#182456607Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:58 PM GMT

it sounded like that song but not exactly the same, lower pitch
#182456625Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:59 PM GMT

Wow, your dream figured out enough noise can cause internal bleeding. I must say, I'm impressed with your subconscience.
#182457153Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:07 PM GMT

Last bump.
#182457556Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:13 PM GMT

Alright, so more info about my dream some week ago. The dream was viewed in a 3rd person perspective from my body. In the computer lab there was very dim lighting, I was sitting 4th over to the left of the door. The tables the computers were on were made out of black painted aluminum with a Plexiglas, or glass surface. Every computer had a screen of 4:3 aspect ratio and the one to my left had a rather angular design on the system itself. All computers were SFF and under the monitors, just like you would see in schools. The guy who would sit down just to my left wore a grey T-shirt and blue denim pants (jeans?), he looked a tad bit German or British. I don't remember what I was specifically doing on the computer, but I was sitting down. There were windows in the room farther down to the left about 6 computers away. They seemed to be open but very little/no light was coming through. When the big flash and chaos started I ran outside, the way out of the building had 2 small and long bushes lining the concrete path. Everyone was looking up at what appeared to me a meteorite impact with big flash of light. Everyone was blown away by what seemed to be a massive shock wave. I died of falling in a rocky ravine, my vision went orange. I'm not sure if the dream ended here, but it continued or a new one started right away. I appeared to start in the middle of a road in a very dark, grey town which appeared to be contained under a dome. The buildings seemed to resemble the same shape of those in the previous dream/"life" but there was very little/no color. There were people standing outside of buildings and appeared to be having a smoke break. There were some hills with cliff-like faces behind me, and some smaller houses or buildings on top of it. All the sudden people started running around and what appeared to be missile impacts/attacks started. The explosions were small and fiery, but little collateral damage to anything other than what buildings they hit. I started running up the hill as buildings on it were hit. I found a wooden wagon-esque wheeled vehicle which I got into and seemed to have a motor, but I didn't see one. To the right on top of a second hill appeared to be a wooded area. when I got in there was very little color again. Greens seemed grey-ish and browns were almost black. No sound at all was heard and I eventually crossed some muddy paths that would normally appear to be rivers. When I got through color was slowly coming back. And then I found myself in what appeared to be a giant tree stump which was splitting off into many paths/ramps. It appeared to be level in a hillside, with one side dug into the hill. The trees around me appeared to be 10 times larger than usual. Almost like something out of a fairy tail or Disney movie. There was full color at this point and I was doing nothing but driving around. The mud at this point seemed to be grey or gravel all together. I would drive around for a bit at this point, and the dream would end. After all of this I appeared to have overslept by 15 minutes past 8 AM.
#182457674Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:15 PM GMT

Not sure the date, but I dreamed I was the son of two beasts (beauty and the beast) I got kicked out of the house for having an 89 on a test I then live the rest of my dream homeless
#182458028Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:20 PM GMT

Well, I had a dream where my grand aunt died, and now some kids were forcing my grandma to make cookies. I have it written in my dream journal as ending with an epic battle. Then there was this post-apocalyptic dream I had (No zombies), and I was with someone. The season was fall, and the world didn't look too different other than being empty. This was in a suburban neighborhood. While in a garage, I saw a 10 foot tall bike with 30 seats and wheels drive by. Then I was suddenly at school, and I was a dragon. There was another one, where my house seemed pretty normal from the inside, and it was just a normal time for a while. But then I went outside in the back. Connected to our deck was a board walk. And on it, was a telescope. Behind my house in the distance was a beautiful blue beach, and two cities a little further. One of the cities was very industrial, and had a lot of smoke coming from it, I don't remember the other one well. While I was looking at the city on the right, a huge explosion came from the center of it, and then I looked at the left city, same thing. I quickly ran inside with the telescope, and looked out a window at them. The land had turned into a desert. Then there's this one dream, and all I've written was: "I robbed a pet store with a tiny pistol". I also had ~5 dreams where I was a cyborg at school. Those were awesome.
#182458067Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:20 PM GMT

@hh I will have to reread this a few times to try and figure out the meaning. 3rd person is interesting, most to all prophecy dreams have them.
#182458578Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:29 PM GMT

