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#184832447Sunday, March 06, 2016 2:06 AM GMT

DO NOT EDIT THIS FORMAT, ONLY COPY AND PASTE IT THEN ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TO IT! Section 1. CHARACTER INFORMATION 1.1 Tell us a little bit about your character, like it's name and description. (Minimum 15 words): Section 2. ROLE PLAY EXPERIENCE 2.1 Have you ever Role played before?: 2.2 If so, then please tell us where and what for, if not then leave this blank.: 2.3 Have you ever read the Warrior Cats or had any experience in Warrior Cats Role Play? Section 3. AGREEING TO RULES 3.1 Do you promise to follow all rules (listed below)?: 3.2 Do you understand that if you break any rules, there will be consequences, and that if you break multiple rules a number of times, that you will kicked from the group? Section 4. RULES 4.1 Be realistic, as in no cats with blue hair or that can fly, we're a serious Role Playing Group. 4.2 Don't type like you just got out of pre-school, typing to us is like an art, and like Kanye West we respect the artistry. 4.3 Do not spam or bully anyone in the Group, and don't threaten ANYONE in the Group, we don't like it when you attempt a Chris Brown. 4.4 If you're going to speak out of character, please use parentheses. 4.5 While Role Playing, please don't use asterisks (It's these things *) or anything else signifying that you are Role Playing, if you want to speak out of character, then use the parentheses. 4.6 NO R@P3!!! There was someone in the Group long ago that, we swear would always have their cats a victim to it, it's fking annoying, and don't Role Play out $3X scenes either... 4.7 Unless you are the Leader or trusted friend of the Group owner, don't try to punish any other rule breakers, let either the owner or Deputy know about this person, and they will take care of it. 4.8 Don't argue with anyone in the Group, take it elsewhere, if we do find an argument that is not in character, then we will delete it, even if you Role Played in the argument. 4.9 In each litter, you may only give birth to 4 kits, no more. This is to keep everything in order and for the next rule. 4.10 You may have as many characters as you want, but if you lose track of any of them or don't Role Play as any of them, then same as rule 4.21 your characters become void and the names or characters can be taken. 4.11 In reference to rule 4.10, you must promise to keep track and Role Play with ALL of your characters, this is to make sure that if one of your characters are Role Playing with another persons, that you don't forget about your character leaving the other person with nothing to Role Play, if you get bored with one of your characters and don't want to Role Play with it anymore, then find a way to kill it off. 4.12 Don't make your character unfair, as in he/she cannot be super smart, strong or anything like that, if you want a character with these traits, ask the leader, since prophecies are the only exception. 4.13 Diversify all of or most of your characters, as in don't make ALL of your cats super depressed or shy. 4.14 Don't try to force an event, as in don't say there's going to be a flood, that decision is up to the high ranks, also don't control the weather, if you want something to happen (For Role Play) then ask the leader. 4.15 Don't make your characters use human curse words, cats (In the Warrior Cats) have their own. 4.16 You can't make enemy groups without the leaders permission. 4.17 Do not intertwine other Role Play Groups with ours, it gets too messy. 4.18 Don't god mode, as in if your character and another character get into a fight and the other character ends up doing something that can kill your cat fairly, (Unless if it's referring to rule 4.19) then don't Role Play stuff like, "Even though Shadow's throat was bleeding profusely, he was able to survive long enough to get medical attention," or, "Shadow kept fighting, despite all of his legs being torn off." 4.19 No over powered Role Playing, such as if your character and another character get into a fight, don't Role Play stuff like, "Shadow slashes at some other idiot and kills him instantly." 4.20 No illegal stuff, as in stuff involving 420. 4.21 If you're going to go on vacation or not Role Play for a while, let us know so that we can make sure we're not stuck waiting for you to return to Role Play, and if you are inactive for too long without letting anyone know, then your character's are void and the names of your characters can be taken, and if it is okay with the Leader, then someone can Role Play as your characters. 4.22 In reference to rule 4.21 do not Role Play as other people's characters without permission from the Leader, or the owner of the other character. And if a friend allows you to Role Play as their character, then you must show proof of your friend saying this, as in a Screen shot or multiple witnesses, or the person letting you Role Play as their character can let the Leader know themselves. 4.23 Please, for the love of Buddha, don't Role Play anything like this, "Shadow takes a nice dump in the middle of the forest." We don't want to read anything like this while we eat and Role Play... 4.24 Message the Leader or Deputy for promotions (preferably the Leader), please don't put it in the chat, since it is possible that we couldn't read it in time. 4.25 And lastly, if you break a rule, you will get a warning, if you break a rule a second time, you will get a temporary cooldown from Role Playing (The time amount will depend on what rule[s] you broke, and what the Leader thinks you deserve.), and if you break a third rule, three strikes, you're out.
#184832890Sunday, March 06, 2016 2:13 AM GMT

