#185064981Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:52 AM GMT

And now I'm going to do what I previously said and stop trying to debate out this, because you have no knowledge about medical issues. You could literally talk to a group of doctors and call them all idiots because they disagree with you. - your friendly neighborhood medical nerd
#185065008Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:53 AM GMT

@Unintelligent How so?
#185065090Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:55 AM GMT

@Z00 When you go to a doctor for physical problems they will simply and use scans to identify the problem they dont want to know about how you behave
#185065159Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:56 AM GMT

@people disagreeing with op you prove his point, whether you intend to or not. the end.
#185065281Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:58 AM GMT

@Slydexia +1
#185065294Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:58 AM GMT

#185065335Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:59 AM GMT

at least that's what he said
#185065378Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:00 AM GMT

@Rudy What?
#185065413Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:00 AM GMT

sly, that doesn't even begin to make sense you, too, are a walnut - your friendly neighborhood medical nerd
#185065455Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:01 AM GMT

@Z00 Clearly you cant read.
#185065506Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:02 AM GMT

never thought of it this way before interesting
#185065673Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:04 AM GMT

"that doesn't even begin to make sense" it doesn't make sense to you because you refuse to see anything past what you think is objectively right. i'd ask you to be open minded but i don't know if you even have one. "you, too, are a walnut" you're a peanut. because lots of people seem to be allergic to you
#185065677Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:04 AM GMT

Somethin' screwy with schools these days ...y'all still walnuts - your friendly neighborhood medical nerd
#185065709Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:04 AM GMT

@Z00 Your the walnut here, bud.
#185065814Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:06 AM GMT

ok let me wrap it up one more time FOR GOODNESS SAKE I'LL USE CAPS TOO SO CHECK THIS OUT DOCTORS ARE HIGHLY TRAINED DOCTORS KNOW A LOT OF CRAP DOCTORS DO NOT NEED TO READ A TEST TO KNOW SOMETHING DOCTORS CAN DIAGNOSE AN ISSUE WITHOUT A TEST, BOTH MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY IF YOU SAY OTHERWISE, YOU'RE A DUMBO OBVIOUSLY, MINOR CRAP LIKE ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT IS NOT A MENTAL ILLNESS SCHIZOPHRENIA IS EASY TO SEE AS A MENTAL ILLNESS HOWEVER, IT IS NOT EASILY TESTABLE HOW DO YOU WALNUTS NOT UNDERSTAND THIS @sly yes I have an open mind, so go ahead and provide evidence that mental illnesses can be easily and undeniably proven, and I will refute my claim and admit that I was wrong and had a bad source of knowledge for psychological issues. - your friendly neighborhood medical nerd
#185065911Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:08 AM GMT

@Z00 Listen you idiot, a mental illness cannot be diagnosed through suspicion alone they need to do tests on your brain in order to determine if you are mentally ill or not, if they dont do this then they cannot diagnose you with a mental illness.
#185065997Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:09 AM GMT

"Z007", I would suggest remaining calm. You are simply debating with arbitrary strangers over the Internet. Though I admit that I am concerned by your seemingly-excessive reliance on "doctors", I certainly agree with your proposition that medical professionals are quite qualified in scientific analysis of mental illnesses.
#185066067Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:10 AM GMT

@z007 r e a d t h e o r i g i n a l p o s t b e c a u s e y o u a r e t r y i n g t o a r g u e t h e w r o n g t h i n g
#185066127Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:11 AM GMT

Saying that doctors can simple determine if you are mentally ill or not through examining behaviour or just by looking at you is like saying that the bible is proof that god exsists. [And just to let you all know im not an atheist]
#185066176Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:11 AM GMT

holy freaking crap Cite your source. Tell me where it says that observation cannot allow for medical diagnosis of mental issues. "Mental health professionals evaluate symptoms to make a diagnosis of mental illness. They rely on the criteria specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV; currently, the fourth edition), published by the American Psychiatric Association, to diagnose a specific mental illness.5 For each mental illness, the DSM-IV gives a general description of the disorder and a list of typical symptoms. Mental health professionals refer to the DSM-IV to confirm that the symptoms a patient exhibits match those of a specific mental illness. Although the DSM-IV provides valuable information that helps mental health professionals diagnose mental illness, these professionals realize that it is important to observe patients over a period of time to understand the individual's mental illness and its effects on his or her life." (Bethesda) - your friendly neighborhood medical nerd
#185066178Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:11 AM GMT

simply determine*
#185066319Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:13 AM GMT

@Z00 Oh my this is like speaking to a brick wall, i could pick a "mental illness" out of the DSM and act out the symptoms that doesnt mean i am mentally ill, because a mental illness is not a behaviour or a misbehaviour it is a problem within your brain.
#185066408Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:14 AM GMT

@Sly I already argued about the original post, saying that medical knowledge and standards have been raised greatly over the past 100-200 years, and that none of the "issues" at the bottom of the post are actually considered to be medical issues, therefore rendering practically half of that post useless. Also, by indicating the fact that doctors can infact diagnose issues without tests, it shows that it's not a bullcrap science. @anon yeah I can't control myself after two pages of saying the same thing (but also, I realize that doctors misdiagnose a pretty decent amount - especially with ADD/ADHD) - your friendly neighborhood medical nerd
#185066467Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:15 AM GMT

And now you just proved my point that you could call a doctor an idiot. I cited my source from an MD. Cite your sources from an MD saying that observation does not allow for diagnosis, and I will continue this conversation. you're the close minded one here. - your friendly neighborhood medical nerd
#185066528Thursday, March 10, 2016 2:16 AM GMT

@Z00 They cant diagnose mental illnesses with tests, thats what makes 90 percent of the DSM complete and utter bullcrap. BECAUSE A MENTAL ILLNESS IS A PROBLEM WITHIN YOUR BRAIN, LIKE I HAVE SAID 100 TIMES IF THEY DO NOT DO ANY TESTS ON YOUR BRAIN, THEY CANNOT DETERMINE IF IT IS A MENTAL ILLNESS.