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#182133019Friday, January 22, 2016 12:34 AM GMT

As of now, I have chose to retire. All I really need to do it make a solid effort in HHCL. My MCHL career is over. I will retire today. To my dear friends in ROC. I believe that you can win the cup. We have stuck to the season and played hard. We started from the bottom now we're here. I hope you will crush everyone in the playoffs. To MCHLers everywhere. The best way to provide your future is to create it. Do whatever you need to be the best you can. One thing I have to say is Practice. Practicing will help you become better in some aspects of the game (Shooting, Passing) I wish you the best of luck throughout your career. There are some friends I would like to thank: BeastEyeXI - chem bby. he has stuck with me through everything luv u HawkEyeXI - leader of eyexi and gr8 m8 friend. All those players on Manchester S4 or S5. - thx 4 helping me and our team win the cup. (CHI won g7 but they had alts so we were champs) Ya'll are the best! Lyase/Cybz/TLuminousT/Lxminous/ WHAT EVER YOU NAME IS. - thx 4 giving me the opportunity to join MAN. thx 4 sticking with me in EDM s8 even tho I got cut. henryjj23 - rooki coach! he was one of my best friends on roc! jetpackmaster101 - chem bby with beast. he taught me how to do stuff like goals, passing. All other EYEXI's - thanks 4 letting me join the EyeXIs you guys are the best! hope to see u in the top 5 o the leaderboards! emilytraps/MissyWhite/emily4468 - thx 4 helping me with my shots, passing just overall practice. good luck with ur career. hope 2 see u in hhcl! To all those who I missed. Thanks for whatever you guys did for me. Ik that I didnt include everyone. So for now, I will either Coach or Staff. I hope you guys who are reading right now the best. -Xyrelicz. (Senpai Xy)
#182138399Friday, January 22, 2016 1:51 AM GMT

Good Bye <3 Luv u bby

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