Now that I think about it, in reference to rule 4.5, you can only use Asterisk's (These things *) if you are changing the character you are Role Playing as, such as, "Oak did this *** Blah Blah did that." I apologize for having to make a reply to say this, I just thought about it after I posted this and because ROBLOX is stupid, I can't edit the forum post that I posted...
#187428869Friday, April 15, 2016 7:21 PM GMT

@luxery!Hey!I Want to tell you guys something..Im IloveWarriorsopop..I forgot my Pw= P a s s w o r d..I would love to get my rank back as flame!Thank you!
#189635747Tuesday, May 24, 2016 12:02 AM GMT

Where do we reply???
#191493392Sunday, June 19, 2016 1:11 AM GMT

Hey, soooo sorry for not getting back to you. You reply here. :3
#192330231Wednesday, June 29, 2016 7:29 AM GMT

Hey..I need to let you know something.Im ilovewarriorsopop.So yea.Hope i get my role back.
#192367086Wednesday, June 29, 2016 8:24 PM GMT

Fine, but this is the last time. If you lose your pw or whatever, then it's too bad. I'm sorry, but I won't keep doing this.
#192396006Thursday, June 30, 2016 3:02 AM GMT

Let me explian.tbh idk what happens to my account some times.I might not be active to much anymore.So yea.Hope u understand/
#193064599Thursday, July 07, 2016 9:58 PM GMT

I keek yo muda ****ing ass muda ****er if you don't fix my rank muda ****a
#198055718Thursday, September 08, 2016 6:14 AM GMT

Section 1: Chestnut: a light chestnut brown she-cat with slightly darker brown spots. She's just barely an apprentice. Chestnut is friendly and loyal, but she can have a bit of a mean streak. Section 2: 2.1: Yes 2.2: A long time ago in a couple groups on Roblox. 2.3: Yes Section 3: 3.1: Yes 3.2: Yes
#198075155Thursday, September 08, 2016 8:00 PM GMT

Everything looks good, 12! Welcome to Rising Dawn!
#198872593Wednesday, September 21, 2016 8:16 PM GMT

