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#185198997Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:35 PM GMT

It better be good, too. "why would RT be removed?" Because there's no reason for its existence. Ever since ATR was made, it became a 2nd OT. There was a point to this subforum long ago, and now, it's completely useless. Just a waste of time and space, literally. "The mods wouldn't do that!" They've already had a meeting about it, but since there was so much outcry about the decision, they decided to keep it. "That proves that there is a culture in this subforum that cares about it!" Was. There 'was' a culture behind it. Now all of the people who used to forum here are gone, seriously. And with them, money is lost as well. Some of them had BC which they will never renew now, so that argument is seriously useless from a specific financial standpoint. Anything else? Or can we all decide that this subforum is useless and needs to go?
#185199020Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:36 PM GMT

RT shouldn't be removed because science.
#185199129Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:38 PM GMT

RT shouldn't be removed because science. [2]
#185199164Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:39 PM GMT

some threads related to Roblox pop up from time to time.. Ding-Ding-Ding! Give OP a prize!
#185199188Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:39 PM GMT

RT and OT should just be merged
#185199248Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:40 PM GMT

"RT shouldn't be removed because science" Stop. "RT and OT should just be merged" This is acceptable too.
#185199287Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:41 PM GMT

RT and OT are very different RT can have some off topic posts sure but its manly for more relaxed posts about roblox unlike ATR where everything is purely about roblox Sorry but viewing this siggy is a BC only feature
#185199313Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:41 PM GMT

Dont tell me to stop!
#185199393Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:43 PM GMT

There would be more of a spam in off topic. It's good to have spread out forums in order to moderate more threads.
#185199438Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:44 PM GMT

you complained about people complaining about RT, telling them to "shut up; standing for RT, yet now youre advocating for its removal lol....
#185199694Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:49 PM GMT

"There would be more of a spam in off topic. It's good to have spread out forums in order to moderate more threads. " What? How does spreading the forum out help moderators? If it were merged, then they would just need to stay on one page. "you complained about people complaining about RT, telling them to "shut up; standing for RT, yet now youre advocating for its removal lol...." This thread and the previous one are not related. Also, it's not relevant to what I asked in the topic sentence.
#185199841Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:52 PM GMT

when did the mods have a meeting i know they tried to rename it to random talk but
#185199928Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:53 PM GMT

because it has a certain/particular community of people. imo, thats like saying "lets just get rid of monaco. its small, only a few people live there." thats gonna outrage a bunch of ppl u know what i mean ?
#185199964Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:54 PM GMT

Um theyre relevant, you cant be flipflopping your position.
#185200434Saturday, March 12, 2016 7:02 PM GMT

"when did the mods have a meeting" It was in one of MrDoomBringer's posts, I will have to find it. "thats gonna outrage a bunch of ppl u know what i mean ?" Yeah, but after the panic, will anyone really care? There have been multiple times when the public of ROBLOX has been outraged, but every time since then they forget about it and move to other things. They're teens, their attention span isn't the greatest. "Um theyre relevant, you cant be flipflopping your position." I didn't. I explained how people whine about RT now being as good as it used to be, and as a possible solution, I suggested that RT be removed or merged. That isn't "flipflopping" my position.
#185201584Saturday, March 12, 2016 7:22 PM GMT

One person's opinion isn't gonna remove RT.
Forum Moderator
#185201607Saturday, March 12, 2016 7:23 PM GMT

Because I said so.
#185202163Saturday, March 12, 2016 7:32 PM GMT

it should've been merged with ot during a sub-forum reshuffle that happened sometime in 2014
#185211508Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:01 PM GMT

"Because I said so." Why? Isn't it literally a waste of time, and wouldn't it be better just to merge two of the subforums?
#185211648Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:03 PM GMT

To be honest, this subforum doesn't have to be removed. It's fine as it is right now. // GFX Designer: www.lunavesania.deviantart.com | hi, i am a cat, and my naim is ruca~
#185211830Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:08 PM GMT

the admin has spoken go away OP We're gonna be rich!
#185211875Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:09 PM GMT

#185211907Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

I kind of agree with OP.
#185211951Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:11 PM GMT

"the admin has spoken go away op" The admin used an answer that I do not find acceptable. His argument is fallacious; he used an appeal to authority without any explanation.
#185212316Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:18 PM GMT

"I kind of agree with OP." Why wouldn't you? It's not like anyone has said anything that has put my argument into question yet.

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