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#182316424Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:24 PM GMT

Netflix was beautiful. He was tall, at least six feet, and had unnaturally bright red hair. It was the colour of a fire truck and was tousled messily yet suited him so. It hung just above his eyebrows so his hypnotizing grey eyes would be visible. He wore a grey suit to match, and when he smiled his perfect white teeth shone brightly. Not only was he picture perfect, he was the centre of attention, nearly the centre of the universe if it were up to his fans. Every day people flocked to Netflix; they wanted to talk to the biggest star of the decade, the century. Even other celebrities would throw their status away and feel insignificant in the presence of Netflix. Even stars such as YouTube or Hulu Plus would practically bow down to Netflix. Everyone absolutely adored him and Netflix adored everyone just the same. Now, there was one forgotten celebrity, Mr. Cable TV. At one point, Cable TV was as popular as Netflix was. He, too, experienced the limelight first-hand. Now the most attention Cable TV got was a homeless man on the street waving an empty cup in his face, begging for spare change or even a snack. All of the new-age celebrities were bigger and better than Cable TV. Oh, how he hated them. He was scowled and sneered so much that premature wrinkles and spawned off the corners of his eyes and worry-wrinkles littered his forehead. Fame caught Cable TV incredibly young, so he was the same age as Netflix but looked impossibly older. He was tall but seemed shorter because of his constant hunching over. His once pure, raven black hair had streaks of grey hidden throughout. His eyes remained dark brown and would have looked young if it weren’t for those damn wrinkles and bags. Everyday he wore an unflattering brown suit with a red tie, not even tied correctly. He looked dirty and grimy, and you would never guess who he was (or once was) if you had passed by him in the streets. He blended in with that cup-waving homeless man. Although his exterior was nasty, on the inside Cable TV was a mushy ball of personality once you got to know him. You had to dig deep through the layer of sarcasm, then dig a little more through the snide comments, then just a little tiny bit more through the crotchety old man layer. After all that, it was clear that Cable TV was absolutely lovely to be around. Most people didn’t even attempt to dig to the mushy ball of personality layer, because Cable TV came off as bitter as a lime. Back at the spotlight (just a regular café to the normal eye), Netflix had noticed Cable TV sitting all alone and scowling at a table, far off from the crowd of screaming and crying fans. Netflix was intrigued, because everyone wanted to meet Netflix. Heck, people would chop off their own left toe if they could even get a whiff of his cologne! Even the elderly, who were against this new technology and insisted playing with a stick and a rock was still fun, even they couldn’t resist the charm of Netflix. To Netflix it was unusual that there was someone who didn’t want to meet him and he wanted to investigate. When the crowd had been chased away by some goggling café baristas, Netflix stole away and sat down across from Cable TV. “Hey!” Netflix said. Cable TV looked up and grunted. He pushed back his chair and was about to stand up but Netflix reached out his hand to pull him back. “I’m Netflix.” Again, no response form Cable TV aside from an unpleasant growl. Netflix was beginning to get frustrated at the disrespect. He opened his mouth to give Cable TV a piece of is mind but Cable TV spoke first, “I know who you are, I don’t need an introduction. You would know who I am, too, if you didn’t steal my damn spotlight! No one remembers who I am because of you, you red-haired buffoon! All of my fans left me, Cable TV, for you!” Cable TV sobbed into his hands. He had bottled up those feelings for so long and it felt good to finally let them out. “Wow, I… I had no idea.” Netflix said sheepishly. “Of course you didn’t. Do I need to repeat myself? No. One. Knows. Who—“ “No, no, I got it the first time. You just don’t look like you did. I was a big fan of you growing up—you inspired me to become the entertainer I am today. I didn’t know I’d knock my idol out of the spotlight trying to achieve my dream.” Netflix felt ashamed with himself and was embarrassed, “Let me buy you a drink, it’s the least I can do.” Cable TV wanted nothing more than to dismiss Netflix away. He didn’t need his friendship, he didn’t want his friendship, but the fact he seemed so truly heartbroken compelled Cable TV to accept his offer. “Okay, fine. I’ll take a coffee, black.” Netflix beamed, “Okay, great! I’ll be right back!” And he ran off to get the order from inside the café while Cable TV waited.
#182316495Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:25 PM GMT

#182316501Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:26 PM GMT

i have truly reached a low point in my life
#182316528Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:26 PM GMT

10/10 op nice job
#182316546Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:26 PM GMT

#182316591Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:27 PM GMT

"10/10 op nice job" aww thank you "wha-what." i know man i know
#182316804Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:30 PM GMT

give me ideas i need to keep it PG i was thinking at the end they date and that's how netflix on TV was made
#182316863Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:31 PM GMT

