#184428203Saturday, February 27, 2016 9:55 PM GMT

Please r8 me, I am the most ballin' homie evar. Come Get Some Grains Friend. Come Get Some Grains Friend.
#184428295Saturday, February 27, 2016 9:56 PM GMT

#184428314Saturday, February 27, 2016 9:57 PM GMT

Here comes the money
#184431198Saturday, February 27, 2016 10:47 PM GMT

Tennis_Racket =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= this is a official letter from the green man group ordering that you remove your rogue and coutnerfeit sadboys2007 tshirt as we d o not want yuour image to stain our own image we at the green man group care dearly about what others think of us and we dont want freaking noobs to ruin that.... Reslard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i have no idea who you are but judging from your avatar you seem to be a kinda intolerable person the kind of person who would use the lenny face and an assortment of youtube video memes to appear cool to their friends..... i just dont think we could get along.. FlaminMetal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dont REALLY know you ALL the well however from what i have seen of your posts they are all pretty alright nothing terrible or anything like that and considering your low post count that is a good thing so keep it up!! ethanh99 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i like ur avatar and all but other than that youre kinda without any personality so i dont have any real opinion of you PAPAHASBEENHACKED =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= funny username and sadly thats about it... link63 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= you seem alright i like you fine enough however well whatever i was going to say something but no im not i rather not.. i keep to myself nowadays... i m a myseklf !! ToySackboyLBP2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i dont appericiate the fact that ur stealing bilbos image and as an oter i find u to be just a little bit on the irritating side at least with the amount of worth that u place upon urself its just kinda you know how that could be no? thecoolweapon4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= you're a really good OTer i assume that all of your posts are on the ironic side and if that is the case, your post are very well-constructed and intelligent and i enjoy the humour that you bring to the cold mold on the slate plate all of your posts just have these great aire of dumbness to them very refreshing you live up to your name...
#184431276Saturday, February 27, 2016 10:48 PM GMT

Rate me please i bet you wont know me :( GENESIS DOES WHAT NINTENDON'T!
#184431314Saturday, February 27, 2016 10:49 PM GMT

b nice pls
#184431377Saturday, February 27, 2016 10:50 PM GMT

"nothing terrible" I flame threads
#184433784Saturday, February 27, 2016 11:25 PM GMT

12AwesomeBoy12 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= and you would be correct but dont fret just keep on posting and then maybe one day i will look at you and say "now thats a good oter" who knows i m ight even look up to you one dAy! dont worry!!!!!!!! be happy just like bob marley said shaco0011 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i have no idea who you are but you seem nice enough read above and youll get how i feel about you FlaminMetal (CONT.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= never seen you do that...
#184439385Sunday, February 28, 2016 12:52 AM GMT

my posting game lol bro you only have a couple hundred more posts than me official duck of ot
#184439648Sunday, February 28, 2016 12:56 AM GMT

Rate me. I got 44 posts now and I'm really happy.
#184440051Sunday, February 28, 2016 1:03 AM GMT

lQuackAttakl (CONT.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= noob detected Muumzy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i like your tee Shirt
#184440064Sunday, February 28, 2016 1:03 AM GMT

Yo' Genti57 is worst pony.
#184440097Sunday, February 28, 2016 1:04 AM GMT

#184440961Sunday, February 28, 2016 1:18 AM GMT

genti57 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i remmeber drawing you for a thread once and thats about it to be honest familia........ you seem alright to me though Muumzy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= np !
#184455904Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:11 AM GMT

you would rate a person with 2.5k im not even 1k below you and im a noob detected ok im done goodbye official duck of ot
#184455956Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:12 AM GMT

let's see if you're as good as me
#184456189Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:16 AM GMT

Rate me please, I am a person with good grammar and good grades, I am not known enough so I can get that there is more likely a N/A for me. Which I get is pretty reasonable. You can't base anything on what I say, because you don't know me. You can base it upon my profile and character if you would like.
#184457957Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:50 AM GMT

