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#185025606Wednesday, March 09, 2016 5:25 AM GMT

your argument is against the integrity of a small group of people, namely seviro, rather than the merit of his actions
#185025637Wednesday, March 09, 2016 5:26 AM GMT

Actually I was arguing exactly over Seviro's merits, seeing as how he was a hypocrite to make a decision like that
#185025772Wednesday, March 09, 2016 5:29 AM GMT

an argument relating to a person's hypocrisy rather than the subject matter is ad-hominem you are wrong and you are using trolling as an excuse to save face
#185025802Wednesday, March 09, 2016 5:30 AM GMT

WannaBet you act like I am calling you stupid just to save face, probably because you don't want to face the fact that I'm actually calling you stupid because you're stupid
#185026068Wednesday, March 09, 2016 5:38 AM GMT

and you were proven wrong so you've deduced to trolling to make it look as if you never meant what you said
#185026165Wednesday, March 09, 2016 5:41 AM GMT

Opinions are opinions
#185027536Wednesday, March 09, 2016 6:21 AM GMT

"therefore, the new leader almost always has complete control" Ummmm, all clans on roblox are some form of dictatorship whether you like it or not. There is always a monarch/dictator whether there be a council or other system underneath. When you pass ownership, you are giving up all rights and proper say in what the future of the clan is, and if you complain then you are a moron. The new leader does NOT have "almost" complete control or say in where the clan goes. The new leader has ultimate power and say in all activity of the clan, and will therefore from that point on have complete control of the clan and its future. Don't give a clan away if you still want to have a say. If you want some control but don't want to manage it, treat it like a business. You are the owner, make a rank for the manager who essentially runs the clan and go from there.
#192986509Wednesday, July 06, 2016 10:58 PM GMT

#192986582Wednesday, July 06, 2016 11:00 PM GMT

#192987117Wednesday, July 06, 2016 11:08 PM GMT

This thread entertains me to no end. Popcorn anyone?
#193007514Thursday, July 07, 2016 3:51 AM GMT

raethyr what an idiot tbh

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