#183868828Thursday, February 18, 2016 4:45 AM GMT

Name: TIEJLZNOEMPKFJTIEPQ[a jumble of words spoken in a language not conceivable by the human ear and tongue. Instead, he, or rather it, is referred to in the mortal world as nothing more than "Time", a name substituting for a very,very,very long name[probably about 5,004 characters]. Age: What is time, but the infinite circling of a wheel? It is a meaningless word, as all others in the English language, given to describe something with it's own name, it's own identity. Gender: I suppose you could identify it as a him, though I'm sure it would be very...angry. Under most circumstances, I'd recommend referring to it as an it, they, etc. Are you a part of the Roleplayers Association?: Tick tock, tick tock. Time is running out. [no.] Personality(Optional): QOERIRIEROEJAFKAADSFDGHFYUJTYHRGSEABWHRTYUJKYJGTRFSDEAVEGRHTER6WJY7KU8YTHBRVFE Appearance: Imagine...imagine a human. A human, just like you or I. Standing, breathing, talking, walking, living, crying. Now imagine you take away the breathing, living, and crying part. Replace the skin with a deep sea blue, with no facial features, including the removal of eyes, a mouth, nose, ears, and so forth. Imagine this strange, blue mutant, standing and walking with a zodiac with many a different figure on it. With each step, the zodiac turns. Should he stop? It may all stop turning. Power: The being, as suggested by his mortal name, Time, has the ability to manipulate and tear holes into reality, creating distortions in the very thin fabric we call space, causing a variety of different effects involving time. Sometimes, the zodiac may turn one way and turn them back. Another, it may turn them forward. Another, it may merely slow down time. Weapon: The zodiac has but one weapon to give it's host - a large axe, the same color as the beings skin. Bio(Optional): QWERTYUIKJHGFDKFVGBHNMKJHYGTFREDDRFTGHOJGFJIEUWYEIROFGPHLKGJFHDGST TIME IS AN ILLUSION Other: this siggy is everything you hate about me mixed into one bundle of joy
#183869040Thursday, February 18, 2016 4:50 AM GMT

ZOEY "Rei can generate some." (me too)
#183869060Thursday, February 18, 2016 4:51 AM GMT

(birm accepted)
#183869199Thursday, February 18, 2016 4:54 AM GMT

The Coelacanth rolled by, with lots of food still on top.
#183869803Thursday, February 18, 2016 5:09 AM GMT

"i shouldn't have tried my hardest, to try and FORCE titm to die. if it was going to live, then i should have let it. i shouldn't have tried and ruin your fun." needs more gagging mid-sentence
#183870038Thursday, February 18, 2016 5:14 AM GMT

Both JOHN and JOSH get up. BOTH Where are we?
#183871643Thursday, February 18, 2016 5:48 AM GMT

"needs more gagging mid-sentence" you dont even know this siggy is everything you hate about me mixed into one bundle of joy
#183877889Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:20 AM GMT

(that power he has. Is that Reality Warping, or Space-Time/Continuum Manipulation?) Scott Banishment. Continuum Cutting. Singularities. Continuum Rifts, Distortions and many others. Techniques I've learned. I can see all the boundaries. The past and the future. I've used them all before. I've went to different realities, times and spaces. I can control Boundaries too. My true abilities are yet to be seen by anyone. Wait- what was I thinking about again? Must've spaced out.
#183878503Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:48 AM GMT

#183878514Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:49 AM GMT

( wanna interact?)
#183879192Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:30 AM GMT

Atro My sword gets engulfed with light as I surround myself in a light aura. "Phantom Sky Flash!" I yelled as I leap into the air and I dive down to deliver a powerful slash. Lionel My lance gets engulfed with darkness and then I yell "Giudecca!" I then thrust my lance towards his sword, pushing it with great force.
#183879328Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:37 AM GMT

Zolcan & Scott We're watching. This is pretty entertaining. Scott's eating popcorn he got teleported into his hands. Reth I'm at home, in the basement, Training myself.
#183879429Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:43 AM GMT

