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#185388692Tuesday, March 15, 2016 7:49 PM GMT

Obviously this has nothing to do with simplicity, since roblox has started profiting from BC's they have made it more appealing to users to use their money to purchase BC, TBC, and OBC to unlock the whole experience leaving NBC with only a daily reward of 10 tix. It is true most games feed off of purchases of game passes, but like in real economics; that will kill off any learning developers leaving them with no aspiration and reward to the increasing amount of traffic for their game, which games should not have to heavily rely off of someone buying a gamepass. No income for anyone but developers = no robux for anyone but the big time developers. This is a very greedy thing. This benefits the big-time developers, and roblox. Now that the only way you can get robux is a daily log in via BC this eliminates NBC from essentially anything but playing a game.. which would mean a "Guest" is now pointless with new in chat features, expect that to be the next thing to go. Now also since NBC wont have access to ANY currency, they most likely will have a difficult time purchasing user designed clothing, which leaves us to also; BC only being able to design clothing. You are cutting off the Clothing Businesses of roblox by eliminating the option of NBC being able to buy clothing. Again this change is only going to profit roblox and developers. Leaving NBC in the ditch once again. I will be creating a roblox charity to donate robux and such to the NBC until they decide that NBC can not have group payouts, which will ultimately leave the NBC helpless, many users will quit. But surely the BC wont, leaving roblox with either a steady or increase amount of profits. Thus, this change is only for the profit of Roblox, once again.. Thank you for leaving the NBC hopeless and taking away what they have, Sincerely your TBC friend Ethelene. (PS Excuse my grammar.)
#185388923Tuesday, March 15, 2016 7:52 PM GMT

For one, learn to paragraph. That was painfully hard to read through. Two, it's for the better. They're simplifying things. They're making is super easy to earn Robux, instead of just log in every day for Tix. Three, they're giving NBC TONS of free stuff, and it's very likely the things that cost TIX are going to be made free as well. Please, stop complaining. NBCs are going to still have all their freedoms that they had before.
#185389072Tuesday, March 15, 2016 7:53 PM GMT

it's a free game stop whining about people that come to website for free and play games for free not getting the same benefits as paying users
#185389616Tuesday, March 15, 2016 7:59 PM GMT

Again, Excuse my grammar this was a C+P from the comment I made on the blog post.
#185391130Tuesday, March 15, 2016 8:16 PM GMT

[Joke about great wall of China stumped by Trump]
#185391181Tuesday, March 15, 2016 8:17 PM GMT

Lets be honest here, Roblox has never really listened to their fanbase anyways. I was there when they set the base selling point for clothing at 100 tix(or 10 robux), there were massive protest threads, started by some of the biggest clothing developers at the time. Do you think Roblox even begun to heed them? No. You see, as Roblox grows among younger kids who do not really pay attention to these sorts of things, the more they can get away with things like this. The majority of older players are gone now, most of my friends from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 have all quit. Most of the playerbase are 8-10 year olds who will beg their parents to get them BC to get those cool things they can't get normally anymore. Free users are having less be available to them than ever, and while I suppose its a good business move. Its just shady to do that in what is mostly a kids game.

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