Section 1. CHARACTER INFORMATION 1.1 Tell us a little bit about your character, like it's name and description. (Minimum 15 words): TwistPaw: A calico she with a twisted front paw. Icy blue eyes, 9 Moons. Section 2. ROLE PLAY EXPERIENCE 2.1 Have you ever Role played before?: Yes 2.2 If so, then please tell us where and what for, if not then leave this blank.: Wolf roleplay games, warrior cat games, loin games. 2.3 Have you ever read the Warrior Cats or had any experience in Warrior Cats Role Play? Yes Section 3. AGREEING TO RULES 3.1 Do you promise to follow all rules (listed below)?: Yes 3.2 Do you understand that if you break any rules, there will be consequences, and that if you break multiple rules a number of times, that you will kicked from the group? Section 4. RULES 4.1 Be realistic, as in no cats with blue hair or that can fly, we're a serious Role Playing Group. 4.2 Don't type like you just got out of pre-school, typing to us is like an art, and like Kanye West we respect the artistry. 4.3 Do not spam or bully anyone in the Group, and don't threaten ANYONE in the Group, we don't like it when you attempt a Chris Brown. 4.4 If you're going to speak out of character, please use parentheses. 4.5 While Role Playing, please don't use asterisks (It's these things *) or anything else signifying that you are Role Playing, if you want to speak out of character, then use the parentheses. ##########################################################################################################################################################################################4.7 Unless you are the Leader or trusted friend of the Group owner, don't try to punish any other rule breakers, let either the owner or Deputy know about this person, and they will take care of it. 4.8 Don't argue with anyone in the Group, take it elsewhere, if we do find an argument that is not in character, then we will delete it, even if you Role Played in the argument. 4.9 In each litter, you may only give b#### #####kits, no more. This is to keep everything in order and for the next rule. 4.10 You may have as many characters as you want, but if you lose track of any of them or don't Role Play as any of them, then same as rule 4.21 your characters become void and the names or characters can be taken. 4.11 In reference to rule 4.10, you must promise to keep track and Role Play with ALL of your characters, this is to make sure that if one of your characters are Role Playing with another persons, that you don't forget about your character leaving the other person with nothing to Role Play, if you get bored with one of your characters and don't want to Role Play with it anymore, then find a way to kill it off. 4.12 Don't make your character unfair, as in he/she cannot be super smart, strong or anything like that, if you want a character with these traits, ask the leader, since prophecies are the only exception. 4.13 Diversify all of or most of your characters, as in don't make ALL of your cats super depressed or shy. 4.14 Don't try to force an event, as in don't say there's going to be a flood, that decision is up to the high ranks, also don't control the weather, if you want something to happen (For Role Play) then ask the leader. 4.15 Don't make your characters use human curse words, cats (In the Warrior Cats) have their own. 4.16 You can't make enemy groups without the leaders permission. 4.17 Do not intertwine other Role Play Groups with ours, it gets too messy. 4.18 Don't god mode, as in if your character and another character get into a fight and the other character ends up doing something that can kill your cat fairly, (Unless if it's referring to rule 4.19) then don't Role Play stuff like, "Even though Shadow's throat was bleeding profusely, he was able to survive long enough to get medical attention," or, "Shadow kept fighting, despite all of his legs being torn off." 4.19 No over powered Role Playing, such as if your character and another character get into a fight, don't Role Play stuff like, "Shadow slashes at some other idiot and kills him instantly." 4.20 No illegal stuff, as in stuff involving ############## If you're going to go on vacation or not Role Play for a while, let us know so that we can make sure we're not stuck waiting for you to return to Role Play, and if you are inactive for too long without letting anyone know, then your character's are void and the names of your characters can be taken, and if it is okay with the Leader, then someone can Role Play as your characters. 4.22 In reference to rule 4.21 do not Role Play as other people's characters without permission from the Leader, or the owner of the other character. And if a friend allows you to Role Play as their character, then you must show proof of your friend saying this, as in a Screen shot or multiple witnesses, or the person letting you Role Play as their character can let the Leader know themselves. 4.23 Please, for the love of Buddha, don't Role Play anything like this, "Shadow takes a nice dump in the middle of the forest." We don't want to read anything like this while we eat and Role Play... 4.24 Message the Leader or Deputy for promotions (preferably the Leader), please don't put it in the chat, since it is possible that we couldn't read it in time. 4.25 And lastly, if you break a rule, you will get a warning, if you break a rule a second time, you will get a temporary cooldown from Role Playing (The time amount will depend on what rule[s] you broke, and what the Leader thinks you deserve.), and if you break a third rule, three strikes, you're out.
#198872663Wednesday, September 21, 2016 8:17 PM GMT

Idk if I needed to add the hole thing xD
#198891355Thursday, September 22, 2016 12:57 AM GMT

It's fine! Welcome to Rising Dawn! :) The only thing I have to say is that in Rising Dawn we're unique in the sense that we don't have 'normal' names. We only use the prefix of the names. This allows for more creativity when naming characters, as well as it's a nod towards their Rogue beginnings. However, like I said, it's up to the creator of the character to name them, and I'm completely fine with whatever, as long as it's appropriate. This is getting long, so I'll wrap it up. Again, welcome to Rising Dawn. I hope you have a pleasant experience here, and I'm glad you joined.
#199792884Saturday, October 08, 2016 11:29 PM GMT

