#183807639Wednesday, February 17, 2016 5:01 AM GMT

"Two Rapiers and Two Katanas" How exactly does he even use them? "Psychiatrist" "21" How did he even get the education and degree needed to become a psychiatrist? He trained at some temple since he was eleven, so where did he get theat kind of education?
#183807829Wednesday, February 17, 2016 5:05 AM GMT

I ain't gonna lie, that sounds true.
#183811437Wednesday, February 17, 2016 6:32 AM GMT

"Rapiers" Sounds li-Nevermind.
#183825338Wednesday, February 17, 2016 4:13 PM GMT

(Little and Meow are accepted. I also forgot to add a '*' to Civilian Appearance. If your character is fulltime Ninja or W/M, then don't use the Civilian Appearance.) Steven Fox Steven, now in his Minjal suit, ran across a rooftop. It was 7:55 PM and Steven had to be at the yellow house from yesterday to make sure the Witch doesn't come back. (My next post will have a NPC Witch.)
#183829279Wednesday, February 17, 2016 5:58 PM GMT

(Mitch sounds less evil than wizard, IMO.) Full Name: Roc Winterson Age: 35 Gender: Male Species: Human Civilian Appearance: Wears a black cap that says "EOF" on the front with white letters, black shades, and a black coat. He smokes a cigar. Appearance: He has black hair and white skin. Wears a blue coat that is unzipped with a black shirt underneath. The coat shows the kanji 悪魔竜 (which means" demon dragon") in red on the back. Wears black pants and boots. Smokes a cigar and wears fingerless gloves. *Minjal or Nomkei?: Nomkei *Colors: Red, White, Navy Blue *Job: Undercover agent for the police, Nomkei academy teacher, bounty hunter. *Weaponry: Has two weapons that are packed on his back in the form of an X: a shotgun rifle with a bayonet and a broadsword. *Personality: Has a cold demeanor, but is humble and kind.
#183835223Wednesday, February 17, 2016 8:13 PM GMT

"Shhh!" a person whispered to his partner in an alley. "We can't expose ourselves! Just stick with the plan! No buts!" Quickly, they climbed the side of the building, until they were at the roof. "Okay," the man said again to his partner while pulling out a gun, "you go ahead and hack that cable wire. I'll shoot anyone who looks at us." "This is pretty hard to do in the dark," the partner said. "I forgot to bring the flashlight. You got one?" "I think I brought it...hang on a sec." "Need a light?" a voice said. When the person found the flashlight, he instantly turned it on and pointed it in the direction he heard the voice in. A man was standing there, wearing a cap and a long black robe. He was smoking a cigar. "Don't move!" the person with the gun said. "Drop all your weapons and raise your hands to the sky!" "I didn't bring any toys with me," the man said. "I'd figure this would be an easy task to do." "What is an easy task? Are you the police?" "I see your lackey there is messing with the television wire on this apartment building. What for?" The person with the gun grinned. "You've seen too much," he said. He shot the gun three at the man. "I wonder if you've made any friends that way," the man said, looking unharmed. Both criminals gawked at him. The man shot a fireball from the palm of his hand. It hit the criminal messing with the TV wire, and he was flung off the building. His partner shot a few more times at the man, but to no avail. He was then stabbed by an icicle that was produced from the man's other hand. "Here are these two men I found on top of an apartment building," the man said at the police station. "Don't know if they're any important." "Any criminal is important to us. G'night, Roc." the man at the desk said. Roc Winterson left the station, and as soon as he was out of sight, disappeared in a flash of lightning.
#183835289Wednesday, February 17, 2016 8:14 PM GMT

(Darn, I posted that without any verification from OP. X_X )
#183837460Wednesday, February 17, 2016 8:52 PM GMT

(You're accepted anyway.)
#183840809Wednesday, February 17, 2016 9:48 PM GMT

Martha Martha quickly raced around the kitchen, picking up her stuff. Her shift ended at eight o'clock sharp, so she was on her way. She pulled on her skates and began to skate home. When Martha got home, she ran into the bathroom and changed into her ninja clothes. She grabbed her weapons and equipped them to her back. She flashed her fan in front of her face. "Aw yeah, I look so cool!" She quietly ran back out the door and slipped into the night. Soon, she was slipping back and forth between buildings.
#183843630Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:34 PM GMT

