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#182632123Friday, January 29, 2016 9:46 PM GMT

After tensions in the Korean Peninsula reach an all time high, the cease-fire between the north and south is broken, and the second Korean war is set in motion. The United States is forced to pull out after sustained resistance from the North, leaving the south to fend for itself. Inevitably, the South falls, and Korea is united under the "New Korean Republic." The NKR begin to expand throughout Southeast Asia, controlling most of the countries on the coast of Asia. Economic, political and social crises in the Untied States cause them to withdraw from their bases in Asia, leading to a power-hungry NKR's conquering of Japan. The United States begins to deteriorate, the hard-hitting blows to their economy and government eventually spreading to China and Russia, leading to the NKR become the dominant world super power. After major military down grades and budget cuts, the United States is a shadow of it's former, prosperous self. After the disbanding of the UN and NATO due to global instability, the United States is isolated, it's former allies too busy to aid it. The NKR see an opportunity, and a massive coastal invasion of the United States begins, they believe the invasion and occupation of the United States will take 5 years, with minimal resistance from remaining military personnel and possible insurgencies, however, they grossly underestimate the potential of the supposedly defeated United States.. (This is an early version of the lore, suspect updates and changes in story, but the major factions and basic lore will not be changed)

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