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#184973925Tuesday, March 08, 2016 5:21 AM GMT

Roblox, what is roblox? Roblox is a developing game in an enlightened modern society. If we are to "connect" within this society, we must first adapt to the ideas of today's people. Therefore I introduce the ability to identify your kin What is kin? Kin is the ability to identify yourself as a multitude of objects other than human. Both inanimate and animate objects are applicable, however it is mostly accepted as animate. It is the ability to truly express yourself as who you really are. How to begin. We must introduce these ideas to our young robloxians before us, by showing them that NO object, no matter it's orientation or how it sees itself, are all the same and equal. We must know that our true childish thoughts must become reality. This brings me to the main list. Our first options would include first and foremost- -Plant-kin -Bread-kin -Dragon-kin -Saiyan-kin -Feline-kin This would bring Roblox to both an enlightened state, and a growing state. A growing state of knowledge, and the ability to advance forth into society, to leave behind our out-dated ways. In the end, I, and many others, would see this as a necessary implementation, as we must adapt, such as I said before, to our new society of people. God bless America!
#184974728Tuesday, March 08, 2016 5:47 AM GMT

well scoob it seems like we've been bamboozled again -Sabaist 2016 lmao Sincerely ~ DominatorBuilder

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