(I'm on mobile, so I can can't go back and forward to see what I've posted, but Civilian Appearance is optional for characters that are full time ninja/witch. Also both academies are destroyed. Boy have I messed up. I'm going to just update my CS and start off somewhere else. Before others joined, I began my Roleplay based on the story I'm writing rather than a new story. Now the story wouldn't make sense and afgfhh. Whatever. I might recreate the Roleplay too since it's outdated, but I'm still not done writing the whole concept and lore of the Roleplay, so until then, I'll use this 'rough draft' of a Roleplay.) Full Name: Detective Steven L. Fox Age: Looks twenty-something; One hundred and five Gender: Male Species: Human Civilian Appearance: Appearance 1 - Civilian A pair of black jeans and cliche converse shoes. Steven wears a light blue jacket and a long sleeve maroon t-shirt. He has very short brown hair that faces upwards all of the time. Along the short brown hair, Steven has green eyes. Steven also wears a red cap and glasses. Appearance 2 - Detective A gray business suit with a pair of black shoes and a blue tie Appearance: For the bottom of his suit, he wears long black jeans that are tucked into brown boots. He wears a black t-shirt under a black jacket with maroon lines on the edges of the flaps. The sleeves of his jacket are light blue, just like the blue symbol on his jacket above where a breast pocket would be. Keeping his jacket shut is a maroon and blue belt tied around his waist. Just like his jeans, his blue sleeves are tucked into brown gloves. Finally, Steven wears a maroon mask and bandana. Underneath the two masks is a basic fabric mask like hat that covers all of Steven's head but his face. The bandana and mask cover his forehead, mouth, and nose. *Minjal or Nomkei?: Minjal *Colors: Blue, Black, and Maroon *Job: Detective working for FBI on the Witch cases *Personality: Steven's personality is a mix of Saitama (One Punch Man) and Fox Mulder (The X-Files) *Other: Steven is addicted to X-Files since his last name is Mulder's first name Steven Fox Steven walked down the sidewalk of a popular street in Washington. It had been the first day in a long time that Steven had freetime on his hands. He straightened his cap and turned to his left, seeing a woman being mugged.
#183845649Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:07 PM GMT

Martha Martha dotted from alleyway to alleyway. She snuck behind one, and looked out. She spotted a woman being mugged, and a man nearby watching. She unfurled her fan and watched carefully.
#183847352Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:35 PM GMT

#183849095Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:02 AM GMT

Steven Fox About to stop the mugging, Steven stopped and remembered he left his suit at his house. With no time to think, Steven raised his hood over his head and hoped no one would see his face. He ran towards the alleyway. "Stop right there!" He yelled. The criminal looked at him and shoved the woman. Three more criminals walked into the alleyway from behind. While this would be no problem for Steven, if anyone saw him, there'd be that small chance his Identity would be revealed.
#183849494Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:07 AM GMT

The next day, Roc set out in his everyday clothes to the bustling streets of Washington. "I'm getting sick of this crowd," he thought to himself. "Dumb tourists. This place is like any other place. If only no one would notice my powers; I'd use them to get around much faster." He was about to sit on a bench when he noticed a woman being mugged. Roc instantly bolted towards the attacker. He shot his hand to the ground, causing the ground to become ice. The man slipped and fell, knocking him unconscious. Roc picked him up under his arm. "You alright, lady?" he asked the woman. She was gaping at Roc, then at her attacker, then Roc again. "You...can make ice??" she said aloud. "The streets probably froze last night? Who knows?" he said. He then walked away towards the police station.
#183849534Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:08 AM GMT

( Uh...back to you, Steve. O.o )
#183850042Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:14 AM GMT

Steven Fox Steven watched the following events, seeing one criminal taken down. Steven charged at another, who aimed a gun at him and fired, the bullet breaking the moment it touched his skin. Steven bashed his body into the criminal, the criminal falling back and possibly breaking his hand that held the gun. Two criminals were left standing.
#183850440Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:20 AM GMT

