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#182627964Friday, January 29, 2016 8:40 PM GMT

FORMATION BOOKLET; FIRST EDITION BY, CAPTAIN SHARPSHOOTER4839 AND HIS LORD, FIELD MARSHAL JAMES VON JOHANN COPYRIGHT, 1915 CASTLE NATIONAL ARMY [========================] Welcome! This useful booklet will provide you with the information you need to command formations in both training exercises and combat scenarios. REMEMBER, when in a combat scenario, use full capitalization without punctuation for clear, quick, and understandable communication. This book is intended for reference purposes only. [========================] KEY: - Rifleman (Amount may vary) = Suppression + File Closer ? Navigator ^ Section Leader [========================] CHAPTER 1, FORMATIONS: There are currently only three main section formations used by the Castle National Army, all require a 'Section Leader', 'Navigator','File Closer', and 'Rifleman' team, with only one Formation requiring a 'Suppression' team. They are as follows: SECTION FORWARD LINE This is the most basic of formation used by a section, when arriving upon the area of battle, (Usually in this order as follows: ^ ? -1 -2 -3 -4 + Remember: number of Riflemen can vary.) you will order a Section Forward Line, as follows. "SECTION FORM FORWARD LINE" With the File Closer repeating this order in the case of a longer line. The Section Leader upon calling this order will stand still as his men align themselves IN ORDER. 1 2 3 4 ^ ? - - - - + Note that the numbered Riflemen (Numbered for easy understanding) are in the same order as they were in a Single File Line. [========================] SECTION LINE Once a Section Forward Line has been established, the Section Leader will call, "SECTION LINE, 1" ( With the File Closer yelling, "SECTION LINE" and then his number once the man to his left has said their number.) The '1' yelled by the Section Leader will be followed with the Navigator shouting, "2" The Rifleman directly to his right continuing with, "1" This will continue down the line, while those whom have shouted "1", taking a step forward while those whom have shouted "2", take two steps back. The end result being this: ^ - - + ? - - Once this formation has been completed, the Section Leader will begin firing orders. [========================] SECTION COLUMN The most complicated of formations, is the Section Column. The Section Column is used in unison with a Suppression team. In full Column there will be two Suppression members, and five Riflemen. Before creating the Formation, the Section will be formed into two Forward Section Lines like so: ? ^ = = + - - - Upon ordering, "SECTION FORM SECTION COLUMN", the men will shout their number of either '1' or '2' relative to their line, (With the first man in the line being 1) and form in essence, two Section Lines. Example: “1 , 2 , 1 , 2” ^ = ? = + - - - Photograph: https://gyazo.com/84392fe7b790028f90d930d828360ac4 What next comes into play, is the Maneuvering action. In a situation where the Section comes across an enemy section, this formation will be called. Once the formation is complete, a code word will be yelled by the Section Leader. In this case; "ROOK" Upon this order, the Suppression team will continue firing as the File Closer, whom now in command of the Maneuvering (Rifleman) Element, will move the men in a flanking position of the enemy and destroy the threat. Once it has been dealt with, the Maneuver squad will rejoin the Suppression team, and continue. This completes the booklet, if clarification is needed, please contact your Commanding Officer. [========================] GOD SAVE THE KING JamesVonJohann

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