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#185103729Thursday, March 10, 2016 10:23 PM GMT

Over the past few months, I have constantly been accused of being a troll by members of the Atheists of Roblox group. Recently, they think they have found out what my main account is. I am accused of being the now former admin nickzone22. He was suspended because of it. If this were another admin who was more lulzy about it, I'd play along and continue to pretend to be them. But nickzone never does anything in AoR and might not even know he is in the group. This post will contain my response to any 'evidence' faux detectives Puffmaster98 and tooty58 think they have against me. But before that, I would like to give tooty58 a shoutout. He does this for free and takes his job very seriously. <--- that's a meme, look it up. I quite enjoy it. "well i've long suspected hanz was an admin and I got bored so I began to investigate it starting with you and toshi. i quickly came to the conclusion that it wasn't any active admin. then i moved on to admins who are active on roblox but not in the group. i saw that hanz's and nick's log out times are pretty much always within 5 minutes of eachother." I hate to start this off this way, but I really don't have too great of a response to this. All I can say is that I know for a fact it was a coincidence because I know for a fact I am not nickzone. Plus, Puff didn’t even bother to take screenshots of this, so how can we even know it’s true? “then i posted on the wall that i was infiltrating the muslim group and within minutes hanz was exposing me on the muslim wall. how could he know what i'm posting on the atheist wall if he's suspended?” BECAUSE ALL I HAVE TO DO TO SEE THE WALL IS LOG OUT, YOU DINGUS! Seriously, non-members can see the wall, but suspended members cannot. I also have other accounts in the group, and nickzone22 is not one of them. “well, nickzone was online at the time so there was another flag.” A ton of people were probably online at the time, is this even a serious point? “then today i decided to do a websearch on "nickzone22" and found his youtube channel about "star wars battlefront" (he likes starwars = hanzsolo)” Almost everyone likes Star Wars! And I’m not even that much of a fan. Who doesn’t know who hanzsolo is? “and he said in a video he was a comedian or something so he must be getting a kick out of trolling the wall.” Great, now everyone who is a comedian is me. Is this for real? “and to top it off i think I pressured him into screaming "I'M NICKZONE22" all over the muslim wall” I’ve said I was multiple people in the past. I guess I did this at the wrong time. Hell, I’ve said I was YOU, Puff. “also i had a dialogue in pms going with him for the last few days and you can see that if you want.” Be my guest. http://pastebin.com/wLjNGTs2 Why would I come to you to help me back in if I could just unsuspend myself? And nickzone wasn’t even my first choice. Gerov was. “As for what I think confirmed all that, yesterday I noticed Hanz was back on the wall, so, curious, I checked the audit log. Sure enough, nickzone had let him in” That’s because both Puff and I messaged him. I don’t know if Puff really did, and if he did it before me, but here is an image of the message I sent nickzone. https://gyazo.com/7e264f98dd2e3f32138978ceedb75bdf Check the time of that and when the audit log says he unsuspended me. I did this because he was an inactive admin who probably didn’t know whom I was. I did the same thing with prog earlier, except he unsuspended me instead of accepting me back in, which is way more suspicious, isn’t it? I even had to add nick to my friends list so I could message him, which is why he is there. “and looking back further bad unsuspended him multiple times in the past.” You should post screenshots of this because I disagree. I know each time I was suspended and unsuspended, and by whom. I don’t know who has accepted my join requests though. Here’s my history with AoR on each account. 1. hanzsolo17 – join request accepted by [UNKNOWN] 2. hanzsolo17 – account deleted by roblox admins 3. hanzsolo18 – join request accepted by [UNKNOWN] 4. hanzsolo18 – suspended by kir123 5. hanzsolo19 – join request accepted by [UNKNOWN] 6. hanzsolo19 – suspended by Toshi4539 7. hanzsolo20 – join request declined by [UNKNOWN] 8. hanzsolo21 – join request accepted by Toshi4539 9. hanzsolo18 – unsuspended by Toshi4539 10. hanzsolo19 – unsuspended by Toshi4539 11. hanzsolo18 – suspended by tooty58 12. hanzsolo21 – suspended by tooty58 13. hanzsolo19 – suspended by tooty58 14. hanzsolo18 – unsuspended by progatician 15. hanzsolo18 – suspended by tooty58 16. hanzsolo20 – join request accepted by nickzone22 17. hanzsolo20 – suspended by tooty58 18. hanzsolo22 – join request declined by [UNKNOWN] There it is. I might have got some things out of order, but I’m sure I’m right. The first two unknown ones were before I was first suspended. The next one after that was months later, and the only reason it was accepted was probably because I still wasn’t very known yet and off the radar. If any of them were nick, he was probably just doing his job as an admin and accepting join requests. But I doubt any of them were. I’ve sent nickzone a message too. He hasn’t responded yet. He hasn’t even logged on since 3pm yesterday, which was a few hours before I pmed him. So, there you have it folks. My response. To anyone reading this, please send tooty58 a message in support of me being unsuspended from AoR. It’d be a great help. I’d also like to repeat that I do not care about this nickzone guy or whether or not he is an admin or suspended. I simply did this to wipe that smug smile off Puff’s face. I appreciate the detective work, but you have a long way to go. One more thing, my grammar is too good for a squeaker. Huge insult there…
#211622034Friday, March 10, 2017 2:17 AM GMT

good thread

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