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#185017399Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:54 AM GMT

I am curious OT, tell me what was it like for you during the Great Recession?
#185017455Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:55 AM GMT

Looks like not many OTers remember it since they were so young...
#185017521Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:56 AM GMT

Hold on....... . . . .... Germany Deutschland Über Alles! [Roberate got a 7 dayer]
#185017530Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:56 AM GMT

So seriously... Everyone on OT has no memory of growing up during the Great Recession of 2007-2009?
#185017574Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:57 AM GMT

It was fine, we starved every once in a while. Wasn't that bad. Vote El Presidente, or else. http://www.roblox.com/Satisfied-item?id=377910089
#185017597Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:57 AM GMT

i was in russia. #code print(robux0 tix16) --im bankrupt
#185017646Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:58 AM GMT

I had it worse, I starved and we never went on vacations and I never really had much left for me financially in fact I never had healthcare since it was taken from me. My mom had her home threaten for foreclosure after she bought it.
#185017663Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:58 AM GMT

If you are talking about 2008/2009, my father lost his job for a few years since he works in a specialized field. In the meantime we couldn't even go to the local doctors since we didn't have insurance even though we had the raw cash. It also stopped me from getting braces when I needed them. My dad had to give up all of his retirement savings until he got hired again. Thankfully my father's field is specialized and he has been making the money back quickly (My family is one of those in the top 5 percent in terms of income.) And my parents had invested smartly beforehand so we didn't go in debt. ~David
#185017679Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:59 AM GMT

We managed. I was a preteen at the time so I didn't know too much about it, but I did know money was tight.
#185017710Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:59 AM GMT

I was turned into a pizza, fed to zombie-lobsters, and then sold as a lucky-charm by Lowtax's goon army of DOOM.
#185017722Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:59 AM GMT

At Money Matters, we’re all about you. When you work with us, you’ll get more than typical financial planning. You’ll get personalized service from experienced professionals who’ll meet with you one-on one to make this process easier on you. You’ll get your own “watchdog,” who will work hard to keep you up-to-date on the current market, and keep your portfolio in shape. We’ll analyze your retirement needs and recommend strategies that are intended to help you maintain your preferred standard of living. We’ll assist you with Family Wealth Planning and beneficiary designation, answer questions regarding when to retire and provide financial educational opportunities. Why do we go the extra mile? Because we want you to have the retirement you deserve.
#185017744Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:59 AM GMT

i was fine tbh, nothing serious. Deutschland Über Alles! [Roberate got a 7 dayer]
#185017776Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:00 AM GMT

@Mut Well it was far worse for me since I had a single mother who was unmarried. My dad didnt gave crap for me and never paid for child support. My mom got unemployed and used up all her saved money for herself and saved money for me to try and pay the housing mortgage of our former house.
#185017790Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:00 AM GMT

"and then sold as a lucky-charm by Lowtax's goon army of DOOM." We do not forgive.
#185017858Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:01 AM GMT

And to this very day, I can tell over 50% of Americans who grew up during the Great Recession, will never get the American Dream.
#185017909Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:02 AM GMT

"And to this very day, I can tell over 50% of Americans who grew up during the Great Recession, will never get the American Dream." my parents used my college fund for money during that time
#185017942Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:02 AM GMT

what makes it 'great' in any way recessions happen it's normal 🌶
#185017967Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:03 AM GMT

"my parents used my college fund for money during that time" My mother did the same thing...
#185017992Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:03 AM GMT

"And to this very day, I can tell over 50% of Americans who grew up during the Great Recession, will never get the American Dream. " The American Dream hasn't been attainable for most families since the 70s.
#185017996Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:03 AM GMT

i... don't know tbh did it affect russia #code print(robux0 tix16) --im bankrupt
#185018038Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:04 AM GMT

@no did russia turn you into a commie??? Deutschland Über Alles! [Roberate got a 7 dayer]
#185018040Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:04 AM GMT

China, Poland, Russia and Australia were one of many nations unaffected by it.
#185018072Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:04 AM GMT

"i... don't know tbh did it affect russia" russia has its own problems not related to any recession... 🌶
#185018099Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:04 AM GMT

@Slender Germany and most of Europe, especially Greece were hit hard by it.
#185018234Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:06 AM GMT

Meh, lesson to learn folks. Whenever there is a economic boom, there will be eventually an economic bad time as the result.

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