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#181911858Monday, January 18, 2016 6:22 AM GMT

A message from a United States Air Force General (O-10) to the United States public. I've seen a lot of things from the public of the United States and I'd like to address them here. Some people tell me that the USM isn't effective, that it's bad, that no one does anything and it's inactive. The United States Military is getting a lot better, specifically the Air Force. The Air Force has re-established the Air Combat Command which flies fighters and bombers into warzones. The Air Force has also effectively jump-started the Air Mobility Command which helps move supplies (including tanks and medical kits) and troops into combat zones. From what I can tell, the Navy and Army are starting new commands and bringing them to their full potential. Another thing that I'm told a lot is that you never get anywhere in USM unless you know someone. That's completely false and I'll tell you how you can get to a high ranking position. Just remember you won't get there right away. You need to go to basic military training in order to be promoted and before you can go to a specialty training. Get specialty training in ANYTHING you can, so you can get promoted further. Stick in that for a bit. Respect EVERYONE and keep your head down for the most part along with going to every training or other event and you'll catch someone's eye. All it takes is a bit of effort and you'll get promoted or chosen for a special job. Furthering your career in USM just takes effort. You get out what you put into it. Remember two things, respect everyone, and USM can't get better unless you help it get better. General ZZ9PluralZAlpha, Commanding Officer-Air Mobility Command, USAF
#181912015Monday, January 18, 2016 6:26 AM GMT

t r u e a s f
#181912310Monday, January 18, 2016 6:33 AM GMT

this is so true right here
#181915471Monday, January 18, 2016 8:00 AM GMT

Can't wait for you to be in the new Administration :)
#181918536Monday, January 18, 2016 10:24 AM GMT

There was one USM girl named Toph100 who kept shooting at me yesterday for no reason. I would say one thing and she would yell "HARASSMENT" and kill me FOR NO REASON. The cops done nothing. But, the last time, a cop noticed and arrested her. I want her to be fired for abuse of tools.
#181918609Monday, January 18, 2016 10:28 AM GMT

@Chandler- It'd REALLY help if you sent some proof to their Commanding Officer. Send some to me as well if you can and I'll dig into this. If I get proof, I can ensure prosecution in military court. Gen ZZ9PluralZAlpha, CO-AMC, USAF
#181920536Monday, January 18, 2016 12:12 PM GMT

usaf in my personal opinion is not needed just like the navy for ships lol! usm at likely to raid another ro-nation fort that doesn't have planes or ship just a battleground and even if the odds are that the fort does have planes/ships controls will be different likely and nothing is stopping regular usm who aren't in those divisions to fly the plane or use the ship at enemy bases roflllll
#181921575Monday, January 18, 2016 12:58 PM GMT

hi zz9 good message, General.
#181922221Monday, January 18, 2016 1:22 PM GMT

@CT- Thanks. @Dan- Our pilots are actually REALLY smart and trained on a variety of systems. On the off chance their air systems aren't similar, we can learn quickly.
#181922305Monday, January 18, 2016 1:25 PM GMT

#181954609Monday, January 18, 2016 10:08 PM GMT

@dan says the person who RCL's when literally no other ro-nation uses it. >.>
#181955751Monday, January 18, 2016 10:23 PM GMT

ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh golf just shrekt dan
#181957686Monday, January 18, 2016 10:49 PM GMT

I will never understand why USM is incapable of doing their only jobs... "defending nusa and our allies" Special forces uses RCL yes, as special forces we do scrimmages but we don't battle other countries USM is supposed to be our "front line" defense so its said but they cannot even get that task done effectively #code print 'hi nerds!' end
#181978124Tuesday, January 19, 2016 3:56 AM GMT

@native but it's hypocritical to say that a branch of the military serves no use when SF in general is centered around such an old and barely used fighting style.
#182058040Wednesday, January 20, 2016 6:12 PM GMT

