#196015346Friday, August 12, 2016 9:33 PM GMT

-uses agility and runs into the bunker in time to watch the nuke blast hit the blast-proof bunker glass- "nice fireworks!"
#196015469Friday, August 12, 2016 9:34 PM GMT

The nuke destroys all the guests "OK GUYS JUST GET A VACCUUM TO SUCK UP THE RADIATION!" I yell
#196015501Friday, August 12, 2016 9:35 PM GMT

*gets so scared by the nuke that an explosive diarea happens covering the entire room and everyone in it in the smelliest elephant poop in the world*
#196015614Friday, August 12, 2016 9:37 PM GMT

"Dang it bro! Why the freak did you Crep your pants?!." -shoves in bathroom bunker-
#196015689Friday, August 12, 2016 9:38 PM GMT

*suddenly a text message comes in showing that justin bieber and one direction is coming to sit on the couch*
#196015849Friday, August 12, 2016 9:40 PM GMT

*sees cars coming down the street* "GUYS WE GOT UNWANTED VISITORS" I yell before my ice missle launcher drops down "authorization to drop middle?" I say
#196015862Friday, August 12, 2016 9:40 PM GMT

"BATTLE STATIONS!" -extends rifle and takes aim at the door- -gets earplugs from pocket- "y'know... Just in case?
#196015929Friday, August 12, 2016 9:41 PM GMT

*justin bieber gets out real fast and runs inside and jumps on the sofa and starts singing "BABY BABY BABY OOOOOOOHHH* *ears start to bleed* *one direction bring a new double decker couch into the house and they start pooping all over the room*
#196015939Friday, August 12, 2016 9:41 PM GMT

(Middle I mean)
#196016059Friday, August 12, 2016 9:43 PM GMT

OH NO *missile drops down* *DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU WEAK SINGERS" I yell before the missile hits 1D and JB
#196016194Friday, August 12, 2016 9:45 PM GMT

"I told you guys..." -aims at Justin bieber's forehead and pops off his head- -music has no effect... Proceeds to aim at one of the guys of One Direction-
#196016202Friday, August 12, 2016 9:45 PM GMT

lil jon stops the nuke with his bear hand and shouts "TURN DOWN FOR WAT!?!?!?!?!?!" and leaps onto the double decker couch! the double decker couch falls through the floor just like the music video! a couple is eating dinner and their dinner is smashed by the double decker couch! "TURN DOWN FOR WHAT" lil jon says smiling on the couch
#196016314Friday, August 12, 2016 9:47 PM GMT

-takes cover behind the cabinet and shoots a hole through a one direction member...- "ONE DOWN!"
#196016495Friday, August 12, 2016 9:50 PM GMT

lil john laughs and presses a button and then nicki minaj appears on the sofa and starts throwing anacondas around the room. 1,000,000 anacondas start falling down every second fro mthe ceiling while nicki screams "MY ANACONDA DONT! MY ANACONDA DONT"
#196016590Friday, August 12, 2016 9:51 PM GMT

-releases full-auto limiter- "GET DOWN!"
#196016811Friday, August 12, 2016 9:54 PM GMT

nicki minaj lets out an explosive fart
#196017028Friday, August 12, 2016 9:58 PM GMT

*heroic music comes on* "EVERYONE I'M GOING TO STOP THESE GUYS GET ON MY SPACESHIP" *telewarp appears* *summons 2033838374747282837272838374756483929292192938384848577483834847373848472772939338374738299292838382828283383783 nukes* "CMON GUYS" I yell " THE BIG BANG IS ABOUT TO SEEM LIKE CHILDS PLAY COMPARED TO THIS" *teleports everyone on my spaceship*
#196017174Friday, August 12, 2016 10:00 PM GMT

YES! -earth is devastated by the nukes, terrible music eradicated...
#196017649Friday, August 12, 2016 10:07 PM GMT

And yes our couch is in the spaceship
#196017749Friday, August 12, 2016 10:08 PM GMT

-sending orbital artillery strike down in 5...4...3...2...1...- "FIRE!" -rips through the earths nuke-cratered shell-
#196018710Friday, August 12, 2016 10:23 PM GMT

*Jaw drops at destruction* "well guys want to go visit another galaxy?" I say
#196019481Friday, August 12, 2016 10:33 PM GMT

/TP.HenrysPrivateServer.encryptedcodelock Hi guys, I'm back! -the end for my character... Or so I thought-
#196054505Saturday, August 13, 2016 6:18 AM GMT

Spaceship goes at light speed
#196058644Saturday, August 13, 2016 7:59 AM GMT

Guys! There are Michael Rosen Aliens about to crep poopy plums all over the couch!
#196067915Saturday, August 13, 2016 1:18 PM GMT

*Grabs an Assault Rifle* "DIE!!!!!!!!!!" I yell as I start shooting.