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#183750310Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:00 PM GMT

These are the First Official Laws of the United Kingdom, All armed forces are to abide by these rules under the Armed Forces Law Act 2015. All armed forces members not abiding by these rules may be subjected to arrest and discharge from their division. There will be 5 Stages to theese rules and there will be 5-10 rules in each that apply to all Military members of the British Armed Forces. Section 1 : Dicipline 1. You are never to talk on parade, or doing drill. 2. Do not question your superior officers, they know best. 3. Treat your officers and your fellow military personal with respect. 4. You are never to use faces on duty, or while wearing uniform. 5. You are to listen to orders anyone that has a higher rank, please note All RMP members have authority over all ranks in the Armed forces unless said otherwise by the CIC of RMP. 6. You are to adress Officers as "Sir, Ma'am" and all non officers by their ranks. 7. You must salute all officers as a sign of respect to there comission. Section 2: Uniform 1. You may only wear No.2s For Special events, and No.1s For Very Very Senior Events 2. You must wear your MTP or DPM on all occasions apart from (See R.1) 3. Your uniform must be perfect and complete, no non human skin colours and sensible hair colour. 4. If you cant afford the uniform you must use the one presented for you at london. 5. Only Members of the Royal Navy, UKSF and RMC may grow beards, anyone else will be punished acordingly. 6. You must not wear the uniform off duty as you are still seen as a member of the armed forces and any actions done while wearing it will reflect on the MoD. 7. In the winter you must wear long sleaved, and the Summer Short sleaved Shirts, also in the winter there is the option of Jumpers. Section 3: On Duty 1. While inside MoD you have the permission to carry a firearm, and must not carry it anywhere outside of MoD. 2. "ALL" Members of the Armed forces (Exept UKSF and RMP) Must remain in MoD unless stated otherwise by General staff + 3. You must wear full uniform on duty (See Section 2) 4. You must not use your weapon to harm others unless they have broken the law. 5. You have the right to shoot anyone who enters MoD and report them to local authorities. 6. All officers who hold a senior rank in the Armed forces you must salute to if they are approaching your way. Section 4 : Trainings/ Tryouts/ Rules regarding Branch's 1. You may only be in one Branch the 3 primary branch's are RN,BA,RAF 2. You may also be in one sub-branch which are UKSF, RMP, RMC. 3. All trainings are to be hosted by a Officer holiding a senior rank, Only General Staff+ May order a inspection or a stopping of a training from another division. 4. To enter a Branch you must either be accepted or attend a tryout for the branch. 5. All branch's have differnt rules of their own but theese rules apply to the WHOLE of the Armed forces. Section 5: Other Regulations 1. You are to follow theese rules at all times while on duty, Some of theese rules may apply off duty. 2. To move to another Branch you must seek permission from a Senior Comissioned Officer or higher. 3. The Royal military police have authority over all who hold a rank in the Armed forces under the authorisation of his Majesty King Charles I. 4. Breaking any of theese rules will result in Either : Fine, Military arrest, Imprisonment, Discharge, Dishonorable Discharge. 5. You must follow theese rules to your best ability at all times. Signed, Provost Marshal of the Royal Military Police, JeffPierce Cheif of Defence Staff, AlexanderRomanovsky Her Majesty, Queen Insaity the I, InsanityTrade
#183760056Tuesday, February 16, 2016 5:02 PM GMT

i wont break ruls but there all good rules for the squad nice choice of em but i did see a soldier not listning to his "officer" but i didnt quite catch his name :/. Amazing form and thanks for putting it up.
#183832783Wednesday, February 17, 2016 7:21 PM GMT

#184240616Wednesday, February 24, 2016 7:55 AM GMT

I was just happy to see the RMC can grow beards.
#184301890Thursday, February 25, 2016 4:19 PM GMT

how to get gun i didint understand :/
#184311864Thursday, February 25, 2016 8:37 PM GMT

Fin you get guns by getting promoted.
#184349716Friday, February 26, 2016 12:40 PM GMT

how get promoted do i need to buy my own uniform for tryouts cuz last time i got banned
#184591676Tuesday, March 01, 2016 5:16 PM GMT

How do you get the weapons and power to arrest
#186865442Wednesday, April 06, 2016 6:59 PM GMT

PLEASE ### me join this group I will follow these ##### and be a fantastic member! :D Thanks!##
#186927064Thursday, April 07, 2016 6:41 PM GMT

Hello there , I would just like to say that i would make a amazing Air force pilot ! As i was a Air Force commander for 3 other Air Force groups . I had ago at your aircrafts and i found them easy to control. So i would love to make this offer as a good one 'mesut11504"
#186987074Friday, April 08, 2016 6:47 PM GMT

i love this group and i would listen to the rules please may i join?
#188526096Tuesday, May 03, 2016 6:56 PM GMT

I will not break the rules.
#188692633Friday, May 06, 2016 11:45 PM GMT

Sounds fair enough to me.
#200058213Friday, October 14, 2016 12:37 PM GMT

Why was these spelt like theese everytime?

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