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#18469823Sunday, December 27, 2009 2:52 AM GMT

( I Also Gtg.)
#18470366Sunday, December 27, 2009 3:03 AM GMT

(Okay, bye.) Mario & Luigi: ????? *Back with Bowser* Bowser: Ugh. I've had enough with this. I'm going to grab the princess once again! *Gets up* *Walks out of the castle* *Back with Mario and Luigi...Again* Mario: *Sees a pipe* Look! Luigi: *Poking a dead goomba* What? *Looks back at Mario* Oh. A pipe! Let's go through it! Mario: *Grabs Luigi's nose and goes down the pipe* Luigi: Gah! *Gets pulled through pipe* *Meanwhile* Bowser: *Burns the trees that are blocking his way* *Cough* I should take a break of breathing fire out. *Keeps walking* *Goomba squadron are following him* Bowser: *Sees a yellow pipe* ? Come on, minions. Let's go. *Ignores the pipe and keeps walking south* *Goomba squadron keep following Bowser* *Mario and Luigi come out of the yellow pipe* Mario: *Is looking the opposite direction that Bowser's looking, completely not noticing Bowser* Come on Luigi. *Walks north* Luigi: Okay. *Follows Mario*
Top 25 Poster
#18470443Sunday, December 27, 2009 3:05 AM GMT

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#18471175Sunday, December 27, 2009 3:20 AM GMT

(Okay, post denied. You cannot randomly be in Bowser's castle. You have to go through security first.) Mario: *Sees a bridge* Come on, Luigi. Luigi: *Holding a tree* No, I'm afraid of heights! Mario: Oh, come on. *Steps on bridge* *The whole bridge falls apart* Mario: *Hanging by the cliff* O.o Luigi: O.o Now how do we go through??? Mario: *Climbs up* I don't know...
Top 25 Poster
#18471273Sunday, December 27, 2009 3:22 AM GMT

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#18472401Sunday, December 27, 2009 3:43 AM GMT

Mario: *Sees a propellor mushroom* Oh. Look at that! Luigi: *Still holding tree* Mario: *Eats mushroom* *Magically has a propellor hat* Oh, wow! *Grabs Luigi by the nose* *Goes up in the air* Luigi: Ow! Not my nose again! *Lets go of the tree* Mario: *Lands to the other side of the cliff* Yay! Luigi: *Lands on Mario* Mario & Luigi: Ow... *In Peach's castle* Peach: Toadsworth. Toadsworth: What? Peach: What if what you said would be true? Toadsworth: ....Oh, if you would be kidnapped...Mario and Luigi would save you again! Peach: But...What if...They fail? Toadsworth: They won't. They always succeed. Peach: True...I shouldn't be worried. ^_^ *With Bowser* Bowser: Darn it. I'm lost. All I see are stupid big boulders. Goomba #1: I think you should use your mega punch! Res of the Goomba Squadron: YEAH! Bowser: Fine. *Holds back fist* *Punches boulder* HAHAHA! You were right! Goomba Squadron: YEAH!
Top 25 Poster
#18472591Sunday, December 27, 2009 3:46 AM GMT

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#18485970Sunday, December 27, 2009 2:05 PM GMT

Ms.Mowz: *making her way throghout the castle* Lets see...there may be something in Bowser's chamber....*takes the way up to it, then tries to open the door* Locked. Hmmm, maybe Kamek has the key. I could probably steal it without her knowing *runs off to find Kamek*
#21501405Monday, February 22, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

can i be toad?
#21695071Friday, February 26, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

(sure) waluigui:wario I need a red shell now!
#21729500Saturday, February 27, 2010 3:42 PM GMT

toad: * jumps on a yoshi* " im going to bring us the toad millatery!" * 100 other toads get on yoshis and arm themselves with yoshi eggs and spears*
#23487546Friday, April 02, 2010 9:22 PM GMT

toad: * marching with the rest of the toads*
#25388487Saturday, May 08, 2010 12:22 AM GMT

( sorry guys im quiting)

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