#186250291Monday, March 28, 2016 4:46 PM GMT

Any Nigh-Omnipotents here are capable of that.
#186250475Monday, March 28, 2016 4:48 PM GMT

Say that to Saitama.... Seriously, he fights beings capable of firing cosmic energy beams from their hands yet he defeats them with ONE punch. Powerful powers means nothing if you can't use it correctly.
#186250544Monday, March 28, 2016 4:49 PM GMT

He didn't defeat Boros in one punch.
#186250713Monday, March 28, 2016 4:52 PM GMT

That's because Boros had armor.... And for reason some people say that Saitama is stronger than Goku even though one punch from Goku would be able to destroy the armor and knock out Boros.
#186250924Monday, March 28, 2016 4:54 PM GMT

We shouldn't really compare Saitama to anyone yet, he hasnt shown his true strength yet.
#186251158Monday, March 28, 2016 4:58 PM GMT

I still think that a punch from a not serious Goku would destroy the armor and knock out Boros.
#186251800Monday, March 28, 2016 5:07 PM GMT

Okay. That's your opinion and I respect that. Now, tell me, how mant people do you think can defeat Jared?
#186251931Monday, March 28, 2016 5:09 PM GMT

The Titan of Terror. And possibly a very, but VERY angry Krathlork.
#186252165Monday, March 28, 2016 5:13 PM GMT

Okay. And maybe the nigh-omnipotents too. If they were trained. And also, anyone with telekinesis.
#186252388Monday, March 28, 2016 5:16 PM GMT

Oh and forgot, but I am almost sure that Dranon is stronger than Jared too. After all he is the "strongest man in the world".
#186253307Monday, March 28, 2016 5:31 PM GMT

Okay. And one more thing, mind if I make Roxas a Psychopotent and Gold, Transcendent Angel Physiology? You probably won't.
#186254935Monday, March 28, 2016 5:59 PM GMT

If were honest Galactus can beat anyone, He is a Celestial who was formed at the beginning of the universe and can feed off living energy. Also, No one can kill the Celestials, the only one possible were the apocolypse twins who assasinated a celestial and there was the hyperweapon Godkiller but its forever lost. Galactus is just to strong for you weak rookies.
#186255266Monday, March 28, 2016 6:04 PM GMT

Imma go remake Gold's CS again.
#186257207Monday, March 28, 2016 6:32 PM GMT

-CHARACTER SHEET- Name: Gold Neutra Sagerothe. Age: Older than everything. Gender: Male. Are you a part of the Roleplayers Association?: Yeah. Personality(Optional): Appearance: Gold is a slim man at the height of 6 ft 20. His hair is a mix of electric purple, white and usually swept back. His eyes are golden with star shaped pupils. He's got two tattoos the first one looks like a skeleton in an empty lone with a light shining on him that's coming from a small window. It's located on his left shoulder. The second one is an infinity symbol on his right shoulder. He typically wears a long black coat decorated by golden trimmings, white bands around his arms, two red medal-like ornaments on each side of his chest, a tight-fitting shirt, and loose gray pants held up by a belt. The pants are tucked inside a pair of black boots he wears. Power: He possesses a large amount of abilities. Making him pretty damn strong. His true strength has never been shown and will probably never be shown. Divine Energy Manipulation - Description : Gold can manipulate Divine Energy. One of the manifestations of his good side. He's capable of manipulating the energy only divine beings can use. It can harm people and it's especially harmful when used against unholy beings. It's also his favorite energy ability. Demonic Ice Manipulation - Description : His evil ability. Gold can generate and manipulate mystical demonic ice, which cannot be melted by mortal means, drawn straight from the darkest fears sentient minds have about winter, ice and arctic areas. It has the appearance of a purple tinted ice and is freezing. Light Element Manipulation - Gold can create, shape and manipulate mystical elements of a pure, benevolent nature, which ignore most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal elements. These elements are manifestations of the life-giving and sustaining aspect of their respective elements. One of the good powers he has. Pure Darkness, Pure Earth, Pure Fire, Pure Wind, Pure Ice, Pure Light, Pure Lightning and Pure Water. He can use all of those elements, they're all white. Except for Darkness. Ambition Manipulation - He has the ability to manipulate ambition, it how I like to call it, Willpower Manipulation. It's been how he's capable of dodging attacks easily and make his fists as hard as steel. He can also make his enemies unconscious just by using his sheer willpower to overcome theirs. Chrono Vision - Gold can see any point in time, from only a few days or months into the future, up to events all throughout time, whether that be along their own timelines or along the timelines of others. With this, he's constantly being given information. Every waking second. 4th Wall Awareness - Gold is aware that his universe is false. And through this, he is capable of gaining information he is not supposed to have. Absolute Intellect - Gold's intellectual faculties transcend virtually all other sentient beings in the universe. All aspects of their intelligence are infinite, but inferior to Nigh-Omniscience and Total Omniscience. This power differs from Omniscience in that the user has, essentially, a limitless IQ and intellectual capacity, rather than having innate knowledge of everything. This is the greatest, most supreme level of intellect a being can attain.  He's the smartest man in the universe. He also possesses multiple forms, which he never really uses. Ice Devil Tyrant Mode. Divine King Mode. Divine Elemental. Ice Devil King Mode. Sacred Punisher Mode. Godly Willpower. Sacred Elemental. Weapon: Gold wields a large donachi, given to him by Roxas. Shinigami - Shinigami is a large version of the typical Japanese sword type known as nodachi with a black blade. It has an oblong-shaped hand-guard trimmed with short white fur, a purple grip with two white rings around it and a yellow pommel, sheathed in a black scabbard decorated by white crosses from the opening to the bottom, and with a small piece of red rope tied near its opening. He typically uses this sword using one hand despite it's heaviness and large size. Bio(Optional): "I existed before this Omniverse came to be."
#186262992Monday, March 28, 2016 8:00 PM GMT