( THIS IS MY REAL POST ) The next day, Roc set out in his everyday clothes to the bustling streets of Washington. "I'm getting sick of this crowd," he thought to himself. "Dumb tourists. This place is like any other place. If only no one would notice my powers; I'd use them to get around much faster." He was about to sit on a bench when he noticed a woman being mugged. Roc instantly bolted towards the attacker, when he noticed three more appeared from behind the buildings. They were chasing after a hooded man. Roc naturally intervened. "Volt Taser." He shot out from his fingers bolts of electricity that paralyzed the four fugitives. They were knocked unconscious shortly after. He looked back to find the hooded man whom they were chasing, but there was too much of a crowd.
#183850558Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:22 AM GMT

( Alright, since I'm making so many mistakes here, let's say Roc tasered the two remaining fugitives and was looking at the hooded man after the four guys were beat up. )
#183850907Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:27 AM GMT

Steven Fox Steven looked at the other person. "How much static electricity do you make?" Steven played dumb, pretending as if he were a normal bystander. He attempted to move his shoulder back in place without making it noticeable, which is extremely hard.
#183852223Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:45 AM GMT

"Enough to kill a baby," Roc replied to the man with a sinister look on his face. "Take care of that shoulder." He walked away from the scene. "That guy's got guts," he thought to himself. *SPLAT!* A little boy tripped and fell, causing his ice cream to fall and make a mess on Roc's jacket. The boy's father came rushing towards his son. He then looked at Roc's cigar. "We're terribly sorry, sir. We won't do it again, sir. Just please don't harm my son!" the father was saying. The boy was about to cry. Roc reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a few coins. "Sorry about that," he said, looking down at the boy. "My dumb jacket must've eaten your ice cream. Here's some money to get a refill." The father of the boy could not believe the act of kindness that just happened. He accepted the money, held his son's hand, and walked away, looking at the sinister-looking man. Roc smiled and tipped his cap at them. He brushed the ice cream off his jacket and continued on his way.
#183861472Thursday, February 18, 2016 2:37 AM GMT

Martha watched all of the events unveil from the alleyway. She slid down her mask and carefully slid out and acted natural.
#183863789Thursday, February 18, 2016 3:08 AM GMT

Character Sheets: Full Name: Blake Arch Age: 24 Gender: Male Species: Human Civilian Appearance: Blake is usually seen wearing a white shirt with black tactical cargo pants. On the shirt is a picture of a skull with dual swords crossed behind it. On top of the shirt is a black sweater that comes with a cowl/hood for stealth scenarios. Appearance: Standing at 6'1, Blake is a lean and lightly muscled man with his skin tanned from training under the sun as a child. His eyes are a stone gray with flecks of a darker shade brown. His hair is in the form of a jet black buzz cut. He has a scar on the right side of his neck that he got from a fight with one of his targets of assassination. On his right forearm, written in kanji is '影から、私たちはストライク', which means 'From The Shadows, We Strike.' *Minjal or Nomkei?: Ex Minjal ---> Nomkei *Colors: Ninja Red + Ninja White + W/M Black + W/M Purple *Job: Full Time Assassin. Picks up different jobs in order to assassinate the target easier. *Weaponry: A black and red long sword that is strapped against his back. He also carries two daggers which he keeps in a pouch on the right side of his waist. *Personality: Blake can be funny at times, but when it comes to his job, he is extremely serious. He can seem to be fun and carefree during his job, but a second later, he can become a cold-hearted murderer with no intention of leaving you alive. *Bio: Blake had first trained under the Minjal as a child. He unlocked the colors of Red and White, but wanted more power. He tried to train for more colors with the Minjal, but was then barred from the temples. He left the Minjal and decided to join the Nomkei. From there, he trained and unlocked the colors of Black and Purple. He became an expert with the ways of melee weapons and soon adopted the job of Assassin. He now hunts down targets; whether it be Human, Nomkei, or Minjal. *Other: N/A
#183864430Thursday, February 18, 2016 3:18 AM GMT

( Nice to see ya, Dragon! Also, to fix things up about that kanji, it's actually a mix of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, the three Japanese writing styles. So...sorry for being a Japanese nerd, but you're using the "kanji" incorrectly. The kanji is the Chinese-like character. :P We should bump the Ilon War soon...)
#183872413Thursday, February 18, 2016 6:03 AM GMT

#183878378Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:42 AM GMT

(Hey Pragma, we really should bump the Ilon War. Also, no problem about the kanji situation. I don't know how I got it mixed up since I studied about the different forms of writing of Japan. :/ But you know me, I always like having symbolic tattoos on my characters.)