#186695112Monday, April 04, 2016 12:06 AM GMT

Oh, so there's a pit beneath me? I guess I ought to kick the spider that I attacked down into the pit below. Maybe I'll say something witty as well, like "I said that we could just step on them, didn't I?" (I don't have time to respond to Lesser Heir but I'll do it after school.)
#186695825Monday, April 04, 2016 12:16 AM GMT

(You're at the top of the mineshaft, adn the catwalk spirals down to the bottom, yeah.) You kick the God-forsaken creature off the edge of the catwalk. The mass of spiders at the bottom surges upwards, climbing the walls and catwalks. A section of scaffolding on the other side of the shaft buckles under the weight, taking a mass of spiders down with it, crushing some, but most claw their way out of the wreckage. Suddenly, an object of some sort flies out from the tunnel you entered from, and lands on the wreckage, birsting in to flame. You turn, and the two men from the Tavern have arrived, in weapons and armor, along with a woman clad in layered clothing, and holding a bottle containing a faintly orange substance.
#186719723Monday, April 04, 2016 9:01 AM GMT

I assume an offensive stance and stab at the next spider in front of me. I'll allow them to say the first words in any dialogue that ensues; until then, I'll just keep fighting my way through the spiders.
#186728050Monday, April 04, 2016 2:24 PM GMT

The two you met in the Tavern step ast the others to your side. The Woman continues throwing the Fire Bottles, carrying a stock of them in a paiur of large cloth satchels. You lunge at the next spider, falling short and scraping it's namdibles as your sword passes under it's belly. Seeing your chance, you lift your sword with a heave, and toss the spider into the pit. Jon, the second man from the Tavern speaks up as he fends off a spider. "Couldn't 'a waited, huh?"
#186728195Monday, April 04, 2016 2:27 PM GMT

"I thought you were miners that worked here hiring me because you wanted to not die; if I'd've known that you were also warriors I would've waited," I say truthfully, stabbing at the next spider.
#186728714Monday, April 04, 2016 2:41 PM GMT

"Warriors, he says! We'd be outta work if the mine got sealed, and we told you we were going to the smith to rent."
#186729052Monday, April 04, 2016 2:51 PM GMT

(Sorry, that was my fault; I slept six hours this morning because D&D and I've been up for the past 16. It's hard to focus on dialogue when I'm this tired.) I stab at the next spider, I guess.
#186735052Monday, April 04, 2016 4:54 PM GMT

With a quick downward slash, you take off several legs on the spider's left side, leaving it scittering on the catwalk.
#186764057Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:10 AM GMT

(Can we please void the first thing that I said about them being trained warriors? I was really tired last night when I wrote that and I forgot that they said that they were going to the blacksmith - something that my character would probably not forget so easily.) "So, who're you?" I ask the woman who had the orange liquid that was being thrown at the spiders. Unless I recognize her as well (please tell me if that's the case), in which case I just hack at another spider.
#186767853Tuesday, April 05, 2016 1:01 AM GMT

(Yeah sure. A d no, she's new, sort of.) The woman pitches another bottle before responding. "Kathlynn, the Apothecary. These two asked if I knew anything about fire. Had a crate of these left over from some infestation so e time ago."
#186786344Tuesday, April 05, 2016 7:58 AM GMT

"Pleased to meet you, Kathlynn," I say, as I hack at the next spider. How many more of these things are there?
#186792355Tuesday, April 05, 2016 1:24 PM GMT

The Fire Bottles have done their work, leaving about three quarters of the spiders in flames. The rest, you recko about a dozen, begin to flee towards the bottom of the mineshaft, save for those immediately engaged by the men. A swipe at the next spider strikes it firmly on the thorax splitting open it's carapace. The creature panics, and pushes the crippled spider off of the edge, before shuffling in place a bit.
#186792390Tuesday, April 05, 2016 1:25 PM GMT

If there are no spiders directly in front of me, I'll chase the ones that are fleeing down the mineshaft. If there's another one in front of me, I'll stab at it. How's the formation of miners to my sides holding up?
#186793448Tuesday, April 05, 2016 1:59 PM GMT

The Miners are finishing off the last of the spiders climbing the side of the catwalk. The small wisps of smoke from the fire bottles are beginning to add up. It's not dangerous yet, but there's a layer of smok clinging to the ceiling. With the last of the spiders fleeing, hopefully through the hole they emerged from, the Miners catch their breath, looking about the partially wrecked mine.
#186793882Tuesday, April 05, 2016 2:13 PM GMT

"Can you put out these fires easily?" I ask Kathlynn, as I begin to be concerned that the fires will be more of a threat than the spiders.
#186794178Tuesday, April 05, 2016 2:22 PM GMT

"I have something for that. I'm worried about these catwalks though, especially with the section over there collapsing."
#186846117Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:12 AM GMT

"Then we'd better hurry up, eh?" I say, hoping to not get burned alive now that most of the spiders are gone.
#186852684Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:20 PM GMT

You lead the group of miners down the catwalk towards the bottom. One of the men stays at the top entrance. The Apothecary extinguishes many of the fires with pale-colored mixture, that disperses into smoke when it breaks, smothing the flames. The group, carefully lowers themselves down the collapsed section, avoided the still-hot embers over some sections of it.at the bottom, the other gravitate towards a new looking tunnel. A short ways in, you see a partially collapsed wall, anything beyond it cloaked in darkness.
#186852733Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:22 PM GMT

"Does anyone have a torch?" I ask.
#186852780Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:24 PM GMT

One of the men pulls a torch from the wall, and reloghts it in the embers of the collapses scaffold. Several of the others take up pieces of the scaffold and light them at an end.
#186853159Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:37 PM GMT

Now that there's light, I guess I ought to keep moving forward.
#186853559Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:50 PM GMT

You take up on of the makeshift torches, and approach the breach. At it's mouth, you toss your torch in, illuminated a patch of stone floor. A faint skittering echoes about inside. At the noise, one of the miners shifts in his shoes, speaking up. "Maybe we ought 'ta seal it up?"
#186853818Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:59 PM GMT

"There can't be many more left; I reckon that we press forward and finish what we're starting here."
#186854331Wednesday, April 06, 2016 2:17 PM GMT

"... Yeah, I s'ppose we wouldn't want to break through a second time."
#186854465Wednesday, April 06, 2016 2:21 PM GMT

Reassuming my offensive stance, I walk in the direction of where I heard the scuttling sound. "Come out and fight us, you eight-legged bastards!" I shout, hoping that the spiders could do half of the job of us finding and killing them and just find themselves for us.