you said about WNTS, this IS WNTS. The reason people say that is because this ACTUALLY is a WNTS post, you're trying to get an entire feature removed." oh my god how many times in one thread can i say "this is not a real suggestion" and "this is a criticism of s&i and its community" also while we're on the topic of the WNTS the WNTS badly needs an update for example "• Remove this sticky. (...No.)" it's not a sticky anymore, it's just a normal thread now "• Let us change our usernames." you can do this now "• Microphone/voice chat." this is going to be a confirmed feature for xbox one roblox "• Allow ODing." it's not allowed but they don't even ban people for it "• Stop being a kids' site/give us 13+ features." everything from 13+ chat to 13+ gears exists the reason why kids shouldn't think their suggestion is going to happen IS NOT because you can find it on the WNTS it's because s&i itself is a joke, no more than an illusion of people getting their voice heard
#180848492Friday, January 01, 2016 8:21 PM GMT

You been foruming for a long time. You should already know that roblox won't remove S&I.
#180848613Friday, January 01, 2016 8:23 PM GMT

"You should already know that roblox won't remove S&I." wow that's definitely not the reason why my exact words were 'it's not a real suggestion but the thread is only semi-serious obviously they won't delete s&i'
#180848797Friday, January 01, 2016 8:26 PM GMT

You should already know that roblox won't REMOVE S&I." wow that's definitely not the reason why my exact words were 'it's not a real suggestion but the thread is only semi-serious obviously they won't DELETE s&i' My point is. Yes S&I has a lot of WNTS threads. And serious people. But Roblox won't remove it. Because they want are Ideas and suggestions. Besides, every forum has its bad side.
#180848886Friday, January 01, 2016 8:28 PM GMT

just delete it and add it again to clear out all the trashposters PLEASE
#180848951Friday, January 01, 2016 8:29 PM GMT

that's why what i'm saying isn't actually a real suggestion for them to remove it as i have stated in a large number of replies i'm not expecting to accomplish anything with this thread
#180848993Friday, January 01, 2016 8:29 PM GMT

"just delete it and add it again to clear out all the trashposters PLEASE" support
#180867232Saturday, January 02, 2016 12:11 AM GMT

Like I said, S&I exists for the people who think ROBLOX will listen to their ideas and suggestions. On a rare occurrence do they actually do something with one of these threads. æ- late/early morning forumer
#180868359Saturday, January 02, 2016 12:24 AM GMT

s7i is bait central ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) some men just want to watch the OP burn ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ~ http://www.roblox.com/hilarious-and-original-item?id=238305503 ~
#180868625Saturday, January 02, 2016 12:28 AM GMT

i agree with both of those replies this is bait central but at the same time it at least makes some kids think they have the ability to influence roblox (though that won't stop them from ranting about how 'unfair' everything is) at least it serves as a landfill but honestly if s&i was better managed it could actually be kind of nice
#180869578Saturday, January 02, 2016 12:39 AM GMT

it's funny how many people think S&I is actually useful stars and stripes beats hammer and sickle, look it up
#180869758Saturday, January 02, 2016 12:41 AM GMT

This thread is not vomit inducing... because there is no vomit left. Also, screw everyone for commenting on this old, sad, outrageously unoriginal post.

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