@hh, this looks legit, but I still need a lot of time to extract the meaning, then see if the meaning makes sense. If I'm lucky, I might even be able to test it. How did the dreams make you feel?
#182458627Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:29 PM GMT

@How did the dreams make you feel? For some reason it made my heart feel warm. It's also weird that I had a dream, let alone remember it all together.
#182459042Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:37 PM GMT

The dream wasn't all 3rd person. I still saw everything from my eyes when running out of the building and falling to my death, where I slowly came back out into 3rd person. Also driving around was in 1st person view.
#182459049Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:37 PM GMT

Can you detail on what made the two big and two small bushes different from the ones of equal size?
#182459174Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:39 PM GMT

The different views are also useful. I haven't seen any dream this dense with meaning before.
#182459252Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:40 PM GMT

@Can you detail on what made the two big and two small bushes different from the ones of equal size? They spanned the length of the walkway. There were only 2 big bushes on both sides, I never saw small ones.
#182459350Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:41 PM GMT

I don't remember the date of this one. I have a feeling I had it when I was 5. So, I was just on the computer playing some games, until my mum called me. It was night outside, and I saw my favorite aunt (I call her Nanay, in Filipino means Mom/Mother/Mommy.) lying on the floor deflated like a balloon. Then, SANTA CLAUS APPEARS, and I pick my deflated aunt. My mum tells me to give it to Santa, and I do. I actually have a second part, this time I got it about last year. It seemed that Santa didn't go away to the north pole but stayed with us. In this part, we were in a wheat field. We walked, then saw a wooden cabin that looked small. We came in, and it was huge and when I looked back, it seems there was no wall and no more door. Santa rested on a hammock that just appeared and died, and I grabbed my dead aunt and left my family and continued walking. The dream ends there.
#182459390Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:42 PM GMT

i had a dream where i was at a place that looked like a huge panera resturant. and then i went outside and godzilla happened.
#182459623Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:45 PM GMT

@hh if you don't want to keep refreshing this post, send a email to me, then I can send you a email reply without you changing your settings.
#182459703Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:46 PM GMT

@if you don't want to keep refreshing this post, send a email to me, then I can send you a email reply without you changing your settings. I am completely fine with refreshing this post, if you really want to send a private message I'll open it up for you.
#182459957Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:50 PM GMT

Privacy doesn't matter to me, I just hope you can accept the truth I have extracted from this dream. Just one part I need to be sure about, and I will write this out.
#182460069Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:52 PM GMT

my most vivid dream of all time was an old lady chasing me through an airport
#182460119Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:52 PM GMT

@Privacy doesn't matter to me, I just hope you can accept the truth I have extracted from this dream. Just one part I need to be sure about, and I will write this out. No matter how hard the truth is, I accept it. Always been like that for me.
#182460405Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:57 PM GMT

Ok so it was on 1/20 I had a dream that there were like 80 cats in socks surrounding me and screaming "TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER" "DONT EAT THE SOAP" "POP TARTS ARE NOT KLEENEX" "STOP SMASHING GLASS" do i have problems? Queen of fangirling (whycat225's alt) http://www.roblox.com/Sollux-Captor-item?id=227756628
#182460733Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:02 PM GMT

i was getting bread from the shops and I passed a homeless man twerking on a dog and the dog was..well crying he then chased me and he turned into some sort of dinosaur, he caught me and twerked on ME then the dream ended.. Builderman, stop telling people how to get 999999999999 R$!
#182460903Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:05 PM GMT

I was a Jewish man named Siber. The backstory is I was the manager of a college band who eventually broke up. I now live in my mother's house taking care of the lead singer of the band. My mother is somehow a Jewish nun. So while I'm taking care of this obese man, he gets mad at me for something and throws his phone at me. I skillfully dodge said phone and the phone impacts the wall, breaking. My mother comes in to see the lead singer crying in his bed with his phone smashed to bits on the floor. I was kicked out of the house after that scene. When I left the monochrome house, I looked upon a world full of color; trees dancing in the wind, flowers blooming, and the yellow sun blazing down upon me. I then woke up...
#182461251Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

Oh the joy of trying to figure out a way to type this other stuff out which is necessary to understand my translation.
#182461445Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:14 PM GMT

@Oh the joy of trying to figure out a way to type this other stuff out which is necessary to understand my translation. Take your time, I have all night.