Op make more stories about how they marry <3
#182317022Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:33 PM GMT

how about netflix secretly backstabs cable tv and summons satan to kill god that sounds not offensive LIKE SONIC LIKE SONIC LIKE SONIC
#182317111Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:35 PM GMT

ooooh a twist ending i like that
#182317148Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:35 PM GMT

i hate when i have to write fanfiction for school or in general im tired ~3 days~
#182317179Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:35 PM GMT

"i hate when i have to write fanfiction for school or in general" i could have written anything in the world
#182317215Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:36 PM GMT

#182317270Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:37 PM GMT

this is my crowning achievement
#182317387Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:38 PM GMT

I ship it. ~~~Dreaming of Typewriters~~~
#182317864Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:44 PM GMT

here you go guys you can follow the story on wattpad /212104861-channels-apart-netflix-meet-cable-tv
#182318015Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:46 PM GMT

my wattpad is filled with some pretty weird stuff. feel kinda sorry for anyone that's read my fanfictions
#182361257Monday, January 25, 2016 3:27 AM GMT

more progress of the story, everyone Netflix came back a short while later with two cups of coffee, or something, with a plate holding a muffin balancing on each cup. Cable TV reached out and grabbed one of the cups so that Netflix could place down his own without spilling everything. “Carrot muffins.” Stated Netflix as he took a bite of his muffin, “I hope you like them.” “They’re my favourite, actually.” Exclaimed Cable TV. The two began to chat away about mundane topics and Cable TV realized that maybe Netflix wasn’t so bad after all. The charm Netflix oozed finally worked its way into Cable TV, passing through each and every terrible layer in him until it pooled in his sweet, mushy layer. Cable TV found himself laughing at every joke Netflix told, he caught himself smiling whenever he looked into his eyes. All of the mean and cruel layers inside of Cable TV cracked under the pressure of this feeling until each layer crumbled and only the good shone through. This was what falling in love was like, thought Cable TV. Netflix found it easier to talk to Cable TV as time passed. They had finished their muffins and coffee hours ago and the sun was setting lower in the sky. Netflix pushed his chair back and stood up, “It’s getting late, and I should be going home. I have an interview tomorrow. Can I drive you home?” “I…” stammered Cable TV. “You don’t have anywhere to stay, do you? You know what, crash at my place for the night. I’ve got a penthouse just a few miles away.” “Won’t the paparazzi think it’s weird you’re letting a homeless, washed up celebrity temporarily stay in your home?” Cable TV was embarrassed that he had to confess he was homeless. He really did blend in with that cup-shaking homeless guy. “I can’t let you sleep outside, you’re my idol. I insist, please come with me.” Netflix begged. “N—actually, alright. I appreciate it, Netflix. You’re not such a bad guy after all.” Netflix laughed, “I knew you’d come around.” And together, the two drove off.
#182361489Monday, January 25, 2016 3:30 AM GMT

add in hulu and make it more dramatic
#182361550Monday, January 25, 2016 3:30 AM GMT

"add in hulu and make it more dramatic" god DAMMIT that's an amazing idea i'll see if i can work it in with my current plot
#182361651Monday, January 25, 2016 3:32 AM GMT

i love this more then I should
#182361695Monday, January 25, 2016 3:32 AM GMT

"i could have written anything in the world" hi i just forgot to reply to the thread after i posted im tired ~3 days~
#182361810Monday, January 25, 2016 3:34 AM GMT

i love this
#182363984Monday, January 25, 2016 4:10 AM GMT

I ship it mpre ~~~Dreaming of Typewriters~~~
#182413891Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:43 AM GMT