DO NOT EDIT THIS FORMAT, ONLY COPY AND PASTE IT THEN ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TO IT! Section 1. CHARACTER INFORMATION 1.1 Tell us a little bit about your character, like it's name and description. (Minimum 15 words): Spring- tan female white paws. Pale green eyes. Feisty, determined, ambitious. Has 2 kits. Jackdaw- white male black paws. Pale gold eyes. Swift, kind. Has 2 kits. Mate: Spring. Tumble- tan male black paws. Pale blue eyes. Determined, swift. Mother: Spring. Father: Jackdaw. Fiera- white female black paws. Pale gold eyes. Swift, kind. Father- Jackdaw. Mother- Spring. Brother- Tumble. Section 2. ROLE PLAY EXPERIENCE 2.1 Have you ever Role played before?: yes. 2.2 If so, then please tell us where and what for, if not then leave this blank.: Goldclan(current), Moon's Pack(current), Fantasy Roleplay(current), SolarPack(ended) 2.3 Have you ever read the Warrior Cats or had any experience in Warrior Cats Role Play? Yes. Read all the books and am in a Warrior Cats Roleplay and have done multiple othets(forgot the names) Section 3. AGREEING TO RULES 3.1 Do you promise to follow all rules (listed below)?: yes. 3.2 Do you understand that if you break any rules, there will be consequences, and that if you break multiple rules a number of times, that you will kicked from the group? Of course. Section 4. RULES 4.1 Be realistic, as in no cats with blue hair or that can fly, we're a serious Role Playing Group. 4.2 Don't type like you just got out of pre-school, typing to us is like an art, and like Kanye West we respect the artistry. 4.3 Do not spam or bully anyone in the Group, and don't threaten ANYONE in the Group, we don't like it when you attempt a Chris Brown. 4.4 If you're going to speak out of character, please use parentheses. 4.5 While Role Playing, please don't use asterisks (It's these things *) or anything else signifying that you are Role Playing, if you want to speak out of character, then use the parentheses. ##########################################################################################################################################################################################4.7 Unless you are the Leader or trusted friend of the Group owner, don't try to punish any other rule breakers, let either the owner or Deputy know about this person, and they will take care of it. 4.8 Don't argue with anyone in the Group, take it elsewhere, if we do find an argument that is not in character, then we will delete it, even if you Role Played in the argument. 4.9 In each litter, you may only give b#### #####kits, no more. This is to keep everything in order and for the next rule. 4.10 Y####a###a###a####n##characters as you##ant, but if you lo###t#### of any of them or don't Role Play as any##f them, then same as rul##4.21 your characters become void and the names or characters can be taken. 4.11 In reference to rule 4.10, you must promise to keep track and Role Play with ALL of your characters, this is to make sure that if one of your characters are Role Playing with another persons, that you don't forget about your character leaving the other person with nothing to Role Play, if you get bored with one of your characters and don't want to Role Play with it anymore, then find a way to kill it off. 4.12 Don't make your character unfair, as in he/she cannot be super smart, strong or anything like that, if you want a character with these traits, ask the leader, since prophecies are the only exception. 4.13 Diversify all of or most of your characters, as in don't make ALL of your cats super depressed or shy. 4.14 Don't try to force an event, as in don't say there's going to be a flood, that decision is up to the high ranks, also don't control the weather, if you want something to happen (For Role Play) then ask the leader. 4.15 Don't make your characters use human curse words, cats (In the Warrior Cats) have their own. 4.16 You can't make enemy groups without the leaders permission. 4.17 Do not intertwine other Role Play Groups with ours, it gets too messy. 4.18 Don't god mode, as in if your character and another character get into a fight and the other character ends up doing something that can kill your cat fairly, (Unless if it's referring to rule 4.19) then don't Role Play stuff like, "Even though Shadow's throat was bleeding profusely, he was able to survive long enough to get medical attention," or, "Shadow kept fighting, despite all of his legs being torn off." 4.19 No over powered Role Playing, such as if your character and another character get into a fight, don't Role Play stuff like, "Shadow slashes at some other idiot and kills him instantly." 4.20 No illegal stuff, ## in stuff involving ############## If you're going to go on vacation or not Role Play for a while, let us know so that we can make sure we're not stuck waiting for you to return to Role Play, and if you are inactive for too long without letting anyone know, then your character's are void and the names of your characters can be taken, and if it is okay with the Leader, then someone can Role Play as your characters. 4.22 In reference to rule 4.21 do not Role Play as other people's characters without permission from the Leader, or the owner of the other character. And if a friend allows you to Role Play as their character, then you must show proof of your friend saying this, as in a Screen shot or multiple witnesses, or the person letting you Role Play as their character can let the Leader know themselves. 4.23 Please, for the love of Buddha, don't Role Play anything like this, "Shadow takes #####e dump in the middle of the forest." We don't want to read anything like this while we eat and Role Play... 4.24 Message the Leader or Deputy for promotions (preferably the Leader), please don't put it in the chat, since it is possible that we couldn't read it in time. 4.25 And lastly, if you break a rule, you will get a warning, if you break a rule a second time, you will get a temporary cooldown from Role Playing (The time amount will depend on what rule[s] you broke, and what the Leader thinks you deserve.), and if you break a third rule, three strikes, you're out.
#199792974Saturday, October 08, 2016 11:30 PM GMT

