#182932368Wednesday, February 03, 2016 2:51 PM GMT

#182932380Wednesday, February 03, 2016 2:52 PM GMT

ALLISON "What the? Oh well." I take off the boots and put on the ballet boots. They were laced, so I tied them with my mouth.
#182932388Wednesday, February 03, 2016 2:52 PM GMT

The Mystics "I dunno. We dunno," they say in unison. Scott There are so many thoughts circling in my head. What now? What do I have for mankind? The thoughts end as I hear a voice in my head. It's him, the other me. GEN0C1D3 5c0tt! Hehehehehehe. Go back to your cage, Please. I'll release you when the time comes. BuT I'm SO tIREd Of IT. Just go back. AlrIGht. When that time does come, I'll put YOU in a cage. Alright. Just go back.
#182932433Wednesday, February 03, 2016 2:54 PM GMT

Aukato "No, I was lying." I laugh at Chojuna's confused face.
#182932462Wednesday, February 03, 2016 2:55 PM GMT

ALLISON I finish tying the boots and looked at the brown purse I haven't tried on.
#182932527Wednesday, February 03, 2016 2:57 PM GMT

Chojuna Angry, I quietly say "My Heaven...." The arm of My Heaven comes out of body and grabs Aukato's face before opening it like a book. "You will regret saying those words to me..." I say as I take the page where she made the joke and I rip it off. I then slap her, turning her face back to normal.
#182932618Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:00 PM GMT

Aukato "Ouch.... How dare you slap a girl? It hurts...." I say with a cute expression, hoping to make Chojuna fall in the trick. Dallu I am snoring now.
#182932646Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:01 PM GMT

Chojuna "Aukato...pick one, left or right?"
#182932693Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:03 PM GMT

ALLISON I show Jared my ballet boots.
#182932838Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:10 PM GMT

Aukato "Hey chojuna, wanna know why they call me the 'Rampaging Queen'?" A water orb surrounds my hand and I punch Chojuna in the stomach using it.
#182932870Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:11 PM GMT

Chojuna Before she could hit me, My Heaven was able to grab her wrists and I drew a line across her lips, making her shut up.
#182932899Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:12 PM GMT

#182932928Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:13 PM GMT

Jared "Huh? Those things again?"
#182932974Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:15 PM GMT

ALLISON "Just wanted to try a pair on again."
#182933131Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:21 PM GMT

Aukato I just stood there looking at Chojuna. "...." Dallu I keep snoring.
#182933165Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:22 PM GMT

Chojuna My Heaven let's go of Aukato as I simply walk away. Jared "........"
#182933190Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:23 PM GMT

ALLISON I put the skates and the other pair of boots in the purse. I look back at Jared. "Well?"
#182933260Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:26 PM GMT

Aukato She follows Chojuna, "Don't ask why. I am just bored." apparently she doesn't notices that her shirt is showing alot of her chest.... Lucky Chojuna. Dallu I just kept snoring.
#182933261Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:26 PM GMT

Jared "........." I gave her a blank stare, but then I press the back button of the doll and it says "NYES!" (GTG)
#182933357Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:29 PM GMT

ALLISON I sigh. I wear the purse over me as I levitated from the ground and picked up the old clothes I had on, including the wig. I then fly out of the dressing room.
#182933398Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:31 PM GMT

R. Gear I'm glad to see Luna's still there. "Hello again, Luna."
#182933607Wednesday, February 03, 2016 3:39 PM GMT

ALLISON I then purchase the clothes before going out of the store. Floating around the mall, I bump into Aukato.
#182935644Wednesday, February 03, 2016 4:52 PM GMT

(void allisons post that if sage posts)
#182937896Wednesday, February 03, 2016 5:59 PM GMT

-Misfit Squad- They'd finished fighting the bots and were lying around in a hero lounge that Carter had designed. -The BFFs- Bored to death, they took turns spawning on each other and committing suicide. What else was there to do? -Sophitia- I was still with Zoey and Rei.
#182938015Wednesday, February 03, 2016 6:03 PM GMT

ZOEY I'm now toying with Allison's arms. ALLISON I floated out of the mall, now heading towards the HQ.