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#182689785Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:29 PM GMT

I see many people have problems with Filtering Enabled. I have some tips for them, I hope this help. First, Filtering can be Enabled in workspace properties. It prevents any exploiter from editing Workspace, this is helpful to make your game secure. When you enable Filtering, most of your scripts will break. There is a wiki tutorial at http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Client-Server_Model_and_FilteringEnabled that can help alot about understand how it works. Basically, clients can't edit server and server can't edit clients. There is some objects such as RemoteEvent to make the server/client communicate. This wiki tutorial helps to understand how to work FE but there is no help about fixing your game. Here is some current problems: - Localscripts can't access ModuleScripts that aren't in a local object - Localscripts can't edit workspace - Scripts can't edit client Localscripts can access global values and get what is inside but can't edit the value. Like I already said, you can use RemoteEvent to send informations to the server/client: Here is the API: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=API:Class/RemoteEvent I recommend to use a table to send informations like: Event:FireServer({"EventName", EventObject}) WARNING: (it can be a problem with saving) if you have a value in the player, let's name it "Points" and write it like that: Event:FireServer(Points.Value) this won't work! Because the server won't be able to see the points value. You should write this: local CurrentPoints = Points.Value Event:FireServer(CurrentPoints) This is a LITTLE help about Filtering Enabled, I hope you understand, if you have any question about Filtering Enabled, reply to this post with your question. Please keep in mind that I am french, my english is not so good. Thanks! --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182689905Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:30 PM GMT

there is so much wrong with this post
#182690005Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:32 PM GMT

This is a tutorial for beginners, so they can learn more about it. But there's nothing wrong in there. (Or maybe my grammar?) --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182690128Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:33 PM GMT

"Event:FireServer(Points.Value) this won't work! Because the server won't be able to see the points value. You should write this: local CurrentPoints = Points.Value Event:FireServer(CurrentPoints)" Actually both of these would work, if the points are in leaderstats in the player the client cant edit them but the server cant, but both can read it
#182690155Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:34 PM GMT

Worst example ever lol; WARNING: (it can be a problem with saving) if you have a value in the player, let's name it "Points" and write it like that: Event:FireServer(Points.Value) this won't work! Because the server won't be able to see the points value. You should write this: local CurrentPoints = Points.Value Event:FireServer(CurrentPoints)
#182690238Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:35 PM GMT

Nope, won't work. You can try, will work with leaderboard, but won't work with a local value. It will send an old value(0 or the first value the server had) or return nil. --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182690277Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:36 PM GMT

Yeah, I add no idea on a good exemple. xD --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182690351Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:37 PM GMT

But why would a client send its points to the server? Exploiters can adjust their leaderstats (with FE on just locally) and then send it, seems vulnerable to me. They should request the server to do something, then the server should check the leaderstats being on the server
#182690485Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:39 PM GMT

Again, this is for beginners, but yes I understand what you mean. The players who had FE problem sent me there game, and I fixed it, the save system was automatic(a loop), or button save, so it send to the server for it to save. --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182690519Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:39 PM GMT

there or their? #French --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182690597Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:40 PM GMT

their indicates possession
#182690630Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:41 PM GMT

Okay thanks XD --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182690735Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:42 PM GMT

#182690798Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:43 PM GMT

OP is an idiot
#182690834Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:43 PM GMT

Okay lol --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182690835Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:43 PM GMT

cnt was summoned gg OP
#182691006Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:46 PM GMT

"It prevents any exploiter from editing Workspace, this is helpful to make your game secure." it's still as possible as before, the change just won't replicate to any other client nor server. also localplayer's character movement replicates, so you are able to teleport your character or change your humanoid properties and it'll replicate "server can't edit clients" of course it can, everything done server side will replicate to the clients however handling visual stuff that doesn't affect gameplay much should be handled client side "Localscripts can't access ModuleScripts that aren't in a local object - Localscripts can't edit workspace - Scripts can't edit client" what? -- you can require a modulescript anywhere it runs and client can see incorrect incorrect "it can be a problem with saving" not if you know what you are doing, you don't seem to "this won't work! Because the server won't be able to see the points" ahhahaha it will definitely work 1st at all you are passing the value of points, not the object 2nd if it was created server side it will be able to access it you should never handle important data (points, cash for instance) client side, let server do that
#182691201Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:49 PM GMT

I said most of the exploit. It can't access PlayerGui and Backpack, only can paste thing into it. It can access but using functions from a module script will print an error. This is for beginner, so they don't know how to do it. This won't work. Because server will take OLD value. First he sees or 0. --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182691244Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:50 PM GMT

it* --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182691432Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:52 PM GMT

@chichine what? why would a function from a modulescript error unless you made it wrong? localscripts can run modulescripts as long as they have access to them (i.e. not in serverstorage)
#182691550Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:54 PM GMT

Yeah, I think, but sometimes it error unless it is in a local object. --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.
#182691594Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:55 PM GMT

"It prevents any exploiter from editing Workspace" No it doesn't. "Basically, clients can't edit server" This is a bit of a strange way to put it - more like, changes clients make won't replicate to the server. "and server can't edit clients." That doesn't make any sense. "Localscripts can't access ModuleScripts that aren't in a local object" Err, what? ModuleScripts will run from where they are required from (i.e a module required locally will run on the client). "Localscripts can't edit workspace" Yes, they can. "Scripts can't edit client" That doesn't make any sense. "Localscripts can access global values and get what is inside but can't edit the value." That is incorrect. They can. "this won't work! Because the server won't be able to see the points value. You should write this:" Yes it can, the argument will only be passed as nil if it only exists locally. "local CurrentPoints = Points.Value Event:FireServer(CurrentPoints)" That's doing exactly what you were doing before. "Please keep in mind that I am french, my english is not so good. Thanks!" Your English is fine.
#182691607Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:55 PM GMT

"It can't access PlayerGui and Backpack, only can paste thing into it." server can totally access them, what are you talking about? "It can access but using functions from a module script will print an error." what "This is for beginner, so they don't know how to do it." why would you give beginners wrong and bad information & practices? "This won't work. Because server will take OLD value. First he sees or 0." what you don't handle points client side, you do it server side if you do it client side you are an idiot don't make posts like these if you have no clue what you are talking about
#182691613Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:55 PM GMT

uh no, even if it was trying to edit an object on the server, it would still change the properties and just not replicate to the server or any other clients
#182691903Saturday, January 30, 2016 8:00 PM GMT

@LongKillKreations Yes it does. Yeah, I mean replicate. It does. unless my english is bad xD Yes, it does, made a mistake They can but won't replicated, like you just said. what are you saying, you just said this a second ago. No they can't edit the value inside the workspace(doesn't replicate again) this is what I am saying what. nope, this one works. Thanks. xd --I do not work for ROBLOX but I do help the community.

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