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#1819843Tuesday, July 15, 2008 5:36 AM GMT

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#1831773Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:35 AM GMT

june 8 2039 1600 hours out side of dc. "hey sir is that the white house." ask prvt jakup. "yea but its roblox style." "dang its got constrips flack troopers and gaurd dogs." "remember were navy seals and we got a british sniper ready to fire." the 5 troops load their guns and got ready to fire. "ready set...OPEAN FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the sound of machin gun fire could be heard inside the white house. 2 mins later the bullets stop flying. "sniper do you see any anti aircraft guns in ur scopes?" "negitive." "ok call in the paras." soon allided gis were paradrop over d.c. june 8 2039 1648 hours in side the white house. "call comanded an tell them we have d.c. back in allided contral." "yes sir." "also tell comanded to send a mcv to help set up a base of operations." "sigechoppers!!" "lets go get any1 with a rocketlancer to the windows we need to take down." "sir command just drop 6 ifvs with no attamichs." "you mean they got only thier rocket lancher still." "yea." "good tell the gunner to blast thouse choppers out of the sky. to be contuided. what i mean by dont add on this i mean dont continue the story but u can leave comments
#1910913Monday, July 21, 2008 7:00 AM GMT

i know i have been gone for a wile that because i've been bieys before i countiue i want to here wat the people like about the story so far
#1920761Monday, July 21, 2008 9:26 PM GMT

#1958335Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:43 PM GMT

ok people plz leave a comint about this plz i want to know if i'm doing good or do i need to change something (note this is being turnd into a movie so if u want to perticapt look for roblox alert 2 ep 1 in the robloxwood in the forms and select ur part)
#1959523Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:42 AM GMT

Nice, I used to play red alert 2. I think you have quite an imagination! 8/10
#1959791Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:55 AM GMT

ok i will contuie the stroy tomarow were i left off
#1968335Thursday, July 24, 2008 3:17 PM GMT

ok were was o yes "get to the windows b4 the seigechopers can land and deploy their heavy canons." yelled cpt jim. "sir there are to man sigechopers to take down all at 1." but allided counld say that for long because teh raf or robloxin air force arrive this aa missles. " ok lets give the guys some help." "roger." "ech 12 fox 3" "a dricet hit, he going down." "ono migs scatter!!"
#2284288Wednesday, August 13, 2008 2:45 AM GMT

sovit migs soon were atacking the raf jets. "i'm hit." jets were falling like flys. "were are those guardin gis when u need them w8 nvm look black egles." a squad of koren black egeals hade entered the air space. "lets show them how allied jets are realy made of."
#2365188Monday, August 18, 2008 2:25 AM GMT

u go oow bump w8 that wrong it bump no oow bump
#4268764Sunday, December 14, 2008 5:05 AM GMT

well look what i found one of my old threads better contuie this

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