Lionel I surround my fist with the six elements, as Atro's attack is going to overpower me. As my Leomurg gets off my hand, I yell "OURANIA MEGALI GROTHIA!" I then punch Atro's face, breaking his nose and some of his teeth, and then it blew him away from me and crashes to the ground. Atro I barely get up, my nose bleeding and my teeth missing. "You did well...from that kind of punch, you really did do a number on me, and for that, I shall give you my power." I then turn into a light orb and went into his light sword, evolving it into the sword Urias.
#183879505Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:46 AM GMT

Zolcan & Scott "Nice finisher," Zolcan says to Lionel. Scott just noms on his popcorn.
#183879583Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:50 AM GMT

Makarov "I think you just....over do it, but anyway, that's the last of the ethereal heroes. Now we are moving on with the elemental ones, starting with Lance. Off to Akrana!" ANd so we move on."
#183879650Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:52 AM GMT

Scott & Zolcan Off to Akrana we go. Zolcan wonders if the Deathspawn guy is gonna appear during this journey. Scott, nom nom nom.
#183879762Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:58 AM GMT

Makarov We arrive at Akrana, the place seemed barren because it is ridden with jungle trees. Anyways, Lance should be here. I could hear him talking to his living pike.
#183879956Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:06 PM GMT

Zolcan Mana. A combination of life-force manipulation and magic. An ability I possess. Powerful. I don't know why I decided to think of this. Scott Nom nom nom.
#183881302Thursday, February 18, 2016 1:00 PM GMT

Makarov I heard footsteps coming. I turn around and saw the Earth Legend himself, Lance. Lance "Oh, it's you, and who's that?" Makarov "This guy right here is the chosen one. His name is Lionel Hawkgun." Lance "Oh, so he's here to lend my powers huh? Well, I could if he is worthy of it, right Drevas?" Makarov "This again huh? Like you're the only one who can hear his voice."
#183881322Thursday, February 18, 2016 1:00 PM GMT

-Pyrrha- "I'm fine, yeah. Thanks for asking, though." -Noob- The Noob had went up to the third floor balcony and began spamming Claymores there. At least, until he fell down and faceplanted on the sand below. The kill feed then read that he had "BAD LUCK". To be honest, everyone else were the ones who had bad luck- the Noob could be quite annoying at times.
#183881384Thursday, February 18, 2016 1:03 PM GMT

Lionel "Urias..." I say as I unsheathe the sword Urias. Lance "Let me see if you're worth it. Come on Drevas!" I pull out Drevas and then we both clash. Jared I sigh. Makarov "Jared, anything matter?" Jared "I wonder how my friends are doing."
#183881572Thursday, February 18, 2016 1:08 PM GMT

Scott that I think about it, this god becoming thing seems to be pretty dumb, how do you become a god just by getting a couple of gems and swords? Is there some kind of hidden power in them? It took me at least 40 years to become a god just by mastering Mysticism. Which I can't seem to use anymore due to reasons, I kept my ability to use all forms of flames, dark energy, become a Raiju, control the Continuum and my awareness of the 4th Wall.
#183881720Thursday, February 18, 2016 1:12 PM GMT

-Carter- Where's a shooting range? We could at least make ourselves useful and make a training room. "Where's the damn training room?" -Agile- "Quit your whining! I'll get that in a sec." Soon I had created an outdoor training grounds, albeit without the stupid robots. It had a tarmac field for sparring, and of course, automated targets for a shooting range. "Stupid kids need everything nowadays..." -Carter- I didn't hear his insult, but instead listened to the battle with Lionel thanks to my ability to ignore the fourth wall. -Sophitia- "..." I looked up and at the door. I should probably head out, shouldn't I? -Faction- Inside, enjoying a bag of Doritos. -Misfit Fireteam- Bored, they seemed to be about to head indoors. -Noob- The Noob was nowhere to be seen in the desert. Instead, he "spawned" on Jared. "HI!"
#183881836Thursday, February 18, 2016 1:16 PM GMT

Lance I deliver a barrage of thrusts at Lionel. Lionel I have to use both Urias and Leomurg to counter the stabs.
#183881968Thursday, February 18, 2016 1:19 PM GMT

Scott I transport a chess game onto the floor and sit on the floor. "Would any of you guys be interested in a game of Chess?" I say to the guys. Zolcan I don't wanna play, he always beats me. I'll just continue watching.