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#18201531Tuesday, December 22, 2009 10:43 AM GMT

It really is unwarranted. Just because you talk about Global matters on this forum doesn't mean you can talk about communsim and terroism. People have a right of mind but remember Tovtov and Jericho(my Best Friend) that this is a game site targeted towards kids. It is supposed to be fun here but with threads like the Iraq one people will get offended by it espcially Iraqis who have to put up with so much already without being ridiculed. Talk about NFL or Cricket but not politics and Copenhagen and communism. I accidentally pressed a button and my first post doesn't allow replies but I want people to read this.
#18203526Tuesday, December 22, 2009 12:50 PM GMT

Yes, we can talk about politics.And the issue of terrorism. This is a forum for educated people. If a little kid comes here, he won't know what anyone is talking about anyway.
#18206509Tuesday, December 22, 2009 2:36 PM GMT

blackmagic22 dont like to be here leave. i want to remind you that i didnt made a single thread i only reply to what you are saying so please dont blame be for talking about politics
#18237366Tuesday, December 22, 2009 11:06 PM GMT

Well why talk about it on a kids game(Im 13 so don't ask) because yeah little kids might not understand it but then they might get their parents to tell them what were talking about then it spells trouble. Besides tovtov usually Jericho makes the threads and you reply.
#18273876Wednesday, December 23, 2009 2:31 PM GMT

so why am i the blame for makeing a political converstion when im not the one that make the converstion? and beside why is it so wrong that kids will know facts about the world?
#18274016Wednesday, December 23, 2009 2:35 PM GMT

I think they want to hear other things, they might not even know were Copenhagen is.
#18275088Wednesday, December 23, 2009 3:01 PM GMT

if they want to hear what they think they should leave becosue im not going to be blind and to stop looking and what people are doing just becosue they dont want know it.

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