lQuackAttakl =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i have no idea what you just said but im okay with you getting mad thats fine u just dont get it u just dont understand how ive been here for like SEVEN (count it 7 ) SiEtE Anos with the ene and that this is only an alt of an alt of an alt and a so on repeated fractal design of a larger picture a larger Image ; CRAZYMADWOLF ; my brand my everything my ideals what I strive to be A individualistic highly entuned with the SELf the EGO thatGirlMaggy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a post that invokes some sort of benchmark a challenge a provocative (Provo, UT) summons to be as good as YOU presumably in rating others others... is it because you perceive some sort of THREAT -- that i will take over the rating game that i will be on the top of the AFOREMENTIONed GAME though i really DOUBT it because my specific STYLE and nunances to my RATINGs are much more In line with narritive mode = Free writing without any actual editing afterwards Because I like the Aesthetic and overall "obfuscation" that it gives off and w/ever or am i just Trying to create filler to span out my rating of you which in turn is a bit more Simplistic and W/E A (possible) yes to both questions (well maybe not the first one a question answer suspended in quantum struggle) but ANYWAYS I DIGRESS so ====== :::: MY rating of you would GO as follows: youre alright i like you and all that youre someone who has been here for a LONG and i mean LONG (you know how long ) time and it REALLY shows that you have because the way you act is in a much more JADED manner one that is (maybe overly ) cynical of the motives behind people (you do seem to be someone who Is very Interested behidn motives maybe signalling some sort of well i dont want to be some sort of armchair psychologist or anything im a Lacanian ( my namedrop of the day) ] ] ] and whatever parenthesis are stil lleft open ]] your posts or RATHER your prose is different enough from the hoi polloi to stand out i m "pretty" sure you have a interesting way of punctuating and using grammar that separates you from the boys and while (transitional phrase) you are critical of the community you do seem to be someone who likes it generally and isnt just really weird (read: and i hate this word "edgy") about it and you have a high OBSCENE amount of MATURITY [keyword : you are MATURE 18+ which is a uncommon trait] and all that all the good qualities of a older poster apply to you and for that i TREAT you with a LEVEL of respect that i feel isnt really a reciprocal / mutual respect a more one sided one but respect nonetheless You do seem to be a little humourless though and i really think you should just LOOSEN up just a ___tad ___ bit you know you dont always gotta be so defensive and i konw that you do like to mess with OTers some times i know that i do as well but U kinda need to balance that out and mess with people not in an aggressive way all the time but in just a WEIRD way (but i understand that might not be your style) (and i also understand i believe that youre not trying to be as aggressive anymore but im not Entirely sure i could be wrong))) all that u gotta learn how to have more _FUN_ friends that do stuff together and that is probably why you dont like me as much cuz im like so Ironically and unironically and Messy and and and & so and so ther YOU have my pedantic Ramble Messy that could have been summed up in a Few words But you DEMANDED that i write something out for you SO there YOU go............. Thankfully i do have a opinion on you ............... WHETHER IT UIS GOOD OR BAD OR NETHEIR YOU DECIDE and am I as GOOD read the last semi-sentence and come back to Here: Maybe? me2avril =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= u seem to be a little out of place here not someone who posts regularly like you said you seem to be rather young and still maintain your innocence (with that mention of your good grades) so i like you i like seeing people who arent completely broken inside so yes you are good and by looking at your profile and character you seem nice and all and the fact you are learning how to script WARMS my cold two sizes too small heart....
#184458277Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:56 AM GMT

hey pal big borks wearing ear muffs
#184459044Sunday, February 28, 2016 6:11 AM GMT

WhippedCream2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= first i would like to thank u for buying a fanboy2007 tshirt and i know that you have always wanted to have official green man group merchandise and i appreciate your interest in the group your posts reflect this as well and youre a good quality poster a nice newish guy and you will do better if you stick along which i hope you do!!
#184461341Sunday, February 28, 2016 7:06 AM GMT

moore bounce to the ounce
#184469012Sunday, February 28, 2016 12:50 PM GMT

Maybe you don't go to those type of threads.
#184473717Sunday, February 28, 2016 3:02 PM GMT