are you guys ready for the last installment?????????? (the amount of cheese in this episode could be used to top 500 pizzas) A short while later Netflix and Cable TV approached the apartment where the penthouse was located. The apartment looked more like a hotel—it had intricate architecture and it was painted a deep green with gold detailing. The doors to enter were arched and bellhops were ready to take up your stuff for you. Cable TV walked through the doors and saw that the inside was even more beautiful. The room was round with a desk to the east with the secretary. To the north, straight ahead from the doors, were three elevators with shining doors of expensive metal. To the west was the door to the public pool that any of the residents could use, along with an entrance to the courtyard and an emergency staircase. Cable TV was absolutely in awe. “Well, shall we?” Netflix gestured to the elevator and Cable TV followed him on. He pressed the button for the topmost floor and the elevator began its ascent. Netflix gave Cable TV the tour of his penthouse which was the same as any other penthouse. Cable TV probably would have had a similar one had he not lost his career. Netflix set up Cable TV in his spare bedroom. It was the smallest room but still bigger than any room an average working man would have. It had large windows to see the skyline of the city below, a king sized bed, a walk-in closet and a bathroom attached to the room. “Are you sure you don’t mind that I stay here?” “Of course not! It’d be my honour to help out a legend.” Netflix beamed. Cable TV flushed red at the compliment and sat down on the bed. “I appreciate all of this. No one’s given me time of day for years, let alone invited me into their home.” “Like I said, it’s my honour. You know, you were a great entertainer back in the day. It’d be a waste to not share your talent with everyone else, you’re a classic. Let me help you get back into the business again.” Offered Netflix. “You’d do that for me?” “You inspired me to get into the business, I want to do the same for you. We can start working tomorrow. What do you say?” Cable TV had tears in his eyes, “I’d love that. Thank you so much, Netflix.” Netflix smiled and nodded then walked off to his own bedroom for the night, leaving Cable TV alone to his thoughts. He smiled to himself and realized he hadn’t known this happiness in years. The next morning Cable TV awoke to the smell of eggs cooking and the sound of bacon sizzling. He smiled and opened the curtains to the windows to let the sun flow through. He smiled and quickly got cleaned up—there was a fresh suit left on the end of the bed and he assumed it was for him. There was also a new toothbrush in the bathroom, along with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and any other cosmetic product you could imagine. He also shaved and looked in the mirror to see a face that appeared years younger. He noticed how much happier he looked which in turn made him look younger. When Cable TV was satisfied with his look he stepped outside into the kitchen. “Good morning.” Cable TV said. “Hello there.” Responded a voice that Cable TV did not recognize. Cable TV whipped his head up and saw a man he did not recognize cooking eggs and bacon. He had bright green hair the colour of limes. His eyes were green as well but not as alien. He was tanned and chiseled, and wore a plain black shirt with regular blue jeans. He looked like a mafia agent, or something. “Who are you? Where’s Netflix?” stammered Cable TV. “I’m right here, babe.” Netflix said as he walked into the room. His hands were crossed behind his back. “What’s going on? Who is this?” Cable TV was freaking out. The whole situation seemed sketchy. “My name’s Hulu Plus.” Said the green-haired man. Hulu Plus and Netflix began walking towards him. Netflix removed his hands from behind a back and revealed a television remote. “Where did you get that?!” screamed Cable TV. He tried to run but Hulu held him tightly so he could not escape. “Be quiet,” growled Netflix, “let me speak. This is Hulu, my boyfriend.” He stepped closer to Hulu and pulled him into a side hug. Hulu was still holding Cable TV back and he was shocked at this news. Just the day before Cable TV thought he could finally love again. He had let himself fall for Netflix only to be lead on and have his spirits snatched away from him in an instant. “I never should have trusted you!” Screamed Cable TV, “you’re a liar! A filthy, back-stabbing liar like the rest of them!” Netflix and Hulu gave each other a look of amusement then broke out into laughter. “Oh Cable TV,” said Hulu, “you really are out of the loop.” “You never lost your celebrity status. Believe me, people are still buying magazines with your face on them, people still follow your Twitter account even though nothing has been posted in years. You pushed yourself out of the way. You lead yourself to believe you were worth nothing because of us new, hot celebrities. And oh, how you were wrong. You feared us, but it was really us who feared you all along. You were the reason the business world was so reluctant to take us on. No one wanted to try us out, give us a chance. The people wanted you. People still want you and hesitate when handing stars like Hulu and myself a contract. In the back of their minds they have a small glint of hope that maybe, just maybe, Mr. Cable TV will waltz in and sign the contract. “No one really wanted us. They just used us as fillers because they couldn’t. Get. You.” Netflix shook angrily and Hulu pat his shoulder and whispered calming words into his ear. He cracked his neck then stepped away, pointing the television remote at Cable TV. “But it’s okay, because they can’t sign a dead celebrity on.” Cable TV watched in horror as Netflix’s thumb hovered over the ‘off’ button. “Please, Netflix, don’t do this. I thought we were getting along! No one has ever contacted me about signing a contract in years! It’s done! I’m done!” Cable TV wailed. “I’m just putting an end to your miserable career. I really did like you, Cable TV, if I weren’t with Hulu I would have considered you, but I have to do what’s right for the rest of us.” Netflix’s finger rested gently on the off button, just a little bit more pressure and it would be pressed. Cable TV cried uncontrollably. He knew there was nothing more that could be done to stop this. Hulu linked his arm with Netflix and Cable TV stood there, waiting. He decided to use his last moments to think about the happiness he felt with Netflix the past few days. He thought about finally being able to fall in love again, even if it wasn’t requited. He felt happy about that for he hadn’t felt what it was like to love for years. For a short while he had even felt love. He stopped crying and closed his eyes. The room was dead air and Cable TV just waited. Netflix pressed the button down and a piercing scream flew through the air, then a body hit the floor, violently jerking until it finally laid still. Netflix had his eyes closed as well for he didn’t want to watch. When he opened them, he looked down at the body. He looked at the freshly tailored suit, the beautiful eyes, and that lime-green hair. Then he looked up at Cable TV who had just opened his eyes. “It was you I loved all along.” Whispered Netflix, “It was you.”

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