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#182857172Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:36 AM GMT

Hello members of BluBeri! These are the application questions!! Applications will mostly be open year round, but while they are not, I will put a note in the shout!! ;) ***SEND ALL APPS TO Sophie368*** 1. Why do you want this rank? 2. Do you admin abuse? 3. How did you find BluBeri? 4. Name 3 types of admin abuse. 5. What would you do if a hacker/exploiter came to our runway? 6. On a scale from 1-10, how active are you? 7. Have you ever been an High Rank before in any other group? 8. How can you make our group more successful? 9. List 4 different types of fashion shows. 10. Type the sentence below properly: i luv dis n3w hatt i get 4 meh bday! ***DO NOT SEND APPS FOR ADVISOR, WE WILL HAVE AN ELECTION***
#182857206Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:36 AM GMT

applications to suck my ass
#182857417Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:39 AM GMT

^ :1
#182857614Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:42 AM GMT

1. Why do you want this rank? I don't tbh 2. Do you admin abuse? No 3. How did you find BluBeri? The fact that you posted in the wrong subforum 4. Name 3 types of admin abuse. what? 5. What would you do if a hacker/exploiter came to our runway? Help them tbh. 6. On a scale from 1-10, how active are you? 8 7. Have you ever been an High Rank before in any other group? Um ya 8. How can you make our group more successful? Delete it 9. List 4 different types of fashion shows. What? 10. Type the sentence below properly: um ok.
#182857718Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

1. Why do you want this rank? BECAUSE IM PRIVILEGED TEEN AND I DO WHAT I WANT 2. Do you admin abuse? DEPENDS ON MY EDGY MOOD SWINGS 3. How did you find BluBeri? THIS THREAD 4. Name 3 types of admin abuse. KILLING, BANNING AND NUKING 5. What would you do if a hacker/exploiter came to our runway? TELL HIM TO STOP CUZ IM ON MY PERIOD 6. On a scale from 1-10, how active are you? 10 7. Have you ever been an High Rank before in any other group? I HAVE MASS REPORTED A BAD GROUP IF THAT COUNTS 8. How can you make our group more successful? BY SPENDING MY PARENTS CREDIT CARD TO BUY CLOTHING, HATS AND GEAR 9. List 4 different types of fashion shows. HOT, SEXY, BEAUTIFUL, AND ME 10. Type the sentence below properly: i luv dis n3w hatt i get 4 meh bday! I LOVE THIS NEW HAT I GOT FOR MY BIRTHDAY!
#182857724Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

1. Why do you want this rank? IM BETTER THEN U 2. Do you admin abuse? UR GOD DAMN RIGHT 3. How did you find BluBeri? MY MOM 4. Name 3 types of admin abuse. PHYSICAL MENTAL EXPLOTIVE 5. What would you do if a hacker/exploiter came to our runway? HACK HIM BACK BRO 6. On a scale from 1-10, how active are you? 9/11 7. Have you ever been an High Rank before in any other group? yea dudes 8. How can you make our group more successful? cause im better then u 9. List 4 different types of fashion shows. myself myself myself myself 10. Type the sentence below properly: i luv dis n3w hatt i get 4 meh bday! i luv dis n3w hatt i get 4 meh bday!
#182857761Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:45 AM GMT

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb8AkwayV_k http://www.roblox.com/mah-hawt-bod-item?id=356677966
#182857859Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:47 AM GMT

#182857868Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:47 AM GMT

1. because i want it (not really tbh i'd rather drink bleach than join this crap) 2. yes 3. you posted it on ot right here f***ing r3tard 4. things. idk why do you want to know this 5. probably cheer him on 6. 11 7. i've been the founder of a group before that's pretty high 8. probably get high rank, delete everyone in the group (believe me, it's doing you a favor) 9. no 10. i freaking hate this freaking thread it's so cringeworthy and btw did you know a gallon of bleach a day is A: good for the lungs B: complete pain reliever #code is it bad im a teenager and i still rave over cartoons? +476 [Joined 8/3/09 or earlier, warp9102]
#182857926Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:48 AM GMT

