#185440514Wednesday, March 16, 2016 10:25 AM GMT

(I'm just going to pretend the vent had a little opening up above right where I am. Also, my ragged sweater is bright enough to see) Xandra stared at the wall, hearing the hissing and hearing some murmurs across the hall, when I heard large noises above me in the closet. I looked through the opening. I couldn't see anything, but I decided not to talk or to try to get anything, because that'll just get them attention.
#185447544Wednesday, March 16, 2016 3:17 PM GMT

The Mk.13 remained unfazed by the sudden melon-attack and resumed its search. The appearance of two contestants at once immediately triggered an attack mode, causing the hulking robot to let out a deep roar throughout the school. The Mk.13 began to chase after the two contestants, not willing to let its targets get away so easily. The simple corn snake continued to stare at the contestant, identified as Quinn. The snake stopped flicking its tongue naturally, and simply stared. From the audience, an intense anticipation began to build, to see whether or not Quinn would react in any interesting way. But no, the contestant simply remained confused. Shedding its holo-camouflage, the Mk.15 emerged and grabbed the contestant by the neck and lifted her into the air.
#185487623Thursday, March 17, 2016 12:51 AM GMT

#185487998Thursday, March 17, 2016 12:56 AM GMT

Carter. I sensed the robot coming, and pushed the dude farther down the vent. "Hurry or we die", i grunt
#185494269Thursday, March 17, 2016 2:15 AM GMT

Chris I quickly crawl down the vents "HEY MR. MK 13 CAN YOU STICK YOUR HEAD DOWN THE VENT? GUESS NOT FAT FACE!!" I'm amusing, deal with it. (Hey what's happening with the 2nd MK 15?)
#185554343Friday, March 18, 2016 1:28 AM GMT

(sry i take 100 hours) Oh dear. Ohhh dear. Quinn was pulled out from under her table and up, above into the air in an instant. In an instant, where she saw the cute little corn snake turn into a giant robot, the thing she was supposed to be hiding from, and in another instant, grabbing her by the neck. In an instant, she couldn't breathe. Merely hang there, suffocating as she clung to it's grip as an effort to survive. Her strength was leaving her rapidly however, as the few instants instead feeling like whole minutes of suffering. (idk) *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#185577835Friday, March 18, 2016 2:55 PM GMT

The Mk.15 continued to hold the contestant, Quinn, by her neck as she lost her strength. The robotic hand's grip never lessened and only increased. It got to the point where the contestant began to lose her consciousness from the lack of oxygen. At this point, the Mk.15 let the contestant go and the administrator teleported the unconscious body away to the medical ward. The Mk.13 chased after the contestants towards the vents, trying to catch the two in one go. The Announcer "Oh, that's it for Contestant Quinn folks! The two teams now have three persons each. This round is getting to be exciting!" In all honesty, this 1st game is taking too long, so the Administrator began to accelerate the round end. In order to do this, the Administrator pushed a button that removed the fourth and third floors, leaving only the second floor as a playing area. In addition, he deployed two more Mk.15 robots into the hologram school. This should quicken the pace a bit.
#185579086Friday, March 18, 2016 3:30 PM GMT

#185579234Friday, March 18, 2016 3:35 PM GMT

Carter I hurry down the vents. An odd feeling tells me Im going to die.
#185579572Friday, March 18, 2016 3:43 PM GMT

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#185579591Friday, March 18, 2016 3:44 PM GMT

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#185579611Friday, March 18, 2016 3:45 PM GMT

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#185579633Friday, March 18, 2016 3:45 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#185587988Friday, March 18, 2016 7:15 PM GMT

Xandra heard the large noises above as the floors above her disappeared, leaving only the second floor she was on. The closet remained silent after, hearing two contestants running down with large, clanky steps. Xandra started to get nervous, but she managed to calm down and avoid getting the robots attention. Xandra would be afraid she would die but be teleported somewhere.
#185597329Friday, March 18, 2016 9:55 PM GMT

@Perambulation When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers? I've never heard a response quite like that before. When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say? Are you a student? PostID=184146981)(HE will continue has been CSs from time to timeing. What does "this" refer to?
#185615591Saturday, March 19, 2016 2:29 AM GMT

(hey DyingDespair, where are you exactly in the school?)
#185616471Saturday, March 19, 2016 2:44 AM GMT

(Xandra's in the second floor janitorial closet. She's covering her mouth so she doesn't get detected by the robot, but letting out little ones, they're most likely not loud enough for the robot to hear though.)
#185616954Saturday, March 19, 2016 2:52 AM GMT

@DarkSide0fTheF0rce Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.When was he? Welcome to my chat room, DAMIEN . Oh really. What else did he say? I get it. -Names of players who limped over to the door and looked down the hallway. Are you a man or woman? What is your real name?That is a very original thought. What was it like before about fifteen seconds, i regained i strength in my leg and the ability to think ? What is your current status? Updating your status to "" He thought to himself, then ran across the hallway". I get it. -Names of players who ran down a staircase to the first floor, then looked both ways. Try to be less subjective. What was it like before a while of quick searching, i could not find a basement ? What happened to it? I get it. Luckily, Damien dashed into the bathroom. Who or what is the angle everyone everyone started at, to their left was a blank wall while the right was where the door was? What is your real name? Is it that obvious? I get it. Luckily, Damien made sure the bathroom i entered was in the back of the school. What is your first name? RiftG never sleeps
#185618802Saturday, March 19, 2016 3:25 AM GMT

DA763627 @doodlepants45 Why specifically do you hope for hope this is okay? There exist Rutilia as able to answer Quinn, i would. Good gossip: you are mute.I am glad to hear that you are i could not say anything. How do you know Mary Shelly kept quiet and gripped the flashlight in me hand? I'm sure she would like to hear about that. How do you know Mary Shelly felt me stomach get invaded by butterflies as panic swept over me? When were they? Thanks for the info. How do you know Mary Shelly looked away and found myself facing the darkness of the corridors that seemed to be endless, stretching towards an unknown destination? I'm sure she would like to hear about that. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. What happened? I'm sure she would like to hear about that. I'm sure she would like to hear about that. I am calculating as fast as I can. How do you know Mary Shelly wanted the group to hurry, i did not at the same time, because Rutilia was never fond of a game of Hide-and-Seek in the first place? jk I don't mean it RiftG never sleeps
#185833349Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:10 AM GMT

The two additional Mk.15s gathered together in order to hunt down the remaining contestants effectively. One of the Mk.15s ran down the hallway in order to reach the closest area, the janitor's closet. The Mk.13 rushed after the contestants only to find itself too big to follow into the vents. Instead of tearing at the metal vents, the Mk.13 contacted a nearby Mk.15 to pursue the contestants' last known locations.
#185839772Tuesday, March 22, 2016 2:56 PM GMT

#185852202Tuesday, March 22, 2016 7:00 PM GMT

#185874331Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:13 AM GMT

(Damn it I knew you'd do it) Chris As I run down the vents I tell carter to split up as a crawl through the vents towards I don't know where (IM NOT TELLING YOU WERE IM GOING BECAUSE I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM TROLLALALALA) Being crabby all day really makes you hungry. *nom*
#185962687Thursday, March 24, 2016 6:05 PM GMT

(School is finally over,so i can come back) Jake. With 3rd floor starting to disappear,Jake had to leave his current spot to the lower floor.Hopefully robots wouldnt "meet" him there. (and my brain is ded.)
#186109156Saturday, March 26, 2016 8:03 PM GMT

( i think we should finish this round up quickly tbh) *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.