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#182134808Friday, January 22, 2016 1:01 AM GMT

"The assassin's once stood high above the Templars in our sacred land. It was not until Akito Saven took order of the Templars. Brutal and fearless he took the life of any one who would oppose him. Whether it be his own son or his greatest enemy, This man . . . no this monster showed no mercy. It was only 3 years before most of our kind had been killed off. Now only a few of us remain. But fear not Mien has found a piece of eden, or pieces. But enough talk about the old days. We have much to do . . . and I fear my days won't be much longer" The old man who once was your Mentor got up. He was at least in his late 50's. His hair greying from the once dark black color it was. He had no facial hair. He never liked it much. _____ Location: Hiroshima Year: 1593 _____ "THEY BE HERE" Mien ran in screaming with his katan drawn (A common japanese weapon that was a curved sword) Even though he had lived here for more than half of his life he still spoke broken Japanese. But that did not matter at the moment. Templars are comming. And you need to fight. [ What do you do? What Weapons do you have ]
#182141633Friday, January 22, 2016 2:35 AM GMT

(Sorry for late reply) Darrius wields a long curved black katanna, that has a sharpened black blade forged out of smooth steel. The Hilt of the weapon is red, dotted with silver jewels. At his wrists there are 2 equally as black serrated edge hidden daggers that can retract. Darrius being a master of silence would examine the room and surrounding areas until he found one that seemed fit.
#182142239Friday, January 22, 2016 2:42 AM GMT

Seven men ran inside. Templars. No . . . Royal gaurds? Why are they here? Six of them held a katana, but the sevemth had his weapon sheathed. Holding a bloody bag. You already knew what it was. A head. Probably of an assassin. "KNEEL" The one holding the crimson leaking bag yelled. "You are wanted for crimes against the emperor" Mien said that the Piece of eden was well hidden and in a place of high importance. Did he mean the palace? You hold your blade. They may be royal guards, But you are an assassin. Trained to kill. These may be templars. It was unlikely. "I see" The seventh dropped the bag and unsheathed 2 katanas. "KILL THESE TRAITORS OF THE DYNASTY" Said the one with the katanas.
#182142964Friday, January 22, 2016 2:51 AM GMT

Darrius would sit aimlessly, the blade of his weapon testing at his side. The Royal guard continued to list off a laundry list of crimes against the emperor, as he did darrius crept up the sides of the walls, careful not to make a sound. He made haste until he was firmly perched at the top of a balcony peering down at the Royal guards. Darrius clutched a medium sized potted plant by his side, he planned the use it as a smoke device because of the old dusty dirt that had been known to fume. When the Royal guard gave the order to kill he zipped down the wall, blades at his sides as he through the make shift smoke device at his feet. The plant left his hand and connected with his ankle, bursting into a short cloud of dust. As it did he raised his dagger, ready to strike.
#182143849Friday, January 22, 2016 3:03 AM GMT

(Threw) You land on a guard near by your dagger ripping into the back of this throat only to stab another's chest and rip up with your hidden blade. Mien grab another and snapped his neck. Mien was known for his martial arts and hand based attacks. He also used foot based. He wore the uncommon foot blade. A special hidden blade designed for foot based attacks. To him this was normal as he was raised with the assassin's from China.
#182144482Friday, January 22, 2016 3:11 AM GMT

(Auto correct. You've made some spelling errors too :/) Darrius would fight back to back with Mien, unsheathing his katana and ramming it through the last few guards skulls. When the haze of dust cleared there was no more than a pile of bodies and severed limbs. Breathless darrius sheathed his katana and turned to Mien, asking "how did the royal guards find us?"
#182180981Friday, January 22, 2016 9:32 PM GMT

"They togather work Templar" Mien said with a sorrow look on his face. You hadn't noticed until now but the one with the two swords had escaped with two others. (You were'nt supposed to just insta kill them as it was a head on fight for the others) You arm slowly started to bleed from a cut. It was long, but not deep.

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