02-01-2016 04:36 PM Hello members of BluBeri! These are the application questions!! Applications will mostly be open year round, but while they are not, I will put a note in the shout!! ;) ***SEND ALL APPS TO Sophie368*** 1. Why do you want this rank? I'm broke on cash 2. Do you admin abuse? Occasionally 3. How did you find BluBeri? You posted it here dum dum 4. Name 3 types of admin abuse. Admin trafficking Adminfighting Telamon being tortured 5. What would you do if a hacker/exploiter came to our runway? If you can't beat em, join em 6. On a scale from 1-10, how active are you? 11 7. Have you ever been an High Rank before in any other group? Yes I was a leader in my own group with no one else in it 8. How can you make our group more successful? By removing people like you 9. List 4 different types of fashion shows. Pageant PETA Protest fashion show Americas Next Top Model Runway 10. Type the sentence below properly: i luv dis n3w hatt i get 4 meh bday! I can't read sorry ***DO NOT SEND APPS FOR ADVISOR, WE WILL HAVE AN ELECTION***
#182858024Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:50 AM GMT

"an High Rank" oh god that's so damn cringe A: it's "a", are you in pre-k?? B: why are you capitalizing "h" and "r", are you in pre-k?? #code is it bad im a teenager and i still rave over cartoons? +476 [Joined 8/3/09 or earlier, warp9102]
#182906111Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:33 AM GMT

Stop hating on my harmless application guide. It is 100% H.A.R.M.L.E.S.S Seriously, stop, or I will perm ban you from contacting our group.
#182906184Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:34 AM GMT

basic white girl
#182906422Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:37 AM GMT

''Stop hating on my harmless application guide. It is 100% H.A.R.M.L.E.S.S'' You posted it on the wrong subforum ''Seriously, stop, or I will perm ban you from contacting our group.'' Im pretty sure nobody on OT will mind tbh.
#182906477Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:38 AM GMT

1. Why do you want this rank? Because I do 2. Do you admin abuse? Yes 3. How did you find BluBeri? OT 4. Name 3 types of admin abuse. no 5. What would you do if a hacker/exploiter came to our runway? help them hack and exploit 6. On a scale from 1-10, how active are you? 11.1 7. Have you ever been an High Rank before in any other group? yes 8. How can you make our group more successful? by getting access to high ranks that can exile users 9. List 4 different types of fashion shows. fashion shows shows fashion nfashio sshow onfashi wssho 10. Type the sentence below properly: i luv dis n3w hatt i get 4 meh bday! correction: i luv dis n3w hatt i get 4 meh bday! || egg eat all, all don't eat egg. || OTer Code: URLx || OT Credit Code: E6F7FF || Author ||
#182906489Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:38 AM GMT

that winky face makes me extremely uncomfortable.
#182906536Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:39 AM GMT

op go to forum hell for being in the wrong forum cactus
#182906558Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:39 AM GMT

Do you know that you posted this in off topic?
#182906726Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:42 AM GMT

1. Why do you want this rank? I DONT 2. Do you admin abuse? YES 3. How did you find BluBeri? YOU POSTED IN THE WRONG FORUM 4. Name 3 types of admin abuse. ME, FRAPPE, AND EVERY CLANNIE EVER 5. What would you do if a hacker/exploiter came to our runway? CHEER THEM ON 6. On a scale from 1-10, how active are you? -1 7. Have you ever been an High Rank before in any other group? FAZE 8. How can you make our group more successful? POSTING IN THE RIGHT FORUM 9. List 4 different types of fashion shows. CANCER, DIABETES, EBOLA, AND PNEUMONIA 10. Type the sentence below properly: i luv dis n3w hatt i get 4 meh bday! ykibutgrfwergthgrfd
#182906889Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

This just ruined my entire day. Alright alright brain, you're being insane!
#182906906Wednesday, February 03, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

"Stop hating on my harmless application guide. It is 100% H.A.R.M.L.E.S.S Seriously, stop, or I will perm ban you from contacting our group." how about you post in the right forum, or we'll report you.
#183061682Saturday, February 06, 2016 12:08 AM GMT

ppl, I know its in the wrong topic. shut it already. I did it so I can attract ppl to the group. dumb ppl...... lMOA
#183061762Saturday, February 06, 2016 12:10 AM GMT

"ppl, I know its in the wrong topic. shut it already. I did it so I can attract ppl to the group. dumb ppl...... lMOA" this here is the basic basic white girl in her habitat teal hair don't care
#183061844Saturday, February 06, 2016 12:11 AM GMT

What is BlueBeril, and you might want to lock the thread next time. Psych nAti0n
#183061857Saturday, February 06, 2016 12:11 AM GMT


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