@golf ur statement shows u don't understand what we do we raid other war clans not to-nation and when usm was losing to India mid-game when there was a NUSM-India war in Zeyad's administration, Zeyad legit had to call SF because USM was losing to India 89-105 out of 200KOs, SF came and Zeyad told USM to stay behind the front lines and let us handle it. SF carried USM to victory resulting in 200 us - 170 them. the gun we used is the gun usm trains with, that provs rcl works, our raid ratio on war clans and in general is: 70-14 of all times. USM can't compete with that win-lose ratio. so no, you're extremely wrong.
#182058098Wednesday, January 20, 2016 6:14 PM GMT

furthermore, SF has top 100 RCLers, there's no such thing for the "top 100 gun fighters" now are there? Our roasters will spawn kill USM with their own guns in a scrimmage.
#182079948Thursday, January 21, 2016 1:03 AM GMT

might as well just go and make ur own clan if you want to raid clans lol so actually i'm correct
#182086509Thursday, January 21, 2016 2:38 AM GMT

i fail to see where ur correct yes i can go ahead make my own clan and bla bla bla (i did many times in the past and they were all successful) but sf... sf is unique from all the other agencies, that is where i shaped it today, i shaped it to be the most unique agency in n-usa. we stand out versus only just patrolling cities and training, than patrolling, than training, etc, etc. that's boring, sf agrees with the direction i go with, and we have THE most loyal members in sf >we even have the best tech in all of n-usa and its funny of all the other things i said u only got "might as well just go and make ur own clan if you want to raid clans lol" memo part. pls re-read what i said to u "but it's hypocritical to say that a branch of the military serves no use when SF in general is centered around such an old and barely used fighting style." >ok so. all the elite war clans like vak, solitule forces, raa, fleetcom, and other elite powerhouse clans that use "rcl" in training have out-dated methods, according to u, but they are considered the most elite clans of all of roblox. name 1 clan who uses m4 guns from usm and are considered moderately "elite" to the slightest bit? ya... and again, we carried usm to victory from that raid and we can spawn kill usm with their own m4 guns >our methods are very up-to-date and we PROVED that over and over again that it works we also just beat UAF: Preliators in a scrimmage (it was a hour and 30 minutes 1-round scrimmage)--SF won, this was 2 days ago, and former POTUS Zeyad was there, and was chanting "SF #1" when we won. so yes, we get the job done. usm doesn't. >your arguments are weak period.
#182086670Thursday, January 21, 2016 2:40 AM GMT

and we have our own raidable fort (we're making a new one atm) which can be found here: http://www.roblox.com/games/151677109/SF-Supremacy-WIP at our forts we're making our own guns, we won't be using rcl yes... our devs will be making us new gun sets that fort will be raided by other war clans once it's done on our current fort, we got raided many times by war clans so... gg?
#182087060Thursday, January 21, 2016 2:46 AM GMT

congrats but that's not what ro-nations are about. once again, this is a clan thing. i'd be all for a special forces clan, but in terms of ro-nations it's irrelevant.
#182089769Thursday, January 21, 2016 3:28 AM GMT

we don't forget our principles of where we originated from, raiding war clans is just a "side activity". we focus on patrolling and projecting our cities more than raiding war clans, again, raiding war clans is just a side-activity. rcl isn't and should not be used just for "war clans", rcl is a method that has proven itself to improve gun skill-sets if it has evidence of it working, we move towards that plain and simple
#182126883Thursday, January 21, 2016 11:02 PM GMT

this is why people think nusa is so trash. we're suppose to be a roleplay if the real united states yet we support 'rcl.' i'm proud for ur accomplishments and SF is rly a good agency but at the same time ur making nusa look like garbage
#182130753Thursday, January 21, 2016 11:58 PM GMT

that's your opinion and it's fine i know many people who disagree with what you just stated why shouldn't an agency of n-usa not be able to use rcl to practice for gun fighting? clearly from watching USM, M4s aren't the way to go for training rcl is universal, and again, rcl is working for us, that's why we stick with them and we will continue to do so
#182534118Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:51 AM GMT

it's not an opinion, lol, people do view us as trash because we're awful at roleplaying/our realism is below 0.
#182575475Thursday, January 28, 2016 10:42 PM GMT

people don't view us as trash because of our rp we're the only group on roblox that acts as a real government, look at the other usa's, or other ro-nations, and how horrible they are they view us as "trash" because of all the people who represent us, and how bad they are at doing so,

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