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#184087436Sunday, February 21, 2016 6:36 PM GMT

1.) Cleveland Browns This team ANNIHILATED the Patriots, a team that is projected to be in the playoffs. But anyway, who thought the Patriots would be the Browns? Anyone? Exactly. There team is the top dog in the AFC and is stacked at every position. I mean look at there team they have PBers to studs to OFL pros, this team is just OP on both sides of the ball. I project this team to be the 1st seed in the AFC with a perfect record, and head to SB 7. 2.) Miami Dolphins A team that was the laughingstock of the NFL is now one of the AFC's contenders for the 2nd and or 3rd seed in the AFC. I really don't know this team and I think Pum at QB is a pretty good move. Ray,Soft,Pum,and Lyd as coaches is a pretty good setup. But the AFC this year has took it to a new level. No one is safe except for the Browns because they are unstoppable, but my point is every team in the AFC is not safe for 2nd or 3rd seed. So Phins gotta keep this up if they wanna be in the postseason. 3.) Denver Broncos I thought the Broncos would have lost js, but really NFL was sleeping on them. Cam AKA Hitt stepped up big at QB. -dabs- Also I even saw Franky dabbing with him every time he got a TD. +1 Fan. Anyway it wasn't just him it was Trent,Napalm,Tixa all them helpin out to get the dub. I'll say it again the AFC is gonna be tight so they gotta keep the momentum to keep a chance in the postseason. 4.) Oakland Raiders Yeah you think Patrios would be next but no and I'll tell you why later. The Raiders I had you winning the game, what happened? Maybe because they choked idk. But they cant do they week in and week out simple mistakes could have took the game idk. They had some WR/CBs offline could that be the impact? They need to win there next game if they want a chance for the postseason. Sheesh guys. 5.)Pittsburgh Steelers Another team that I just don't know what got the better of them? Was it the QB, defense, WRs? But they do got good players in Cutting,Era,Canad,Roller,and Yertac and I believe in MattJRM at QB will be excellent or a bust. So Steelers it's now or never just like the Raiders situation change it now or bye playoffs. 6.) New England Patriots I woulda put them at 4 if they had CHEMISTRY!!!! Man Franky banned Tort and 00. Boom two HOF'ers out of the game. Then you have Dep leaving his team in the 2ND QUARTER. Yeah I could see why but you don't leave your team like that in the game. Then you got people RQing like Sines and Purple. And the team was fighting against each other... But doesn't it seem Franky is like the HC *cough* S6 Raiders *cough* anyway my point is if they get chemistry they'll get the 2 seed easy but if they don't they'll be the S6 Phins. Winless. Just gte chemistry Patriots. -Thanks for reading this even thought it's buns. NFC PRs will be out on Tuesday or Monday -radnelson
#184095298Sunday, February 21, 2016 8:28 PM GMT

Js'ing GOAT centers turn decent QB's into GODS

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