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#181470523Monday, January 11, 2016 2:56 AM GMT

Personally, I oppose it- Before I get flamed at for this, I'm gonna back it up. Alright, here it goes- Point 1: Designer babies. If you don't know what those are, look it up- It's really creepy, even the term in itself. Everyone would eventually end up being 'perfect'- Really screwing up our identities as humans. Point 2: This could go wrong. Like, really, really wrong. Especially if we're turned into synthetic/biotic hybrids or something like that. If you don't know how, ask me, and I'll explain it to you. Point 3: We're human. Humans are adaptable and intelligent, and even if our biology limits our longevity, we're still well-developed creatures. Why do we need to be anything different?

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