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#183006430Thursday, February 04, 2016 11:23 PM GMT

THIS IS THE OFFICAL PRESS RELEASE REGARDING THE =NFL= ABOUT RULE CHANGES/IMPLEMENTS. THE NEW SEASON IS COMING! TO PREPARE WE ARE GOING TO HAVE ALL PLAYERS INPUT ON RULES TO BE ADDED OR REMOVED. The =NFL= has many rules you want to be removed or to be added. Such as maybe diving in the backfield, or maybe even adding a new rule. The choice is yours! Comment down below what rules you would want removed or added! The Referee Rule Council Committee will take a vote on the appropriate rules to be added and will make a separate forum to conclude. Any Questions? Don't hesitate to ask. Signed, Capitalized Referee Department Manager
#183006658Thursday, February 04, 2016 11:25 PM GMT

Make banning illegal.
#183006990Thursday, February 04, 2016 11:30 PM GMT

if someone jumps and dives, define if they're down where they get hit or land dses legal again? new york i love you, but you're bringing me down
#183008930Thursday, February 04, 2016 11:58 PM GMT

dive on backfield when you jump and dive HE IS NOT DOWN the center can do ONLY screen passes to RIGHT WR if a QB gets pressured enough if he has another QB on the field on his team he can pass to the Other QB then that QB can pass also. if a RB/WR dives in the touchdown it counts if a RB/WR runs in the touchdown with the ball it counts
#183009662Friday, February 05, 2016 12:09 AM GMT

allow ds's again
#183011372Friday, February 05, 2016 12:35 AM GMT

ugly men uniforms
#183011494Friday, February 05, 2016 12:37 AM GMT

Allow DSes .
#183013188Friday, February 05, 2016 1:06 AM GMT

allow wildcats also allow oline passes behind the line of scrimmage get boomshakalakashimalongadingdonged ayy lmao | @Spt188RBLX
#183013472Friday, February 05, 2016 1:11 AM GMT

Wildcats aren't dses.
#183013773Friday, February 05, 2016 1:16 AM GMT

what the hell is a DS get boomshakalakashimalongadingdonged ayy lmao | @Spt188RBLX
#183015537Friday, February 05, 2016 1:44 AM GMT

Make it so darthvader1102 Can HC again.
#183021139Friday, February 05, 2016 3:13 AM GMT

I'm on the AC, but I want to either see Scripts added to the Field Goals or we make a rule deeming that if the ball is kicked way too far over the uprights it is considered NG.
#183024242Friday, February 05, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

No cutting people if they miss one practice.
#183026586Friday, February 05, 2016 4:50 AM GMT

When a trade is made and accepted by both coaches they must send proof to one of high staff and the player has only ONE WEEK to get the team they traded too. If the player refuses to go to the team they traded the player suspended and after one week suspension they have to go to the traded team.
#183030143Friday, February 05, 2016 6:41 AM GMT

I agree to SirThanas because sometimes I get banned for no reason for instance if I go to a tryout and I do bad they will just ban you and I agree to that other kid that said something about getting cut if you don't come to practice. Well here is from me to the coaches why do you bench someone that makes one mistake and why you host practice if it's one person you only depend on to be in the game the whole time you got a big team and some people can be great why would people go to practice if you don't put them in the game.
#183030157Friday, February 05, 2016 6:42 AM GMT

Sirthanatos* sorry spell check
#183030582Friday, February 05, 2016 7:01 AM GMT

To all the people saying "Stop banning" If you come to my stadium and dont give me a reason that you are there I am going to ban you. That's how that works.
#183035204Friday, February 05, 2016 12:33 PM GMT

Perverse...please tell me you're joking. Some people WANT TO SPECTATE. *sigh* people today -_-
#183037812Friday, February 05, 2016 2:33 PM GMT

Hike shouldn't be allowed to be called in TC.
#183039770Friday, February 05, 2016 3:48 PM GMT

i agree with blast, hikes should be called out of teamchat, but can do fake hikes still also make it to whatever team im on always wins
#183049657Friday, February 05, 2016 8:27 PM GMT

Make Banning Illeagel
#183061151Friday, February 05, 2016 11:59 PM GMT

^ Illegal*
#183094823Saturday, February 06, 2016 3:43 PM GMT

Only allow DS's on a Wildcat formation. Other than that no DS. Keep allowing diving behind the LoS. You have 5+ blockers. That shouldn't be an issue.
#183094907Saturday, February 06, 2016 3:44 PM GMT

^ THERE IS DIVING BEHIND LOS get boomshakalakashimalongadingdonged ayy lmao | @Spt188RBLX
#183095547Saturday, February 06, 2016 3:59 PM GMT

I also agree with the Silent Hike. We should not Hike in TC. We have s many ways to hike either by saying Hike, Or saying a secret word(s), or by using roblox movements.

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