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#18234501Tuesday, December 22, 2009 10:24 PM GMT

First of all, I am not Korean at all, so I do not know much about Korean. But here is what I discovered. Unlike PRC typer or Katakana, to type in Korean you simply type without selecting different characters that has the same sound. Just like typing English ('abcdefg' all can be typed just by individual buttons that are available on the keyboard). Here are the Hangul (might not include all): a:ㅁ b:ㅠ c:ㅊ d:ㅇ e:ㄷ f:ㄹ g:ㅎ h:ㅗ i:ㅑ j:ㅓ k:ㅏ l:ㅣ m:ㅡ n:ㅜ o:ㅐ p:ㅔ q:ㅂ r:ㄱ s:ㄴ t:ㅅ u:ㅕ v:ㅍ w:ㅈ x:ㅌ y:ㅛ z:ㅋ ... and so on. Here are some Hangul typed with shift: SHIFT + e:ㄸ SHIFT + o:ㅒ SHIFT + p:ㅖ SHIFT + q:ㅃ SHIFT + r:ㄲ SHIFT + t:ㅆ SHIFT + w:ㅉ I discovered this all by myself but I don't know if it is right. But still, try it out and tell me what you think.
#27456644Wednesday, June 16, 2010 1:44 AM GMT

It's right. But unless people have the keyboard and unless they know the basic this is useless xD Lol. Btw I am korean :p xD
#27466375Wednesday, June 16, 2010 5:50 AM GMT

I always thought that most non-native speakers used a regular keyboard, and typed the reading of the Korean characters, and the computer converts it. That's how it works for typing in Japanese (and I assume Chinese as well). I believe the keyboard layout is called "Microsoft IME Standard" or some variant depending on the output language. Example with Japanese typing: Literal typing "nihongo" on a regular keyboard, layout set to Japanese, would print にほんご, and then hitting Shift+Space to convert to kanji would make 日本語. Now, I can't speak or read Korean, so I don't know what it sounds like, but I'd assume that a regular keyboard configured correctly would work in a similar way, and just have the readings typed in and converted on-screen?
#27466980Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6:13 AM GMT

For korean, the characters come as it is. If you type the "vowel" then the "vowel" is there and you just add the base. Example: You can write this- ㅎㅎㅎ Which is like: HHH And then just add the base (ㅏ) To make it: 하하하 Which is Hahaha
#27509493Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:29 AM GMT

#27524313Thursday, June 17, 2010 5:47 AM GMT


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