Sorry for adding everything XD
#199803342Sunday, October 09, 2016 3:00 AM GMT

Scratch my characters, I can't be in this group.
#205578544Tuesday, December 27, 2016 11:29 PM GMT

Section 1. CHARACTER INFORMATION 1.1 Tell us a little bit about your character, like it's name and description. (Minimum 15 words): Shaded Sun: Tortoiseshell she-cat with brown eyes. She has orange dapples on her black back, her front legs/paws orange with black dapples. The hind legs are black with orange dapples, while the back paws are white. She has a very fluffy tail with an orange start, a black middle, and a white tip. Her face is white with a black dapple on the upper right with orange stripes, and an orange dapple on the lower left with black stripes. Her right ear is black while the left is orange. She was previously from the Clans. Section 2. ROLE PLAY EXPERIENCE 2.1 Have you ever Role played before?: Yes. 2.2 If so, then please tell us where and what for, if not then leave this blank.: A few groups but mostly on roleplay games. Ex: Warriors; Forest Territory by Vi Za Vi (Had to say with spaces otherwise it was tags) 2.3 Have you ever read the Warrior Cats or had any experience in Warrior Cats Role Play? Yes. But I only just finished Forest of Secrets however I am an advanced roleplayer. Section 3. AGREEING TO RULES 3.1 Do you promise to follow all rules (listed below)?: I do. 3.2 Do you understand that if you break any rules, there will be consequences, and that if you break multiple rules a number of times, that you will kicked from the group? I understand, but don't worry I won't break any. I'm a good rule-follower. Section 4. RULES 4.1 Be realistic, as in no cats with blue hair or that can fly, we're a serious Role Playing Group. 4.2 Don't type like you just got out of pre-school, typing to us is like an art, and like Kanye #####w####spect the artistry. 4.3 Do not spam or bully anyone in the Group, and don't threat########E in the Group, we don't like it when you attempt a Chris Brown. 4.4 If you're going to speak out of character, please use parentheses. 4.5 While Role Playing, please don't use asterisks (It's these things *) or anything else signif##########you are Role Playing, if you want to speak out of character, then use the parentheses. 4.6 NO R@P3!!################################ long ago that, we swear ##### #####s have their cats a victim to it, it's #####i###################Play out $3X sc###s either... 4.7 Unless you are the Leader or trusted friend of the Group owner, don't try to punish any other rule breakers, let either the owner or Deputy know about this person, and they will take care of it. 4.8 Don't argue with anyone in the Group, take it elsewhere, if we do find an argument that is not in character, then we will delete it, even if you Role Played in the argument. 4.9 In each litter, you may only give b#### #####kits, no more. This is to keep everything in order and for the next rule. 4.10 You may have as many characters as you want, but if you lose track of any of them or don't Role Play as any of them, then same as rule 4.21 your characters become void and the names or characters can be taken. 4.11 In reference to rule 4.10, you must promise to keep track and Role Play with ALL of your characters, this is to make sure that if one of your characters are Role Playing with another persons, that you don't forget about your character leaving the other person with nothing to Role Play, if you get bored with one of your characters and don't want to Role Play with it anymore, then find a way to kill it off. 4.12 Don't make your character unfair, as in he/she cannot be super smart, strong or anything like that, if you want a character with these traits, ask the leader, since prophecies are the only exception. 4.13 Diversify all of or most of your characters, as in don't make ALL of your cats super depressed or shy. 4.14 Don't try to force an event, as in don't say there's going to be a flood, that decision is up to the high ranks, also don't control the weather, if you want something to happen (For Role Play) then ask the leader. 