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#183155079Sunday, February 07, 2016 3:47 PM GMT

The year is 2879, you are under the rule of President Creed. The man who now rules America, kicking the homeless off the land, throwing innocent people in prison. The president decides to do an experiment on specific behaviors of random people. The United States has been polluted, radioctive, What will you do? You are either a test subject, a Hunter, Rider, or a citizen. (I'll explain the tribes in a moment) This story is your story, you lead the story, you make the decisions. Alright here are the tribes. ______________ HUNTERS ------------------------ These unfearful people fight for what's right, they are strong, know how to hunt, but slow runners. These men/women know how to hide in trees, make fires, and keep themselves fresh food while the dystopian America is empty, and they also know how to be stealthy. If you choose this tribe you must explain why you want to. ______________ RIDERS ----------------------- These men/women know how to run, good shooters, wealthy, most of them, good with making friends/allies. If you choose this tribe, you must again explain why you want to be this tribe. ________________ TEST SUBJECTS -------------------------- These people are not part of a tribe, they are test subjects in the expirement, WESTVILLE, an secret expirement where random people are held captive and checked on their behavior without food or water, they must try to preserve themselves with all they can. Explain why you want to be this person. _______________ CITIZEN ------------------------- Mainly, a normal person, no stealth , nothing, this person is just a normal person, you control him, you choose him a tribe through your story. Explain why you want to become this character. Now, after you have chosen your character, you must post your bio. Your bio must include: Name Age(RP) Date of birth(RP) State Gender Your story must include the words :WESTVILLE or something close to it. Now it's your time to start the story.

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