"thatGirlMaggy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a post that invokes some sort of benchmark a challenge a provocative (Provo, UT) summons to be as good as YOU presumably in rating others others... is it because you perceive some sort of THREAT -- that i will take over the rating game that i will be on the top of the AFOREMENTIONed GAME though i really DOUBT it because my specific STYLE and nunances to my RATINGs are much more In line with narritive mode = Free writing without any actual editing afterwards Because I like the Aesthetic and overall "obfuscation" that it gives off and w/ever or am i just Trying to create filler to span out my rating of you which in turn is a bit more Simplistic and W/E A (possible) yes to both questions (well maybe not the first one a question answer suspended in quantum struggle) but ANYWAYS I DIGRESS so ====== :::: MY rating of you would GO as follows: youre alright i like you and all that youre someone who has been here for a LONG and i mean LONG (you know how long ) time and it REALLY shows that you have because the way you act is in a much more JADED manner one that is (maybe overly ) cynical of the motives behind people (you do seem to be someone who Is very Interested behidn motives maybe signalling some sort of well i dont want to be some sort of armchair psychologist or anything im a Lacanian ( my namedrop of the day) ] ] ] and whatever parenthesis are stil lleft open ]] your posts or RATHER your prose is different enough from the hoi polloi to stand out i m "pretty" sure you have a interesting way of punctuating and using grammar that separates you from the boys and while (transitional phrase) you are critical of the community you do seem to be someone who likes it generally and isnt just really weird (read: and i hate this word "edgy") about it and you have a high OBSCENE amount of MATURITY [keyword : you are MATURE 18+ which is a uncommon trait] and all that all the good qualities of a older poster apply to you and for that i TREAT you with a LEVEL of respect that i feel isnt really a reciprocal / mutual respect a more one sided one but respect nonetheless You do seem to be a little humourless though and i really think you should just LOOSEN up just a ___tad ___ bit you know you dont always gotta be so defensive and i konw that you do like to mess with OTers some times i know that i do as well but U kinda need to balance that out and mess with people not in an aggressive way all the time but in just a WEIRD way (but i understand that might not be your style) (and i also understand i believe that youre not trying to be as aggressive anymore but im not Entirely sure i could be wrong))) all that u gotta learn how to have more _FUN_ friends that do stuff together and that is probably why you dont like me as much cuz im like so Ironically and unironically and Messy and and and & so and so ther YOU have my pedantic Ramble Messy that could have been summed up in a Few words But you DEMANDED that i write something out for you SO there YOU go............. Thankfully i do have a opinion on you ............... WHETHER IT UIS GOOD OR BAD OR NETHEIR YOU DECIDE and am I as GOOD read the last semi-sentence and come back to Here: Maybe?" *cries* this is so long and so confusing but surely from what i read (and actually understood), i will answer :] so look, you have this idea about me being a slight narcissist, "too" mature and humorless and defensive along with aggressive. you also believe i haven't taken any liking to you and combined with the opinions above^ it's probably because you feel, that i think you're an immature kiddo. thus that also leads you to believe i possess no amount of respect for you. you also believe that the reason i answered as i did; "let's see if you're better than me" is because i perceive this as a threat or rather, you. ok, so let me answer to this. alright, kid. surely i can seem humorless, "too" mature and narcissistic at times, but my image or the way i portray myself here isn't my full personality. it's an image i like to uphold, because it's my favourite part of OT; how you're able replenish your serious side of yourself without it having an influence on your relationships with others. i find myself to be quite the immature individual, who makes crappy jokes and lives right on the edge of society's morals. you simply do not know of me personally, but i fully understand your reasoning behind believing me to be such a person. - it's because i painted myself as that person. i'm a very blunt person, but oftentimes people are offended which leads to consequences in real life, so i'd rather utilize that trait of mine HERE. as for being defensive and hostile towards particular individuals, it's merely because they spike my interest. if i find a person ignorant or obtuse, i can't resist correcting or perhaps even roasting them just to "show off". if i come off as aggressive, it's usually satire; me deliberately trying to provoke someone else into replying. i like toying with people, it's not because i'm genuinely mad or filled with hatred. i also see that's what happened with you; i told you that you spoke about subjects no one cared about and to "shut up" aggressively, which was probably what led you to believe i dislike you and have no respect for you. - well, that's wrong. i actually genuinely liked you from the start, your enthusiastic energy caught my eye and your witty posts are absolutely amusing. i was merely being blunt and pointing out what others could find obnoxious about you, what others would perceive a flaw, not necessarily my own biased opinion in that thread. and in addition to that, the reason i replied on this thread as i did was because simply; banter. my favourite type of banter is satire where i provoke others into uncomfortable states and thoughts "omg she's mean", "omg she hates me". it's just my type of humor :] it's entertaining to me, i just wanted to see how you react. there is no such thing as a "rating" game, so don't worry. one thing you got right though was that "you are critical of the community you do seem to be someone who likes it generally and isnt just really weird (read: and i hate this word "edgy") about it" yes, that is correct. i'm critical and surely there could be improvement, but i also enjoy it. OT'ers (especially oldbags) spend too much of their time criticizing the hang-out they allegedly "waste" their time on. it bothers me on a thousand levels; what are you here for in that case? "well i have nothing better to do" yes, you do. there are billions of opportunities in the world, especially online and you choose to genuinely waste your time being pesismistic.
#184473766Sunday, February 28, 2016 3:03 PM GMT

maggys is back to her article writing self
#184473874Sunday, February 28, 2016 3:05 PM GMT

hello cupcake