4.15 Don't make your characters use human curse words, cats (In the Warrior Cats) have their own. 4.16 You can't make enemy groups without the leaders permission. 4.17 Do not intertwine other Role Play Groups with ours, it gets too messy. 4.18 Don't god mode, as in if your character and another character get into a fight and the other character ends up doing something that can #### #### cat fairly, (Unless if it's referring to rule 4.19) then don't Role Play stuff like, "Even though Shadow's throat was bleeding profusely, he was able to survive long enough to get medical attention," or, "Shadow kept fighting, despite all of his legs being torn off." 4.19 No over powered Role Playing, such as if your character and another character get into a fight, don't Role Play stuff like, "Shadow slashes at some other idiot and kills him instantly." 4.20 No illegal stuff, as in stuff involving #### 4.21 If you're going to go on vacation or not Role Play for a while, let us know so that we can make sure we're not stuck waiting for you to return to Role Play, and if you are inactive for too long without letting anyone know, then your character's are void and the names of your characters can be taken, and if it is okay with the Leader, then someone can Role Play as your characters. 4.22 In reference to rule 4.21 do not Role Play as other people's characters without permission from the Leader, or the owner of the other character. And if a friend allows you to Role Play as their character, then you must show proof of your friend saying this, as in a Screen shot or multiple witnesses, or the person letting you Role Play as their character can let the Leader know themselves. 4.23 Please, for the love of Buddha, don't Role Play anything like this, "Shadow takes a nice dump in the middle of the forest." We don't want to read anything like this while we eat and Role Play... 4.24 Message the Leader or Deputy for promotions (preferably the Leader), please don't put it in the chat, since it is possible that we couldn't read it in time. 4.25 And lastly, if you break a rule, you will get a warning, if you break a rule a second time, you will get a temporary ######## from Role Playing (The time amount will depend on what rule[s] you broke, and what the Leader thinks you deserve.), and if you break a third rule, three strikes, you're out.
#207446702Tuesday, January 17, 2017 1:59 AM GMT

Section 1: My cat's name will be Arc. He is a short furred, black and gray tabby with white paws, white chest, and tail tip. He has blue eyes, and his very agile and calm. He is young, about 22 moons. His fur is sleek and shiny. His perks are running and jumping, but his faults are rain (which seems to drag his fur down and make him slow. God knows why) and swimming. Due to his agility, he is an amazing fighter. Section 2: 1. Yes. 2. On the Forest Territory Warrior Cats RP on ROBLOX, and Warrior Cats groups. 3. Yes. Section 3: 1. Yes. 2. Yes
#207446869Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:01 AM GMT

C&G please
#207451181Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:38 AM GMT

Also sorry if my post looks like poop. The device I play ROBLOX on doesn't let me copy and paste or let me skip rows. Hope I get in!
#207452062Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:49 AM GMT

C&G? I'm sorry, but can you tell me what that means?
#207452462Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:54 AM GMT

Clans and Guilds, its about the group feature this forum is for THREAD roleplays not for roleplay GROUPS
#207453253Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:03 AM GMT

Oh, thank you for telling me. I am in none, and never really use them. But I am a promising role player.
#218938448Thursday, June 15, 2017 3:51 PM GMT


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