CHARACTER UPGRADES Carter: Agileblast: Rage mode ability; will go berserk and have an EXTREME damage resistance to ranged and energy attacks. Melee damage received is unchanged, whilst his melee attack damage is exponentially multiplied, and each time he is hit wih an attack the damage output grows. FactionGuerrilla: When using his Bullet Time ability any melees that he performs upon his enemies will cause them to go flying when time resumes. Sophitia Alexandra: Upon successful hits upon her target, they will become temporarily blinded. The effect stacks per hit, allowing her to "stunlock" her foe. SOPH-3: Telekinesis. Pyrrha Alexandra: Can manipulate fire and dark energy with much more ease. Haggard: Can create a shield similar to Destiny's Ward of Dawn or Halo's Drop Shield using his suit's energy. Loses his foreign Cyber Core in exchange. Young Haggard: Can use his suit's energy to speed up any human being's natural health regeneration rate by a large amount. Cannot be used over long periods of time like the Medic's medkit but will heal much faster. Medic: Any enemy that attacks the Medic will receive half the damage that the Medic takes. If the Medic becomes downed due to the attack, then his assailant will receive full damage from the attack, also. Doraleous (Young Medic): Can throw a "Bio Cleanse Bomb" that will slow down his foe and leave him/her vulnerable to 2x damage from anything else. If they are resistant to an attack then that type of attack will deal normal to reduced damage- i.e. "Bulletproof" enemies will receive damage from firearms. On a side note Doraleous also dishes out damage to his enemy no matter what weapon he uses. There is no "bulletproof" enemy invulnerable to his attacks, albeit it may only annoy them. Engineer: Will not flinch from any attacks received, and cannot be flung or thrown in any way. Appsro (Young Engineer): If Appsro gets close enough to any kind of technology- cyborg, android, etc.- he can proceed to melee them and disable them, similarly to an EMP. Noob: His "artifact" from being the ruler of the noob realm can act independently and will be able to "FIRE MAH LAZOR" at any fool stupid enough to stand in one position. Neebs (Young Noob): Anyone can take ammo from him whether or not he has dropped an ammo bag yet. Closet Colonel: Knife melees that he performs will cause miniature explosions similar to the GTA V cheat for explosive fists. Recon: Recon can rig any nearby objects with makeshift gadgets that will have deadly effects upon its victim- i.e. Nearby propane tanks can be wired to a motion sensor and C4. Thick (Young Recon): Thick has "thick" skin, and will be able to receive much more projectile damage than normal. Weasel: Any attacks that he receives will cause him to move and handle his weapons much faster.
#186263120Monday, March 28, 2016 8:02 PM GMT

Oh, wait. Nearly forgot myself. Carter: While using Ionic Compression, reverting to human form will result in an explosion of electricity around him, harming enemies nearby him.
#186272851Monday, March 28, 2016 10:20 PM GMT

I think that the Titan of Terror is stronger than Galactus.... That guy is jsut beyond human knowledge since at full pwoer he is capable of shattering an entire planet with a weak punch. Luckily that I probably won't use his full power.
#186273246Monday, March 28, 2016 10:26 PM GMT

still not as powerful as GT expedition society
#186273673Monday, March 28, 2016 10:32 PM GMT

R. Gear's incredibly hard to kill, so I dunno what he can be killed by... continuous attacking? What would he be vulnerable to?
#186273884Monday, March 28, 2016 10:34 PM GMT

Basically all my chars are weak af.
#186274935Monday, March 28, 2016 10:48 PM GMT

You forgot one thing; Jared has multiple forms, all of which boosts up his fighting skills and gives him additional powers and weaponry.
#186275528Monday, March 28, 2016 10:55 PM GMT

I still doubt that Jared is stronger than the Titan of Terror.
#186275605Monday, March 28, 2016 10:56 PM GMT

ToT won't ever match up to GT expedition society ever
#186275676Monday, March 28, 2016 10:57 PM GMT

NERF. NERF. NERF. It's Nerf... *Pulls out and loads a gun* ...Or nothing.
#186275844Monday, March 28, 2016 10:59 PM GMT

The Vault Hunters are quite strong. Their weapons and skills are very powerful, and they managed to kill The Warrior and Terramorphous the Invincible, both of which are very strong enemies. Also they killed a lot of other strong enemies on the way to kill Handsome Jack.