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#181568986Tuesday, January 12, 2016 8:18 PM GMT

">no Shinedown " >implying there's a need for shinedown was i the man in your dreams
#181575385Tuesday, January 12, 2016 9:57 PM GMT

">implying there's a need for shinedown" >implying there isn't a need for Shinedown
#181597025Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:30 AM GMT

To many people list Linkin Park as a favorite band. Some of there music is kinda growing on me, but it aint best bands worthy. Again 3)SOAD 2)Nirvana 1)Radiohead 5,000,000)Nickleback, cause f**k Nickleback.
#181597251Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:34 AM GMT

"3)SOAD 2)Nirvana 1)Radiohead" one of the funniest jokes i've read all day was i the man in your dreams
#181597747Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:45 AM GMT

3)System Of Down: actually did a decent spin on modern metal adding elements of middle easter folk and other genres into his music and at the same time talked about some of the hot button political issues at the time and stuff that still needs to be addressed such is America's predisposition to get into meaningless wars, or the lack of recognition towards the Armenian Genocide. Serj Tankian is probably my second favorite musician of this generation, but he is also tied with his other band mate Daron Malakian because he did a very decent amount of the writing for SOAD, both of them are amazing together. Alone they are ok, but together they are an amazing pair, to bad most of the time they hate each other because Serj is to busy doing his own thing to make a new System album XD. 2)Nirvana: The soberest poet of a generation of misfits and rebels. He started the grunge movement. His music was nothing short of inspirational, I don't think there are more then 2 songs that I don't like from that band. 1)Radiohead: I can't explain it but I just love everything about this band, they just are exceptional. I love how dark and melancholy there music is. Them Yorke is just such a gloomy person and you can feel that in his music. Also Radiohead has been able to evolve through the times the right way.
#181599622Wednesday, January 13, 2016 4:18 AM GMT

"He started the grunge movement." >implying that he started the grunge movement

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